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Information structuring in English dialogue class 4

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Presentation on theme: "Information structuring in English dialogue class 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information structuring in English dialogue class 4
Prosody Information structuring in English dialogue class 4

2 Prosody in dialogues Stress, Intonation, Phrasing
Physiological production Function Acoustic properties (phonetic correlates)

3 Intonation Physiology: Pitch height
Acoustic correlate: F0 (fundamental frequency Function: grammatical, structuring, emotion

4 Transcription of intonation
ToBI Pitch accents H*, L*, L*+H, !H* Last pitch accent=nucleus boundary tones H% L% H* !H* H* H*L%

5 Stress Physiology: air pressure
Acoustic correlate: high intensity, high pitch, longer duration Function: accents, focus Transcription: ba‘nana

6 Phrasing Physiology of phrase boundary: silence
Acoustic correlates: pause, pre-pausal lengthening, pre-pausal nucleus, anacrusis Function: information structuring Transcription: Anna liebt | Peter aber nicht

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