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1. While in the desert, how many times is Jesus tempted and what are those temptations? 2. Who was the first disciple called? Which disciple seems to be.

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Presentation on theme: "1. While in the desert, how many times is Jesus tempted and what are those temptations? 2. Who was the first disciple called? Which disciple seems to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. While in the desert, how many times is Jesus tempted and what are those temptations? 2. Who was the first disciple called? Which disciple seems to be the “most involved?” (Same one) 3. Explain the role of Judas in the story. (Provide at least 3 details, one being how he identifies Jesus) 4. Who is Pilate? Explain his involvement in the passion story. 5. Describe the prediction which Jesus makes of Peter on the day of the trial. How does Peter respond? x. Describe the “behavior” of the criminals crucified with Jesus. (Provide details for both)

2 Assignment: You and a group of up to six must develop and “write” a graphic novel of the Jesus story. You must discuss and determine what scenes need to be included, determine how to present the graphics, what will be transmitted through the graphics and what through text, etc…then you must create a “book” which I can use with my CP classes. Pieces to include: Jesus’ “path” (obviously) Peter Denial of Jesus Judas 30 pieces of silver The number 3 (Notice just how much it comes up) The number 12.

3 BELOW IS A LIST OF EVENTS FROM THE JESUS STORY. AS A TABLE YOU MUST NARROW THE LIST FROM 31 ITEM S TO 8-12 OF THE MOST IMPORTANT TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF A CHRIST FIGURE. FIND THESE MOMENTS IN THE STORY, DISCUSS THEM, AND DETERMINE WHICH NEED TO BE KEPT IN ORDER TO ILLUSTRATE A CHRIST FIGURE AND TELL A COHERENT AND COMPLETE STORY OF JESUS.  Temptation in the desert:  Bread from Rocks  Jumping from the cliff  Ruler of the World  Calling of Disciples Peter  Calling of Levi  Parables  Healing of the Blind and Maimed  Jesus sends his followers to prepare the Last Supper  The Devil tempts Judas to betray Jesus  Jesus washes the feet of his followers.  Jesus predicts one of his followers will betray him.  Jesus “breaks” bread and wine.  Jesus tells Peter that Peter will deny him 3 times.  Jesus goes into the garden to pray.  His followers fall asleep while awaiting him there.  Judas comes with the authorities (the kiss)  Jesus is Questioned before Caiphas.  Peter denies knowing Jesus 3 times.  Questioning before Pilate.  The sentence of death  Jesus is taken to be crucified  Dividing Jesus’ possessions between the soldiers.  The Criminals on the cross.  Jesus dies.  Soldiers piece his side  Burial of Jesus  Judas’ fate  Jesus appears to the Marys  Jesus spends time with his followers

4 Make a list of the relevant “episodes” of the Jesus tale. Think of this as a check-list for a project to retell the story to another class. Once you have a list on your own. Compare this list to another student and begin filling in details that seem essential. Might be used to make you think of this story in a single word or phase.

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