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Elements - Names and Symbols n Hydrogen nHnH n Helium n He n Lithium n Li.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements - Names and Symbols n Hydrogen nHnH n Helium n He n Lithium n Li."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements - Names and Symbols n Hydrogen nHnH n Helium n He n Lithium n Li

2 Elements - Names and Symbols n Beryllium n Be n Boron nBnB n Carbon nCnC

3 Elements - Names and Symbols n Nitrogen nNnN n Oxygen nOnO n Fluorine nFnF

4 Elements - Names and Symbols n Neon n Ne n Sodium n Na n Magnesium n Mg

5 Elements - Names and Symbols n Aluminium n Al n Silicon n Si n Phosphorus nPnP

6 Elements - Names and Symbols n Sulphur nSnS n Chlorine n Cl n Argon n Ar

7 Elements - Names and Symbols n Potassium nKnK n Calcium n Ca n Scandium n Sc

8 Elements - Names and Symbols n Titanium n Ti n Vanadium n Va n Chromium n Cr

9 Elements - Names and Symbols n Manganese n Mn n Iron n Fe n Cobalt n Co

10 Elements - Names and Symbols n Nickel n Ni n Copper n Cu n Zinc n Zn

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