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Intellectual Property Rights (Pirating). use or reproduce (another's work) for profit without permission, usually in contravention of patent or copyright.

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Presentation on theme: "Intellectual Property Rights (Pirating). use or reproduce (another's work) for profit without permission, usually in contravention of patent or copyright."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intellectual Property Rights (Pirating)

2 use or reproduce (another's work) for profit without permission, usually in contravention of patent or copyright. Piracy usually refers to the sale of unauthorized copies, without necessarily claiming that it is an authorized copy. For example, selling a recording of a movie made by someone sitting in a theater with a video camera is a type of piracy.

3 Pornography using the internet

4 sexually explicit content made available online in various formats including images, video files, video games and streaming video. For example going to websites and watching porn regardless of what age

5 Pyramiding scam using the internet

6 PyramidingPyramiding scam using the internet Pyramid scams promise that you can get rich very quickly Here is how the pyramid scam or pyramid scheme works: Person A joins the scam with the first payment. It generally start off with only one person. Person A recruits many other who has to make the payment to A. Person A gets paid by the others. The others that person A has recruited has to find new pepe and make them pay as well. All the other wjo join also pay a commission to person A If more people are recruited, the more money the people on the top level make there is a limited number of people who can join, it cannot go on and on people at the bottom level basically end up with nothing as the system collapses after some time Money is actually moved about instead of it being invested, therefore people stand to loose their money. The pyramid scheme looks very realistic yet complicated and it’s easy to tick people and tell them that they can make lots of money fast. The scammers go to great length to make the pyramid scheme loo realistic.

7 Gaming or lottery

8 Over 200 American lotteries were recorded between 1744 and the American Revolution. They played a significant part of US history for building roads, libraries, churches, bridges, colleges and other public works. But by 1900 all lotteries were ceased by Congress due to corruption and fraudulent activity. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that the lottery was legal again in an effort to raise money for state governments and taxes. Examples are: Casino, Bingo, Lotto, Swertres, Majong and etc.

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