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Periodic Table of Elements. Element An element is a substance that is made up of ONE kind of atom only. e.g. Carbon.

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Table of Elements. Element An element is a substance that is made up of ONE kind of atom only. e.g. Carbon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Table of Elements

2 Element An element is a substance that is made up of ONE kind of atom only. e.g. Carbon

3 An atom is made up of : ___________________ ________________

4 Protons Are small __________ charged particles found in the _______ of an atom. + ve

5 Neutrons Are small particles with _________ found in the _______ of an atom.

6 Electrons Are very tiny ___________charged particles that move ___________________ of an atom. - ve


8 Element Each element has its own symbol made up of one or two letters. There are approximately 110 different known elements.

9 Element The first letter is always a CAPITAL letter. If there is a second letter it is always a SMALL letter.

10 The Periodic Table of Elements All 110 elements can be arranged in a table that shows the relationships between the different elements.

11 The Periodic Table of Elements Each element is arranged according to its ______ ________.

12 Atomic Number Each element of the periodic table has its own atomic number. The atomic number is equal to the _________________ in the nucleus of the atom.

13 H 1 Hydrogen 1 He 2 Helium 2 Li 3 Lithium 2. 1 Be 4 Beryllium 2. 2 B 5 Boron 2.3 C 6 Carbon 2.4 N 7 Nitrogen 2.5 O 8 Oxygen 2 6 F 9 Fluorine 2.7 Ne 10 Neon 2.8 Na 11 Sodium 2. 8. 1 Mg 12 Magnesium 2. 8. 2 Al 13 Aluminium 2. 8. 3 Si 14 Silicon 2. 8. 4 P 15 Phosphorus 2.8. 5 S 16 Sulfur 2. 8. 6 Cl 17 Chlorine 2. 8. 7 Ar 18 Argon 2.8. 8 K 19 Potassium Ca 20 Calcium Periodic Table S 16 Sulfur 2. 8. 6 Atomic number name electron arrangement symbol KEY

14 Look at the next picture of the periodic table. Where are the metals found? Where are the non-metals found?

15 H 1 Hydrogen 1 He 2 Helium 2 Li 3 Lithium 2. 1 Be 4 Beryllium 2. 2 B 5 Boron 2.3 C 6 Carbon 2.4 N 7 Nitrogen 2.5 O 8 Oxygen 2 6 F 9 Fluorine 2.7 Ne 10 Neon 2.8 Na 11 Sodium 2. 8. 1 Mg 12 Magnesium 2. 8. 2 Al 13 Aluminium 2. 8. 3 Si 14 Silicon 2. 8. 4 P 15 Phosphorus 2.8. 5 S 16 Sulfur 2. 8. 6 Cl 17 Chlorine 2. 8. 7 Ar 18 Argon 2.8. 8 K 19 Potassium Ca 20 Calcium Periodic Table Metals Non- metals Special

16 Electron Arrangement The electrons are arranged around the nucleus of an atom in ______________.

17 The 1 st energy levels holds a maximum of : The 2 nd energy levels holds a maximum of : The 3 rd energy levels acts as if it is full when it has : electrons

18 i.e. Magnesium 2. 8. 2            Mg 1 st energy level 2 nd energy level 3 rd energy level Magnesium atomic no. 12 It has 12 protons & ___________.

19 Mass Number Each element has a different mass. Both protons and neutrons are given a mass of 1. Because electrons are so small we ignore their mass.

20 Mass Number The mass number of an atom = the ___ of the ________and the ________in the nucleus of an atom

21 Mass Number Mass Number = 11 + 12 11 protons 12 neutrons e.g. Sodium has = 23

22 Cl 35 17 The larger number is the MASS Number The smaller number is the ATOMIC Number Write down all the information that the box provides.

23 Cl 35 17 The element is _________. It has the symbol ___. It has an atomic no. of ___. It has ___ protons in its nucleus. It tells us :

24 Cl 35 17 It has __ electrons going around the nucleus. It has a mass number of ___. It has __ neutrons in its nucleus. The electron arrangement is __-__-__. It tells us :


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