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© 2003 IBM Corporation July 2004 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations IBM volunteer name Title, organization.

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1 © 2003 IBM Corporation July 2004 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations IBM volunteer name Title, organization

2 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 2 What is a technology plan?  Outline of how your organization uses and/or plans to use technology  Describes overall technology process, the value, the action steps, the method for application, and evaluation  Provides a long term vision—with short term solutions  “Technology planning is a process, not a product.”

3 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 3 Benefits of technology planning  Enhance your mission — define methods to make technology effective in your organization  Build your technology environment — make decisions that will help obtain resources (equipment, training, and processes) that will have value and sustain your infrastructure  Save money — make informed, cost-effective purchases  Avoid technology-related crises — establish methods to prevent and/or respond to technology issues  Explore new solutions to address old problems — use technology to increase efficiency, which allows for greater staff productivity  Funding source — an avenue to seek technology funding

4 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 4 Technology planning – The process 1.Form the committee 2.Assess the technology 3.Develop a vision statement 4.Set the goals 5.Write a technology plan 6.Implement the plan 7.Evaluate the plan

5 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 5 1. Form the committee The 3-to-7 committee members should include: A clear leader Board member or executive director preferably someone with technology expertise Staff representatives representatives from various departments influential technology champion Someone knowledgeable about technology staff member, volunteer, or even a consultant Someone who is new to technology TIP Commitment from executive director and board of directors is critical for success.

6 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 6 2. Assess the technology Determine the current technology environment in your organization Assess current technology resources, including –Equipment –Technology Processes –Funding –Capacity of staff / volunteers Define needs that are not being met TIP Use an assessment tool that fits the needs of your organization

7 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 7 3. Develop a vision statement Summarize the mission of your organization Describe how your organization envisions technology in your future Define method to integrate technology to effectively increase services Highlight how technology will benefit your organization TIP Create a picture of how the implementation of your technology plan will improve your organization and the services you offer.

8 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 8 4. Set the goals Use assessment information as a guide Goals should be attainable in 1-2 years Determine the resources Indicate the task list Establish estimated date of completion Produce estimated costs of completion Designate the contact person Define the evaluation method Prioritize the need of each goal TIP Goals should strengthen your organization’s overall mission. Think about how the goals can benefit your target audience.

9 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 9 5. Write the technology plan Vision statement Summary of your organization’s services and programs Description of your technology committee and their role Goals; include the benefit to the organization Action plan; include timeline, priority, and contact person Budget, evaluation plan Cover page, contents, appendices TIP Create a picture of how the your technology plan will enhance your organization and the services you offer.

10 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 10 6. Implement the plan Follow your action steps Keep people accountable for their tasks Monitor the established budget Committee meets on a regular schedule Update plan with ongoing progress TIP Keep staff informed of your progress.

11 Technology planning for not-for-profit organizations © 2003 IBM Corporation 11 7. Evaluate the plan Assess goal outcomes Update action steps Discuss new annual short-term goals Evaluate long term vision Explore funding resources Assess committee membership TIP Review at least once a year, seek feedback from non-committee members.

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