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Dr. Ann T. Orlando 14 March 2013.  Economic and Political Power and Corruption  Biblical background on Naboth  Earlier Patristic Understanding of Naboth.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Ann T. Orlando 14 March 2013.  Economic and Political Power and Corruption  Biblical background on Naboth  Earlier Patristic Understanding of Naboth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Ann T. Orlando 14 March 2013

2  Economic and Political Power and Corruption  Biblical background on Naboth  Earlier Patristic Understanding of Naboth  Ambrose and Roman Power Structure  Background of “On Naboth”  Assignments

3  According to John Locke (Two Treatises on Government) ◦ Political power is the right of making laws with penalty of death and consequently all lessor penalties ◦ Government’s primary purpose by enacting laws is to protect individual life, liberty and property ◦ Another purpose of Government is to secure (defend) the common good of those governed  But which government has the right to rule (legitimacy) and by what authority ◦ For Locke, free individuals (in their natural state) give Government its power to rule (social contract) ◦ In the U.S., Constitution is source of legitimacy and authority (in other words, the Constitution is our social contract)  Government’s legitimate role can be undermined by corruption and exploitation

4  Corruption is an abuse of the authority, legitimacy and/or purpose of political system. Types of corruption: ◦ Bribery ◦ Nepotism ◦ Simony  A definition of corruption: An act is corrupt if it is performed by an agent of an institution if and only if: ◦ The act an effect, of undermining, or contributing to the undermining of, some institutional process and/or purpose of some institution, and/or an effect of contributing to the despoiling of the moral character of some role occupant of the institution because they are an agent of the institution ◦ And at least one of (a) or (b) is true:  (a) In performing the act, the agent of the institution foresaw or expected a morally wrong effect  (b) The agent did not have to perform the act  See

5  Definition: to take unfair advantage, usually associated with labor, commerce and money  More formal philosophical considerations, types of exploitation: ◦ No benefit at all to expoitee (free riders) ◦ Some benefit, but not sufficient (sweatshops) ◦ Benefit is not authentic (drug dealers)  See Robert Mayer, “What’s Wrong with Exploitation?,” Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2007, available at

6  NB, in the LXX, this is 3 Kings; 1 and 2 Samuel are referred to as 1 and 2 Kings  The story of the rise of the kings of Israel and their destruction, leading to Babylonian captivity ◦ Corruption of power given to them by God ◦ Exploitation of poor  Ahab was worse of all the kings of Israel

7  Read 1 Kings 21  Who is exploiting ◦ What kind of exploitation?  Who is corrupt

8  Civil administrator in Northern Italy  Milan now military capital of Western Empire to counter Goths  When orthodox bishop of Milan died in 373, people acclaimed Ambrose bishop ◦ Ambrose tried to flee, but was stopped ◦ Baptized, ordained priest, then bishop within a week  Friends with Basil and Gregory Nazianzus  Wrote a very influential Duties of Clergy  Also wrote many hymns

9  Written by St. Paulinus, at the urging of St. Augustine  Tells the story of the bees and the infant Ambrose  Gives some insights into the imperial and ecclesial conflicts during Ambrose tenure as bishop of Milan ◦ Milan, not Rome, capital of Western Roman Empire in late 4 th C ◦ Conflict between Arian and Orthodox members of imperial families

10  Ambrose wrote On Naboth c. 385 - 388  Emperor Valentinian II was a child, age 4, when proclaimed emperor in East, succeeding his father Valentinian I, in 375  Real power was with his uncle, Valarian and his mother, Justina; both of whom were Arians  In 385 Justina ‘ordered’ Ambrose to turn over his Orthodox basilica for Arian use by the Arian bishop Auxentius  Ambrose refused and his congregation joined him in barricading the basilica ◦ To prevent a wide-spread riot, Justina rescinded the order  In 389 Theodosius the Great assumed control of all Roman Empire; ◦ Very orthodox, further enhancing Ambrose political stature ◦ End of any Arian Imperial leaders

11  Themes ◦ Avarice of rich destroys rich and poor ◦ Almsgiving benefits rich and poor  Outline  1.1 – 2.4 Introduction addressed to rich  2.5 – 3.14 Ahab offers Naboth money for vineyard  4.15 – 5.19 Fasting of Rich and Poor  5.20 – 5.26 Plight of Poor  6.27 – 8.39 Abundance of Rich Does Not Help Them  8.40 – 10.46 Why Rich Should Help Poor and Return to Naboth and Jezebel  11.47 – 12.51 Ahab Takes Vineyard and is Cursed by Elijah  12.52 – 16.66 What Rich Should Do  16.67 – 17.73 Conclusion

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