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Region 4 Education Service Center

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Presentation on theme: "Region 4 Education Service Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Region 4 Education Service Center
Autism Supplement Susan Catlett, Ph.D Gail Cheramie, Ph.D Cissy Coleman M.Ed. Vickie Mitchell, Ed.D. Susan J. Sheridan, Ed.D Region 4 Education Service Center

2 Important Historical Information
1980’s - 1st autism supplement; Legislature directed TEA to form a focus group and provide guidance Impetus: To address parent concerns that schools did not provide adequate programs 1990s – Continued the supplement with minor revision of some items 2007 – New supplement with added strategies and expansion of the other areas; Same impetus as above Legislature again mandated TEA to form a group to review the supplement in light of new developments in the field of autism

3 Autism Supplement 2007: Implications
It does not: Mandate a specific intervention strategy Make our jobs easier Mandate a specific degree or credential It does: Require discussion and identification of intervention strategies Raise the bar for programming considerations Require qualified personnel and training

4 Autism Supplement: “Strategies”
Each of the 11 items is referred to as a strategy. A strategy is a careful plan or method. Thus the autism supplement identifies the methods/strategies we should be considering for educational programming In order to address supplement: Evaluate, Develop/Revise Goals/Objectives, Implement, Assess Progress

5 1. Extended Educational Programming
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) Extended educational programming for example: extended day and/or extended school year services, that consider the duration of programs/settings based on assessment of behavior, social skills, communication, academics, and self-help skills

6 1. Extended Educational Programming
Programming that continues beyond the school day (ESD) or school year (ESY) Instructional and directly related to current IEP objectives Determined by ARD committee based on data Addresses the “educational needs” of the student

7 Extended Educational Programming
Categories to consider for services: Communication Social Skills Behavior Academics Self-help Skills For each relevant category, determine skill level and whether recommended services and time are sufficient for the student to make progress

8 Extended Educational Programming Considerations
Extended School Day (ESD) Services after the regular school day Extended School Year (ESY) Summer Transition times (e.g., holidays)

9 Extended Educational Programming
Categories to consider for services: Communication Social Skills Behavior Academics Self-help Skills For each relevant category, determine skill level and whether recommended services and time are sufficient for the student to make progress Show data of progress on student beyond the school day

10 Extended School Day Data must support the need for services/strategies that extend beyond the regular school day Data must be collected on an on-going basis to document the student’s performance on each objective Analysis of the IEP and Progress is critical to determining the need for extended school day

11 Extended School Day Focus of Instruction for ESD
Goals and objectives that are currently addressed in the IEP IEP must be written in measurable terms with an objective system of data collection for objectives If not needed, then student is making reasonable progress with the current program in place… Its about whether the student can make adequate progress with current program. Is extended school day recommended? yes. Extending it for different activities not for just 3 hours a day but up to 5 hours.

12 Extended School Day: Example - Strategy Not Needed
An analysis of the IEP goals and objectives reveals that progress is being made on __/__ objectives, thus there is no need for extended school day services at this time. The IEP can be met through the regular school day; the current services and duration of services are sufficient for the student to make progress. Does not need ESD because already meeting requirements and making excellent progress. Do not jump to ESD right away do a little decision making. Look at program he is currently in. What kind of things to look at? Increasing speech decreasing speech, increasing special ed.

13 Extended School Day But what if…
New behaviors emerge that interfere with learning and development Behaviors increase in severity, duration or frequency Student is not making progress at a reasonable pace Student does not maintain skill level Then …

14 Extended School Day Consider meeting the needs within the school day with various options, for example: Differentiated teaching strategies General education tutoring Related services Decreasing student-to-staff ratio Increasing special education instruction, etc. Consider duration, intensity, and type of programming After option(s) implemented, review progress If there are still difficulties in making progress, extended school day may be considered

15 Extended School Day: Example - Strategy is Needed
An analysis of the IEP goals and objectives reveals that adequate progress is being made in the following IEP objectives: ________, _______, _______. There are ___ objectives in _____ which are not showing adequate progress and additional/other within-school-day services have been provided; thus, there is a need for additional instruction beyond the school day in this area. In order to add ________, extended school day services are recommended for: ______ weeks, _____ minutes per day. Extended may go on forever, if you do not determine objectives and what the students requirements and current status is, reviewing data is essential. The goal is to develop student as typical developing students (like all other students).

16 Extended School Day: Further Considerations
“ Best Practices” = minimum 25 hours per week for young students with ASD Implications for PPCD Additional time for critical areas of need Speech, Occupational, Physical Therapy Academics – e.g., tutoring Self-sufficiency, self-care (e.g., lunch) Communication skills Social skills Behavioral skills We are telling you that the articles indicate 3 hrs ext.

17 Extended Educational Programming
How to determine need for ESD/ESY: Progress on objectives Formal and informal evaluation Grades, benchmarks Levels of self-sufficiency Information from parents Levels of learning for certain skills (e.g., acquisition versus generalization) Progress Monitoring You are familiar with the data, the bottom line is monitoring the students progress.

18 Extended School Year ESY usually associated with regression-recoupment; not disability specific ESY: Can be justified without consideration of regression if Loss of acquired critical skill would be severe Loss of skill would result in harm to the student or others ESY is not a disability type but refers to all students. Regression Recoopment right? Wrong can be justified without R.R. This is an area that overlaps with another law. ESY is not a disability, the terms are from the document that you have to review. Traditionally, we said regression-recoupment, consider critical skills.

19 Extended School Year A skill is critical when the loss of that skill results or is expected to result in any of the following during the first 8 weeks of the next school year: Placement in a more restrictive setting Loss of acquired skills necessary for progress Less self-sufficiency/self-help skill areas Loss of access to community-based independent living skills instruction or environment provided by other sources Loss of access to on-the-job training, sheltered employment, or competitive employment Prediction statement not a present statement. Consider this only when this list is present in the first 8 weeks Loss of that skill results or is expected to result, a prediction statement not a projected statement. You may then be considering extended day services

20 Extended School Year Critical Skill Areas: Muscular control Mobility
Self-care Communication Social interaction Impulse control Without instruction there would be loss of critical skill areas for autism and critical need students.

21 Extended School Year For some students with an ASD, without instruction, loss of acquired skills in critical areas (e.g., communication, social interaction, behavior) is likely It is very likely that these students would need ESY services Services should be targeted to the areas of critical needs based on current IEP objectives Obviously, students would need extended services. Eight weeks is a long time to recoup something so, we think that it is difficult for a student to not have the advantage of ESY.

22 Extended School Year: Example - Strategy Not Needed
At this time _____ is making adequate progress in all critical areas. He has not shown any significant regression after school breaks. His family has plans for the summer that support his continued development in the critical areas.

23 Extended School Year: Example - Strategy is Needed
_____ requires continued instruction in the following critical areas; _____, ______, ______. Considering ____’s current functioning levels, these areas are likely to result in loss of skills. Specific objectives from the current IEP to address these areas include: _____, _____, ____. We think that ESY would look like that, current functioning would result in a loss of skills. Look at the forms from a different light many districts are different. Covered number 10 and number 1.

24 2. Daily Schedules Definition (Rules-Guidance Table)
Daily schedules reflecting minimal unstructured time and active engagement in learning activities, for example: lunch, snack, and recess periods that provide flexibility within routines, adapt to individual skill levels, and assist with schedule changes, such as changes involving substitute teachers and pep rallies 24

25 2. Daily Schedules Minimal unstructured time means that IEP goals and objectives are being addressed throughout the day and across settings Student remains meaningfully engaged throughout the majority of the school day It must begin the minute the student arrives and end the minute he/she leaves Time increments should be small Schedule is student specific vs. teacher or classroom specific Dr. Susan Catlett – Consider if the specific student needs a daily schedule instructional time. Autism students need structure. Student will be meaning fully engaged through out the day. Should be active engagement through out the day. Give the minute the student arrives and the minute the student leaves. Schedule also needs to be student specific. Dr. Susan – What we need to do for students is to determine what the student needs. Behavioral issues due to unstructed time etc. structure it! This is a component you make check needed or not needed. We know kids with autism need structure. My concern is that when kids are doing various things in class they should be engaged in structured activities. Be sure time implements are small. Class schedu. Should be based on IEP objectives. 25

26 Daily Schedules: Data Collection
Regarding behaviors during unstructured times: Increase in self-stimulatory behaviors? Increase in off-task behaviors? Increase in self-injurious or aggressive behaviors? Problems noted during transition periods? Regarding the environment: General education classroom Hallways Cafeteria Playground Large group settings Job site Restroom Indicators that is needed/not needed for students that need less unstructured times. Some indicators that students should have structured schedules. You should not check not needed if you don’t have the data without a statement as to why. 26

27 Daily Schedules Example - Strategy is Needed
Based on data collected ______ displays _______ (behavior) and has difficulty with ______ (transition), and _______ (task initiation). Based on data collected, Johnny displays increased self-stimulatory behaviors in unstructured settings, has difficulty transitioning within the classroom, and does not independently initiate tasks. A Daily schedule reflecting minimal unstructured time is needed. An example of the schedule is attached. Sample statements should reflect – Do not write the exact same thing on the supplement. Look in tab 2, shows 3 target behaviors which list out daily schedule for collecting data, during the different times of the day. For staff to student ratio this will be extended. Anyone walking through classroom can know what is happening.

28 Independently follow visual schedule
Activity IEP Objectives Ratio LOL Arrival Independently follow visual schedule Greet peers and/or adults 1:6 Fluency Circle Time Attend to speaker Imitate actions On-task behaviors 2:6 Work with teacher Matching Receptive ID Expressive ID 1:1 Acquisition Lunch Eat independently Follow school routines 1:22 Maintenance Generalization Look at these skills based on students acquisition level of learning. If students are making progress you may not have to fill this out. Do need to be considered and just need data to support this. What some districts are doing is looking at the level of learning for the student. 28

29 Daily Schedules Example - Strategy Not Needed
Based on data collected Johnny does not exhibit behavioral difficulty in unstructured settings. He is able to effectively transition within and between classrooms, and is able to independently initiate tasks or do so with minor prompting from the teacher . A Daily schedule reflecting minimal unstructured time is not needed. Johnny can follow the regular schedule of the day with natural environmental cues. Johnny does not display – First paragraph correction. Example of what you could put on the supplement. What if you don’t have to plan for every minute. Document what you are doing related to student so that, support is provided. For supporting student when substitute teachers come in, other daily plans change, etc.

30 Daily Schedules Example - Strategy Not Needed but Additional Support is Needed
A daily schedule reflecting minimal unstructured time is not needed, however support will be provided at the following times: Structured recess/lunch/snack Structured transitions (e.g., passing periods, arrival/dismissal) Preparation for changes in routines (e.g., substitute teachers, pep rallies, assemblies) – plan needed Document what it is that you’re doing. Strategy not needed but additional support is provided – may need to document this! Still may need different types of support through out the day. We do a lot with peer tutoring, lockers, buses, document for student. 30

31 3. In-Home and Community-Based Training
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) In-home and community-based training or viable alternatives that assist the student with acquisition of social/behavioral skills, for example: strategies that facilitate maintenance and generalization of such skills from home to school, school to home, home to community, and school to community

32 In-Home and Community-Based Training Two Types of Acquisition
Facilitating the acquisition of skills/behavior (critical) that can only be acquired if they are taught simultaneously in multiple environments Adaptive skills (e.g., toilet training) Reduction of self-injurious behavior (e.g. head-banging) Communication (e.g., requesting) This service was developed due to a common characteristic of people with autism. Often people with autism do not generalize a skill or behavior used in one setting to other settings. This generalization problem occurs with generalizing to other settings, people, materials. Parents reported the concern that their sons or daughters might behave correctly in school but do not show those same behaviors at home. They might be able to perform a skill such as eating nicely, using the commode independently or transitioning from one activity to another without incident at school but not at home. If this is true it does not help the individual or his/her family to have a skill or behavior at school but not at home. The state of Texas therefore developed in-home and community based training to help the individual with autism use developed skills and behaviors in the home and community. This is a generalization of skills from the school environment, materials, cues and personnel to the home and community environments.

33 3. In-Home and Community-Based Training
Service provided in the student’s home or environments that serve as an extension of the home Service provided in community settings This service was developed due to a common characteristic of people with autism. Often people with autism do not generalize a skill or behavior used in one setting to other settings. This generalization problem occurs with generalizing to other settings, people, materials. Parents reported the concern that their sons or daughters might behave correctly in school but do not show those same behaviors at home. They might be able to perform a skill such as eating nicely, using the commode independently or transitioning from one activity to another without incident at school but not at home. If this is true it does not help the individual or his/her family to have a skill or behavior at school but not at home. The state of Texas therefore developed in-home and community based training to help the individual with autism use developed skills and behaviors in the home and community. This is a generalization of skills from the school environment, materials, cues and personnel to the home and community environments. New Speaker: reading from rules-guidance Table Students have trouble with generalization and if its not happening at home then its not really good for the student or the parent. There is a need for parent to train at home to so that the student will be able to use generalization at home also.

34 Viable Alternatives… Visuals for home Schedule for home
Communication notebook Parent observation at school Videotapes of teacher working with student Conferences regarding home concerns Community-based instruction I think this is very important for all of us do get down what these viable alternatives are. Visuals not only at school but also at home. Can do this by sending visuals to the home like after bath time or bedtime or meal time. It might be a communication notebook that can be used for this also. Work together as a team. Parents say this is some information that can be really useful to me. That’s when you know that it is successful. That shows working as a team. Doing a video tape also works well and is another viable alternative that has been very successful. Community based instruction to help generalization level. Showing where you really need to build those levels is very important. In home and comm. Based training. Viable Alternatives – visuals….schedules, where things are, schedules for home…meal time, brushing teeth, communication note books, Two strategies: The comm. Notebooks that I see are successful where teacher adds detailed information, parents should be engaged. In home comm. Based training – parents at school is encouraged, students behavior may change. Conferences…phone call, notes back and forth. As Susan mentioned about levels of learning skills are sometimes not fluent.

35 In-Home and Community-Based Training Two Types of Acquisition
Facilitating the acquisition of skills/behavior previously learned in another environment If a skill/behavior is not exhibited at home but is exhibited at school, then it needs to be acquired at home. If a skill/behavior is not exhibited at school but is exhibited at home, then it needs to be acquired at school. If a skill/behavior is not exhibited in the community but is exhibited at school or home, then it needs to be acquired in the community. This service was developed due to a common characteristic of people with autism. Often people with autism do not generalize a skill or behavior used in one setting to other settings. This generalization problem occurs with generalizing to other settings, people, materials. Parents reported the concern that their sons or daughters might behave correctly in school but do not show those same behaviors at home. They might be able to perform a skill such as eating nicely, using the commode independently or transitioning from one activity to another without incident at school but not at home. If this is true it does not help the individual or his/her family to have a skill or behavior at school but not at home. The state of Texas therefore developed in-home and community based training to help the individual with autism use developed skills and behaviors in the home and community. This is a generalization of skills from the school environment, materials, cues and personnel to the home and community environments. If the skill has been manifested at school then it also needs to be acquired at home. Same goes for vice versa. Also if it is being manifested both in school and at the home, but not in the community its needs to be acquired in the community. If the child is a head banger or any violent issues, you need to work on communication skill. The student has the skill in one environment and not another work must be done to insure that student has skills in all environments. Example – toilet training must be completed at in home and school setting for student to be successful. If child has abusive behaviors they should be addressed in all environments.

36 In-Home and Community-Based Training
Issues regarding generalization: If the student has acquired the skill at school then why is he or she not using it at home or the community Cues, Materials, Environment, People Behavioral Issue What is the difference between the student’s ability and actual performance of a skills? Can the student…? Does the student…? Very often is a behavioral issue. Child has the skill in one environment but not in another, need to manipulate the skill in other environments. It makes a lot of difference on how you teach the skill. The child may know that, but just wont do it because its in another environment, its because of a behavioral problem. Very often it is a behavioral issue this is where we look at child acquiring skills in all environments. We may manipulate the behaviors. The difference is can the student do the behavior or will student complete behavior, you may have to teach each skill.

37 Evaluation to Determine Need
Analysis of IEP objectives, observation of student (across environments), interviews, and checklists Evaluation is conducted prior to ARD meeting (data is needed to make determination) Observe student in a cross environment: you want to see yourself what is really going on. Do interviews with every person who has seen that child to find out what they know about the child. Checklist is something we use at in home training asking the parent what they use at home. Is it available in your home? Need to make sure in home training is available otherwise there would be no use in doing cross environment. Is your child allowed to do this? It may be that I want to talk to the parent about letting the child do skill on their own. Critical question is do they do it or is the parent that does it? Is it a primary area to work on it? Maybe, maybe not. It shows us and guides us to what kind of objective needs to be done. The way to evaluate how the student qualifies for the program. How are students performing at home. Interview teacher, therapist, paraprofessional, siblings. Use the checklist ask parent what the child does at home. Find out what students are doing at home skills being taught at home, ask parents what the student is allowed to do or not do. I would ask does your child know how to……by doing so you learn what the student is capable of. Does the child qualify for IHCBT? There should be goals and objectives for this.

38 In-Home and Community-Based Training
Bob uses a picture communication system at school for toileting He does not demonstrate this skill at home The in-home trainer (IHT) will implement this same system at home Same data collection chart/system will be used at home as is at school IEP objective might be how many steps of the 6 step toilet training chart is required. If you can show that he has mastered these steps. Bob is getting to the fluency stage…The same data collection system will be critical for home training as well.

39 Progress Assessment Charts will be reviewed, analyzed and procedure modified as needed at beginning of each IHT visit When criterion has been met (as identified on IEP document) in-home training on this objective will be discontinued See if progress is being made and if its not being made see how it can be made by continuing the objective. When you come in for the next in home session evaluate in order to tweak the program.

40 In-Home and Community-Based Training Example – Parent Declined Strategy
The IHT evaluation supports the need for IHT to address ____. The parent declines the service at this time. Progress toward objectives _____ indicate the need for IHT/CBT. The parent declines IHT/CBT at this time. Consider: Support is being provided to the parent in terms of parent training.

41 In-Home and Community-Based Training Example - Strategy Not Needed
IHT/CBT is not needed. Progress on IEP goals and objectives is consistent across settings Identify the viable alternatives being used Consider support being provided to the parent in terms of parent training, if needed Make sure document all viable alternatives being used. Generalize skills. The student may need to acquire critical skills. Filling out the forms - whether you are providing service or why it is not needed. Q&A Behavior IEP – behavior intervention plan. Providing transportation – comm. based transportation. ESY goals already mastered – not about master skills, but measuring progress. IHPT employed by district – yes some parents have teachers in home a few times a week. Staff to student ratio – varied schedules, put a range of 1 to 1 or whatever. But if you have objectives and goals allow for this. ESY – Necessary for students with autism ….Yes, likely you would be considering ESY service. Social skills work, looking a needs of the child. Communication System use Extended Day? – Yes. Consider alternatives, depends on parameters around, child may need more services. You have to have data to base ARD on. IEP in school – provide in home training objectives. In home training parents present and participating? – It is a wonderful idea, but not a requirement, encourage parent participation. Community based training parents required – Not required but good if parent participates.

42 4. Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) Positive behavior support strategies based on relevant information for Example: antecedent manipulation, replacement behaviors, reinforcement strategies, and data-based decisions; and a Behavior Intervention Plan developed from a Functional Behavioral Assessment that uses current data related to target behaviors and addresses behavioral programming across home, school, and community-based settings 42

43 4. Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
PBS involves research-based strategies designed to enhance the capacity of schools to educate all students, especially students with challenging behaviors, by adopting a sustained, positive, preventative instructional approach to school-wide discipline and behavior management. Identifying, teaching, and reinforcing learning and instructional behavior. 43

44 Positive Behavior Support
PBS involves the assessment and re-engineering of environments so that individuals with maladaptive behaviors: experience reductions in these behaviors increase in functional communicative alternative behaviors and improve their social, personal, and professional quality of lives Proactive/preventive things may be required. This is about identifying, teaching to the functional behavior. 44

45 Positive Behavior Support
Involves the procedures for increasing behaviors that are associated with ABA Focuses on identifying the function of behaviors, and teaching replacement behaviors One thing in my experience if a student may destroys materials, replacements behavior may be to request a break or help. Do not reinforce behavior. 45

46 Positive Behavior Support
Antecedent manipulation Replacement behaviors Reinforcement strategies Data-based decisions Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) developed from a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) Talk about all of these. All decisions should be based on your data. 46

47 5. Futures Planning Define (Rules-Guidance Table)
Helping parents and their child begin to think about future environments for integrated living, work, community, and postsecondary education by examining the student’s strengths, needs, preferences and interests Helping children and their families plan for transition services into adult life What are some of the skills that I want to teach so that when I’m not around my children would be able to use. That is really what futures planning. When you look at it. Futures planning basic purpose is to help parents and children look at life after school. What are the skills that I want to teach children with disabilities. This is want futures planning is all about.

48 Futures Planning §89.1055(e)(5) Content of the IEP
beginning at any age, consistent with subsections (g) of this section, futures planning for integrated living, work, community, and educational environments that considers skills necessary to function in current and post-secondary environments;... g = Transition

49 Transition Planning §89.1055(g) Content of the IEP
For each student with a disability, beginning at age 16 (prior to the date on which a student turns 16 years of age) or younger, if determined appropriate by the ARD committee, the following issues must be considered in the development of the IEP, and if appropriate, integrated into the IEP... Now here is the catch 22 for most transitional specialist. Or younger if determined appropriate that we can not wait until the child turned 15. the law does not mean don’t start until then, if you don’t do it by that time its pretty much a drop dead rate. what are some of the things you have to consider when child turns 16. Planning must be in effect before child turns sixteen. Catch 22 – ‘or younger’, if disabilities where significant enough you can start transition planning. Middle school teachers often have to undo behaviors. 9 areas to consider

50 Transition Planning Student involvement
Parental involvement, if student is younger than 18 years of age Parental involvement if the parent is invited by the student (who is at least 18 years of age and is his/her own legal guardian) Postsecondary education options Functional vocational evaluation Employment goals and objectives Availability of age-appropriate instructional environments for students at least 18 years Independent living goals and objectives Appropriate referral to agency services Would this not be appropriate for all kids? To help prepare them for a job for the future like a career. *Look into packet handout There is a point where futures planning turns into transition planning. Preparing students to go on to be progressive in their work and higher educational endeavors.

51 What It Looks Like Elementary...
Collaborate with parents to identify potential future environments for integrated living, work, community, and education after high school Identify skills necessary to function in the present and future environments They are building blocks that you are going to put your kids in this type of environment. The end goal you'll see that step 1 is on the right. From preschool all the way up to high school. You can use some kind of a parent survey asking what is it that you want when your student gets out of school. Where does transition planning fit here? These are building blocks for autistic children to get to the point where they are employed, attend college, enjoy independent living. Parent surveys may help you determine what they expect after the child is out of school. These students must develop a circle of friends or acquaintances in order to evolve independently.

52 Transition Planning Age 16 or younger, if determined appropriate by the ARD committee When is “younger” appropriate? Transition specialist – Find one When your talking about futures planning you have a transition person. Find that transition person on your district. If this is a student that is basically a high function student what I have seen is that its been completed correctly. If it was a teacher filling it out, it was being filled out correctly. Because the teachers was not there. You are not in this alone, you have a transition specialist in your district. Use this person as a resource, it is beneficial to you in the long run. Autism specialists generally fill out the supplement correctly, teachers may not always do this correctly. Give the teachers the benefit of this instruction.

53 Futures Planning Remember: a plan is NOT an outcome. A plan is just a plan until it is implemented, monitored, reviewed and revised during the journey to meet the “plan goals”. Natural Support systems are so very important. Handout that looks at all postsecondary environments. They will be able to not only do tests on there own time but listen to their tests on their ipods/mp3 players. Natural supports are very important for the student, less restrictive environments is essential for success of the student. Students who are in post secondary may have benefits that are available to them. Teach children with autism with the end in mind so that they use it throughout their school career.

54 Futures Planning Example - Strategy is Needed
IEP goals and objectives have been identified in the following areas: _____, ______ to facilitate transition and futures planning Its also looking at current environments but also later environments. It is hard to imagine a student who did not need futures planning. Being prepared for current and future environments relative to living situations is essential for students and others involved.

55 Futures Planning Example - Strategy Not Needed
Given the students age this strategy is not needed at this time Parents have been provided with agency information to consider ____ISD offers regular parent meetings and transition fairs to disseminate information regarding agency and transition services You have to face your decision on whether it is needed and whether it not needed. Base your decision on whether it is needed or not needed based on data.

56 6. Parent/Family Training and Support
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) Parent/family training and support provided by qualified personnel with experience in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), that, for example: provides a family with skills necessary for a child to succeed in the home/community setting (A); Continued…

57 6. Parent/Family Training and Support
includes information regarding resources, for example: parent support groups, workshops, videos, conferences, and materials designed to increase parent knowledge of specific teaching/management techniques related to the child's curriculum; and (B); facilitates parental carryover of in-home training, for example: strategies for behavior management and developing structured home environments and/or communication training so that parents are active participants in promoting the continuity of interventions across all settings (C).

58 6. Parent/Family Training and Support
Training in specific skills Information about the disorder Information about resources Individualized to meet the needs of the family Based on evaluation Delivered in appropriate environments Delivered by personnel with experience in working with students with ASD A service that we have addressed. Information about resources and it seems to be that that would be a general thing for everybody. It may be individualized to meet the needs for that child, that family, the people that are supporting that student. How do you evaluate that parent on their parenting skills? Delivered in appropriate environments. They know their child they lived with them a lot longer than we have. Many different formats. There is a handout that just speaks to the formats for the parent and training from general to the more specific of the needs for that specific child. This is not much different from the previous supplement. But it is training in specific skills, it seems to me to be a general thing for everyone. You may want to send to all parents and document the action. All of this is part of the IEP, how do you evaluate the parent? Think about the fact that parents are specialist for their child, we should present them with information related the their specific needs. Handout Sect. 6 – Parent/Family Training – general to specific direct to generalized training related to the child.

59 Evaluation to Determine Need
Focus on parent need Analysis of IEP objectives, observation of student, interviews, and checklists Evaluation is conducted prior to ARD meeting (data is needed to make determination) Were going to focus on parent and need, observation , evaluation. You have a parent questionnaire. You use it to get a little information about the child from the parents perspective. Parents tell us what formats are most useful and which format would benefit them more. All services are conducted prior to ARD. Get information about child from parents perspective. What information they need, what format is most productive. Some feel that the student benefits more from community based training.

60 Assessment Do your assessment before and after the training to see results How might you assess success of parent training? Perhaps use an unmarked Likert Scale Provide assessment and parent training. Evaluate the level of comprehension of the parents and the level of it.

61 Parent/Family Training and Support: Example - Strategy is Needed
Parent/Family training and support is needed in the area of _____ based on the evaluation and analysis of the IEP This will consist of: Providing information regarding local resources Demonstrating strategies being used at school which should also be used at home How this is implemented should be individualized to parent need. Some examples might be periodic phone calls, parent/teacher notebook, or direct training.

62 Parent/Family Training and Support: Example - Strategy Not Needed
Parent/Family training and support is not needed at this time Parent/Family possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to assist in the student’s educational programming How this is implemented should be individualized to parent need. Some examples might be periodic phone calls, parent/teacher notebook, or direct training. If your saying that they don’t need it and they already possess those. Its just that your not doing the specific parent family training because they already possess those skills. Provide information periodically to parent for support, not necessarily training. It is helpful to include the idea that this supports the student.

63 7. Staff-to-Student Ratio
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) Suitable staff-to-student ratio appropriate to identified activities and as needed to achieve social/behavioral progress based on the child’s developmental and learning level (acquisition, fluency, maintenance, generalization) that encourages work towards individual independence…for example: adaptive behavior evaluation results (A); behavioral accommodation needs across settings (B); and transitions within the school day (C). 63

64 Level 1: Acquisition Beginning of learning process
Introduction of new skills and behaviors Significant assistance provided High rate of reinforcement necessary Goal: To initially establish a desired response. Brushing teeth occurs with prompts and reinforcers Beginning of learning process, introduction of new skills and behaviors. Continuous and significant schedule of learning skills. Is there a place for one on one? Yes Some kids have a hard time getting through levels without some guidance. Sitting, look at speaker, answer questions, prompting. The goals is to establish a level of understanding by the student. 64

65 Level 2: Fluency Refers to rate at which a response occurs
Assistance begins to decrease Reinforcement given only for demonstrating response within designated period of time Goal: To establish a normative rate. Brushing teeth occurs within three minutes and reinforcement is delivered Starting to decrease the assistance. Independence is functional even if it takes longer than usual to brush teeth. Goal to be able to maintain behaviors over time. Decrease response, go to an intermittent schedule. Students are not functional if it takes them 15 minutes to brush their teeth. 65

66 Level 3: Maintenance Response occurs in absence of teaching
Adding reinforcement no longer necessary Necessary for achieving independence Goal: To maintain behaviors over time Brushing teeth occurs independently within three minutes and in the absence of reinforcement Ability to perform skill without the absence of prompting. 66

67 Level 4: Generalization
Response occurs: with different people using different materials in variety of locations using different directions Goal: To achieve independence Brushing teeth occurs independently within three minutes in the absence of reinforcement at different locations and with a variety of people, materials, and instructions A lot of kids don’t generalize. They do at school but do not transfer it at home. Characteristic of Autism. Can only do great with certain people and won't be able to do it with other people. Not functional if presented in different way. Students don’t naturally generalize. This level of learning becomes very important because students have to be functional. Student should be able to function around any adult, perform a response with different people and surroundings. You are not a functional student if you are not functioning in different settings. We have to teach students to generalize, performing various skills. 67

68 Levels of Learning (LOL)
What do the LOL look like? and… What about staff requirements & student grouping with respect to the LOL? Think about promoting independent and functional students. Look at the issue of one on one support. Look in TAB 7 Extending staff to student ratio based on students needs, determine if the student is at acquistional level 68

69 Additional Considerations
In-class support Teacher Paraprofessional Peer Co-teach Supervision or escort during transitions Peer supports Document every type of support that the student needs. Anything they need to be successful in the IEP progress.

70 Staff-to-Student Ratio Example - Strategy is Needed
Given ______’s levels of learning, the following ratios are suggested for the implementation of the IEP: ____ for IEP objectives at the acquisition level; ___for IEP objectives at the fluency level; ___for IEP objectives at the maintenance level; and ___ for IEP objectives at the generalization level. The range of staff-to-student ratio would be 1:1 – 1:___. I believe it is significant that we have to look at where the student is, is there a place for one on one? Or should you look at other things (options). Q & A GAIL – Sample ppcd student ALEX end of yr. why give a sample. We felt that everything was needed on that due to student requirements. The issue is simple…whether you check off needed or not needed to have to analyze data. You will have to establish the basis for determination. This is a higher standard than before you can not just check items without backup. Think about your action plans. Critical skills- academics, TEA did not include. Strategies needed when there is no progression…..there is a need for continuation ex. ESY, instructed learning prog.

71 Staff-to-Student Ratio Example - Strategy Not Needed
Given _____’s level of learning and adequate progress in the IEP and in the general school setting no specified staff-to-student ratio is required at this time. Don’t want 1 on 1 all day, but is there a place for 1 on 1? Yes, but not all day. Reality based example. Going through questions that was posted in parking lot: Whether you check off needed or not needed you will still need to check off analysis of the data. You still need to do you data analysis and consider it anyway. You have to collect data in all areas and still address the supplement. How do you know the exact number as the research grows? Its based on individual progress.

72 8. Communication Interventions
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) Communication interventions, including language forms and functions that enhance effective communication across settings, For example: augmentative, incidental, and naturalistic teaching

73 8. Communication Interventions
Interventions that support the development of communication skills Not limited to speech-language pathology services Things that promote communication. Not that children don’t need therapy what they really need is a pull out therapy. I think one of the key things that it tells us about is foreign functions. When we think of the forms children use to communicate would maybe be tantrums. The kinds of forms we want to think of is “do they take you by the hand to show you something”/ do they use sign language or pictures to communicate/do they use writing to communicate with you. Some children are going to have a mix of these things with you.” When we went through language development we had a nice little exposure and we learned to do these things. Children with autism don’t. Susan We mean more than just pull out therapy. Students are working on their skills all of the time. One key thing is form and function drive to us what is important for children with autism.

74 Communication Forms Physical Objects Sign language Pictures
Line drawings Speech/Verbal Independent writing, typing or pointing to printed words Little empirical or conceptual research comparing them with each other Can they label and name things are they able to get people attention are they able to express their feelings the function feature and class kind of go into the ability to have a conversation. Physical do they take to the restroom, how do children communicate with you. Think about how children with autism communicate we should consider this.

75 Communication Functions
Expressive Skills Requesting Rejecting Labeling/naming Getting attention Commenting Giving information Seeking information Expressing feelings Function, feature, or class/category Ability to respond to waiting. We need to teach it to them. They need to respond to transitional cues. Our children don’t know how to pick up on transitional skills. Social routines: goes into pragmatic skills can you initiate or stop the conversation children with autism generally don’t know when to stop. They don’t understand how to choose a topic. We have to teach it to them specifically. Frequently it’s the way you say things means exactly the opposite Children with autism have to be taught these things in order to become communicative. Can they make requests, can they reject, label, get attention etc. Function, feature, or class/category go along with speech. Teaching teachers to teach expressive functions.

76 Communication Functions
Receptive Skills Responding to “wait” Responding to transitional cues Function, feature, or class/category Understanding directions and complex language Social Routines Initiating and stopping Reciprocity Maintaining a topic Choosing a topic Understanding and using nonverbal language Pragmatic Skills Receptive skills – teaching the child to wait while sitting in a restaurant, generally children with autism do not pick up on transitional skills. Complex language the student has to understand the request. Social Routine / Pragmatic skills – autistic children frequently do not how to choose a topic of conversation. They generally don’t understand non-verbal language, sometimes the way you say something helps the child.

77 Communication Interventions
Augmentative (used to compensate for an impairment; speech replaced or augmented by) Picture choices Visual reminders of options/process Voice output devices Incidental teaching – structuring and sequencing objectives within ongoing typical activities to take advantage of interest and motivation (e.g., snack out of reach) Other things that were mentioned augmentative devices. Those devices that were use to compensate for or use for what the options are. Incidental teaching where your going to structure the way you present the information so that you promote that communication. Augmentative devices – note books, visual reminders, these systems can be very simple. Incidental teaching you structure the way you present the information so that, you promote communication. Example - They have to ask for tools during art sessions etc.

78 Communication Interventions
Naturalistic teaching - using communication interaction between adult and student in the naturally occurring activities of the child’s environment to promote more complex language in natural and relevant situations (e.g., at snack table expanding communication) The teacher is there with the materials and she is just expanding on what the child has already said. Based on Childs interest. Some children with autism can do this some children with autism can not do this and your going to have to do this until they get it. Naturalistic teaching the teacher has set up the room for communication, teacher expands communication as teaching progresses.

79 Communication Techniques
Offer choices Emphasize motivation and interest Provide multiple opportunities Clarify the process visually (also social scripts) Obtain student’s attention before communicating Limit language when necessary Teach a (functionally-equivalent, socially appropriate) way to communicate to replace socially inappropriate behaviors Choice is a very powerful thing for all of us and the children. You want to emphasize motivation and interest. Always think of Tiger Woods. He is a great golf player because he plays a lot, children will be great talkers if they get to talk a lot. Clarifying the communication process: look at the person make eye contact and say hello. Important little things that we sometimes forget. Occasionally limit the language. Give it a similar explanation and move forward. State it in a simpler way. Teach them a functional way to get what they want to replace the inappropriate way. Choices are very important in order to facilitate communication. You will talk more if the conversation is important to you. Opportunities to communicate are very beneficial for students. Place objects where a student may want to ask a question, initiate conversation. Limit the language if the student does not understand what is happening. Teach the child a functional way to get what they want in order to replace negative behavior.

80 How to determine the need
It is highly likely that this strategy would be identified as “needed” FIE, speech and language evaluations, IEP analysis You're going to look at the FIE if that’s what they had. Now you have behind #8 in the handout take this and play with it however you want to. How are we seeing that happen? Maybe I should start pairing that with a gesture. So I’m just going to say continue that. On your cd you type it in anyway you want it. Just want to provide you with something to think about and something to consider. Look at all data in order to determine the needs of the student. Functions – children use functions, what strategies promote functions. The important thing is to consider the forms, they don’t need to have every function in every category, but develop a hierarchy.

81 Communication Interventions Example - Strategy is Needed
Communication goals and objectives in the areas of _____ are needed and are addressed in the IEP Interventions for these objectives include but are not limited to _____ Talk about are you using the incidental, naturalistic teaching etc. Give the teacher and speech teacher options so that they can support the student, state the things that you know have been working.

82 Communication Interventions Example - Strategy is Needed
Communication goals and objectives in the areas of receptive and expressive communication are needed and are addressed in the IEP Interventions for these objectives include but are not limited to a picture exchange system, choice boards, and discrete trial training for labeling/naming

83 Communication Interventions Example - Strategy Not Needed
Student is able to effectively understand and use language both expressively and receptively Social communication skills are addressed under social skills strategies and supports

84 9. Social Skills Supports and Strategies
Define (Rule-Guidance Table) Social skills supports and strategies based on social skills assessment/curriculum and provided across settings, For example: trained peer facilitators (e.g., circle of friends), video modeling, social stories, and role playing

85 9. Social Skills Supports and Strategies
Social skills are a set of behaviors used to interact and communicate with others An integral part of and defined by the community and culture Its hard to see if there will ever be a student with autism that doesn’t need social skill objectives. To say that were not addressing that at school at all we need to look carefully at it. Defined by the community and the culture. Its not the same when its translated into another culture. Teaching strategies and the communications strategies really do overlap. Social skills are specific to communities and cultures, which may not be the same in another culture. Again, some of the items are over lapping.

86 Social Skills To Learn impulse control
willingness to do non-preferred things personal responsibility-belongings personal responsibility-actions concept of friendship response to suggestions requests To Teach self-regulation self-monitoring reading, interpreting, & responding to social cues appropriate communication with communication partner environmental regulation skills self-advocacy skills play skills manners and listening You may want to have the student acquire some of these skills. These might be a part of evaluating a student to determine needs.

87 Evaluation to Determine Need
Observations in naturalistic settings Structured observation in a situation designed to elicit a type of social skill (e.g., turn taking game vs conversation) Rating scales or checklists (standardized and informal) Direct assessment such as a test of pragmatic skills Self-report scales and interviews Interview (those who know individual) In the autism supplement in section 9, we've given you some examples from 3 different checklists and curriculum. Students with autism don’t generalize well. Many students I've worked with can name all of the rules and the way they should behave, but when they go out in different surroundings they forget it. Threes an interesting new self report document that is asking adults with ? A survey “ did you used to do this and not doing it?/did you used to do this and are still doing it?” Try to look at different social skills with different young children and high school students. When you’re a student who is in high school you might have to learn how to wait at the post office or at the airport. Impulse control and willingness to do non preferred things. I think there is an interesting study that had to do with social programs with high school students and the outcome is that they were not successful. Teach them to memorize what they are supposed to do , and find that those skills did not carry over that’s how you know that program is failing. You make sure that child is able to perform those certain skills. Section 9 – Checklists & Curriculum – Students with autism do not generalize well. Often students forget rules once outside of their structured classroom. Interviews with people in the students life so that you know what is happening. Look at different social skill out in the community. Scott Linney – 2007 Study assessing social skills program for children with autism, he found that the programs are not successful. The programs that teach memorization in class, should teach skills where they happen and when they happen.

88 Social Skills Example - Strategy is Needed
Highly likely this strategy will be identified as “needed”. The following social skills have been identified as areas of need: _____, _____. These skills are reflected in the goals and objectives. The strategies/supports used to address these needs will include: _____, _____, ______. Since deficits in social skills are found in all students with ASD social skills instruction would not be listed as “not needed”. Again the instruction is individualized to the specific needs and abilities of the student. The service is always needed.

89 Social Skills Example - Strategy Not Needed
Student’s social skills are sufficient and no additional interventions are needed at this time Natural supports in the home, community and school environment are adequate to facilitate social skills at this time Consider close monitoring of progress If your going to put in not needed you need to show why it is not needed, consider close monitoring in this area.\\You have to put in why it is not needed. This area is pivotal for success for children with autism.

90 10. Professional Educator/Staff Support
Define (Rules-Guidance Table) Professional educator/staff support For example: training provided to personnel who work with the student to assure the correct implementation of techniques and strategies described in the IEP

91 10. Professional Educator/Staff Support
Training and support: General In techniques and strategies to implement the IEP; also in foundational strategies Training and support: Specific A training or support service particular to this student – based on his/her particular needs Example: PBS in general Developing a behavior intervention plan for a specific student Dr. Gail – Two levels of training of support broad and specific. Don’t think of just workshop for students but its all about general training. If you look at the screen, review commissioners rules, two types of training: general and specific example; training on support, or help for a particular kid, two levels of training broad and specific. Document workshops attended and implement in classroom. Some things that we go to are related to specified skills which are beneficial.

92 Professional Educator/Staff Support
Document all professional development workshops related to: ASD in general (e.g., characteristics) Techniques and strategies for students with ASD and other developmental disabilities Techniques and strategies in curriculum (e.g., reading, math, writing)

93 Professional Educator/Staff Support
Document all training/support related to a particular student: Staffing Assistance from an ASD or behavioral consultant, speech therapist, school psychologist, etc. Access to information and resources Its possible but highly unlikely. Shows Documentation of Training relating to that particular student and also gives alternative.

94 Professional Educator/Staff Support Example - Strategy is Needed
It is highly likely that this strategy would be identified as “needed” Examples of what might be written on the supplement: The teacher and paraprofessional will document training activities and support. The teacher and paraprofessional have access to support personnel and will document support activities. Can document general and specific

95 11. Teaching Strategies Define (Rules-Guidance Table)
Teaching strategies based on peer reviewed, [and/or] research-based practices for students with ASD, For example: those associated with discrete-trial training, visual supports, applied behavior analysis, structured learning, augmentative communication, or social skills training

96 11. Teaching Strategies Research-based practices required by NCLB; Peer review required by IDEA 2004 Parents will expect that we follow research-based and peer-reviewed practices When confronted with “fringe” strategies, research-based practices & student data are the answer Researched based is not a new issue, it is an overlap. The response to ‘fringe’ strategies should be we should look at the research.

97 Teaching Strategies Commissioner’s rules – it is noted that research-based … are used “to the extent practicable” In special education, research-based practices do not automatically equal the criteria set forth in US Department of Education

98 Evidence-Based Practices in Special Education
Single-subject research: the practice is operationally defined the context in which the practice is to be used is defined the practice is implemented with fidelity results document the practice to be functionally related to change in dependent measures the experimenter effects are replicated across a sufficient number of studies, researchers, and participants, to allow confidence in the findings CEC Division For Research outlined criteria for evaluating single-subject research and standards for identifying evidence-based intervention strategies. The panel suggests that single-subject research plays an important role in identifying evidence-based practices because of the nature of the studies (I.e., intervention based) and the documentation of experimenter control. This is important for determining the efficacy of interventions for students with ASD because so many studies utilize single-subject design. Horner, et. Al., stays that single subject research documents a practice as evidence-based when: (a) the practice is operationally defined, (b) the context in which the practice is to be used is defined, ©, the practice is implemented with fidelity, (d) results document the practice to be functionally related to change in dependent measures, and (e) the experimenter effects are replicated across a sufficient number of studies, researchers, and participants, to allow confidence in the findings. It is ok to use single study research as long as its been done very well defined if its done with fidelity. If it can be done functional related and if it can be replicated and if you look at it all there is 20 participants. Horner, et. Al., satys that single subject research documents a practice as evidence-based when: (a) the practice is operationally defined, (b) the context in which the practice is to be used is defined, ©, the practice is implemented with fidelity, (d) results document the practice to be functionally related to change in dependent measures, and (e) the experimenter effects are replicated across a sufficient number of studies, researchers, and participants, to allow confidence in the findings. At lease twenty participants are used – for researched based practices.

99 Evidence-Based Practices in Special Education
Documented by at least five published studies in peer-reviewed journals Conducted by at least three different researchers across three different geographical locations The combined studies include at least 20 total participants before a practice should be deemed as “evidence-based” Use of multiple baseline, reversal, or alternating treatment designs Social validity Efficacy of the strategy be documented by at least five published studies in peer-reviewed journals Conducted by at least three different researchers across three different geographical locations The combined studies include at least 20 total participants before a practice should be deemed as “evidence-based”

100 About the Variety of Researched Approaches
It is increasingly evident that there is no single best-suited and universally effective method for all children and youth with ASD. The best programs appear to be those that incorporate a variety of objectively verified practices and that are designed to address and support the needs of individual students (National Research Council, 2001; Olley, 1999) There is not one specific approach that is best suited. We need to have a variety of approaches a variety of strategies because they are each unique. There is not one specific approach that is suited for this, we need to have a variety of approaches and strategies for our students.

101 Data Collection is Key On-going process Tracks level of support
Tracks shaping of behavior Tracks level of learning with specific skills/objectives Explains the intervention selected (e.g., signs vs. pictures) Data Collection forms – (handouts) The important piece of any of this is going to be data collection. You have to figure out if what you are doing is working and what you are doing is to working you want to track the shaping of that behavior. Track which interventions you have selected and explain it. Data Collection is KEY. You probably like to take data at least twice in a given week. Strategy tracking chart, if you have an objective, its just another place for you to track that. Task analysis put as many as 30 on there. You can change the prompts according to what your district uses. The most important piece is collecting data, is what you are doing working? Ongoing data collection: level of support, shaping of behavior, track skill set, track which interventions you selected because you have to have the data for committee. You may want to take data twice on an objective in a week. Task analysis form – change prompts to what your district uses.

102 How to Determine the Need
Ongoing data collection and analysis FIE, FBA, IEP analysis Quantify the degree to which student makes progress Levels/types of support Levels/types of prompts Level of instruction Use data to determine the teaching strategy for certain areas I'm going to look at their FIE if they have a new FIE and updates that teacher has written, look at the levels of prompt they need levels of support they need and level of instruction. What skills need what? You may want to look at levels of support that student needs. Make sure use data to decide what you are deciding.

103 Teaching Strategies Example - Strategy is Needed
It is highly likely that this strategy would be identified as “needed” Example: The following teaching strategies will be used to implement the IEP: _______, _________, ________. Implementing the IEP, Leave yourself open to try other things that are working for the child.

104 Teaching Strategies Example - Strategy Not Needed
The student is served in the general education class and making adequate progress in the IEP The instructional strategies, and accommodations used in that setting are sufficient for the student to make progress at this time This how you would state that a student is making progress. Some children need a more specific strategy.

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