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Preparation of the body Intermediate 1/2 & Higher Physical Education.

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1 Preparation of the body Intermediate 1/2 & Higher Physical Education

2 Lesson Objectives Principles of Training Methods of Training Defining fartlek & interval training Benefits of fartlek & interval Recap Phases of Training Homework feedback Issue homework for Friday 6 th September (click here to view)(click here to view)

3 Principles of Training

4 Starter Task Match each of the descriptions below to the appropriate principle Principles of Training Specificity Frequency Intensity Duration Progressive Overload Reversibility Fitness will return to normal when if I stop training Making training more difficult as my performance improves How many times a week I train How many times I repeat the work Appropriate to my ability Suitable for the activity and my position Appropriate to my improving fitness level How hard I work % of maximum heart rate I work at Length of my rest interval Number of weeks my training programme lasts for How long I have to work for

5 Task Answer the questions below in your class jotter Specificity 1.How will you ensure your training is specific to your current fitness levels? 2.In what way is your chosen method of training specific to your position and the activity of football? Frequency 3.How many times a week will you train initially? 4.On what days will you train and why is this appropriate? Intensity 5.What information will you use to set your initial intensity? 6.If undertaking Fartlek training how will you ensure you are working at the correct intensity? Duration 7.How long will your training programme last? Progressive Overload 8.What could you do to investigate whether you need to progressively overload your training programme?

6 Methods of Training

7 Task 1 Read the following information regarding Methods of Training Intermediate 2 and Higher PE Course Notes pages 49-51 Intermediate 1 PE Course Notes pages 68-71 Task 2 Choose a method of training and feedback to the class (we will cover all methods, not just interval and fartlek) Methods of Training Continuous Training Fartlek Training Interval Training Circuit Training Weight Training

8 Defining a Methods of Training Definition v Description What’s the difference… Is there a difference… Which of the following is a definition and which is a description The place where one lives. A house or other dwelling. I live in a flat. It’s a tenement flat. My flat is on the second floor. It has ……… Also called: motorcar, automobile. A self propelled rod vehicle designed to carry passengers. I have a black Vauxhall Corsa. It’s 4 years old. Has a 1.2 engine. Is a rubbish car but, is better than Mr Kennedys

9 Definition of Methods of Training The term fartlek is Swedish for - ‘speed play.’ Fartlek training involves continuously working for a period of time. Within this time the intensity at which you works varies. Usually it involves continuously running with short sprint bursts followed by a slower recovery and then more continuous paced running. However any exercise which allows you to work at differing intensities can be used i.e. cycling, swimming Interval training involves working for a period of time or completing a set amount of work – resting - then working again. Any form of exercise that allows a work to rest ratio to be easily calculated can be used.

10 Benefits of Fartlek training... Develops aerobic fitness from continuous running and anaerobic fitness from short sprints. Fartlek can easily be progressively overloaded. Frequency– increases the number of sessions Duration – increase the time each run lasts for Intensity – take out some walks and jogs or take out jogs and add more sprints Fartlek is easily adaptable to suit: Your level of fitness Activity Position Example: a defender may have more walking and jogging with occasional sprints in comparison with a midfielder who would have more jogging and mid-paced running with occasional sprinting and walking. Easily linked to cardio training zone, so easy to monitor if you are working at the correct intensity by taking a pulse count

11 Benefits of Interval training... Allows you to work at a high intensity with limited fatigue occurring. Allowing you to complete large amounts of work that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Allows you to easily focus on a specific aspect of fitness i.e. Speed Endurance Interval training can be progressively overloaded by. Frequency- Increasing the number of sessions in a week - Increasing number of times you repeat a sprint (repetitions) Duration- Increasing the number of sets in your training session Intensity- Exercising harder by increasing the intensity of your runs or decreasing the rest intervals (Intensity). Interval training is easily adaptable to suit: Your level of fitness Activity Position Can easily be adapted to my position. By running at varying intensities and walking during my rest could ensure my work was game like.

12 Phases of Training

13 Preparation phase During the preparation phase general fitness work is followed by increasingly more specific fitness work. As you progress through the preparation phase there should be an increase in the intensity of your physical fitness work as the start of the competition phase approaches. As the start of the competition phase approaches, training should become more game like. The fitness work during the preparation phase should be specific to the nature of your activity and your role within the activity.

14 Competition Period During the competition period you maintain your physical fitness. Your aim is to ensure that you benefit from your pre-season training during the competitive phase of the season. Within the competitive period there may be particular competitions / fixtures of special importance. You will want to ‘peak’ for these competitions. In peaking for a special performance you fine tune your preparation with a special event or competition in mind. Part of your preparation will involved a period of ‘tapering down’ your training before hand to avoid fatigue.

15 Transition Period Following the competitive season (competition phase) you need a period of ‘active rest’ to avoid your fitness decreasing drastically. The transition period marks the divide between the end of the season and the start of the next seasons preparation phase. During the transition phase it is important to retain a good level of general fitness, while taking a definite rest from competitive activity.

16 Homework feedback Homework codes used in PE Excellent of the standard expected Satisfactory, some key content / information missing Unsatisfactory, not of the level required - REDO

17 Homework feedback Generally. But a high number of very disappointing after the positive start last week.. Some improvements required Use clear paragraphs. Using paragraphs will help you ensure you access all the marks available. Commonly missed out content Question 1: Question 2

18 Data Gathering General Data Introduction – data gathering within activity Explain video recording process i.e. video/90mins/teams similar ability Why this process was appropriate Describe time related observation schedule How was time related observation schedule completed Why was this an appropriate method What did the data gathered suggest Specific Data Introduction – specific data gathering out-with activity Why is it appropriate to assess out- with activity Describe the first standardised test you used. Why was this test appropriate Describe the second standardised test Why was this appropriate What did the specific data gathered tell you.

19 Homework Due – Monday 9 th SeptemberMUST BE SIGNED Higher / Intermediate 2 Question One Q.Describe in detail how you gathered data on your performance. Explain why the steps you took were considered appropriate. Question Two Structure for answer Definition of method of training Benefits of method of training Explanation of how you used method of training Q.Use the above structure to describe the method of training you are currently using to improve your physical fitness.

20 Homework Due – Monday 9 th SeptemberMUST BE SIGNED Intermediate 1 Question One Q.Describe in detail how you gathered data on your performance. Structure Name activity How did you gather general data in this activity How did you gather specific data outwith activity Question Two Q.Describe the method of training you are currently using to improve your physical fitness. Structure for answer Name the aspect of fitness you are working on Name the method of training you use Give a definition for the method of training Benefits of method of training Describe your training session – what do you do

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