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1 MAY 2015 Today’s Agenda: Show me, don’t tell me. Voice or tone in writing. You will need 1-2 sheets of paper and a pen today.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MAY 2015 Today’s Agenda: Show me, don’t tell me. Voice or tone in writing. You will need 1-2 sheets of paper and a pen today."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MAY 2015 Today’s Agenda: Show me, don’t tell me. Voice or tone in writing. You will need 1-2 sheets of paper and a pen today.

2 “Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ― Anton ChekhovAnton Chekhov

3 HOW TO SEE IT, SO YOU CAN SHOW IT Imagine what the scene or instance would look like if you were watching a video of it instead of writing about it. What details would be included. What would be in the background. What action or expressions would you see? What would the background music be like

4 Write your heading on a blank sheet of paper Describe the following scenes. Focus on the actions or clues that you might see, hear, smell and/or taste in each of these situations. 1.Louie is sad. 2.It is almost time for dinner and you are hungry. 3.Frank is nervous because he is up next in the talent show. 4.It is late and Bobby is tired.

5 TELL vs. SHOW SHOWTELL 1. He was excited by the news.1. Joey jumped up and down, screaming. “Move Back World! I have tickets to the Super Bowl!” He sang as he shimmied and bounced in his own unique rendition of the “Happy, Happy Dance.” 2. She didn’t understand the question. 2. Laura stared at the white board at the front of the classroom with her dark blue eyes glazed over. Finally, she sighed, loudly and looked down at the test in front of her. She read it a third time, but still she did not reach for her pen to write. Laura turned the test over to search the back for more information, but it was blank.

6 TELL: Ferris Beuller hurried home from his girlfriend’s house. He needed to be there when his parents and sister arrived. SHOW:

7 SHOW : Take a minute and imagine what the video of Joey’s story would look like. Focus on the sensory details and the action. Now, show the reader in a full page narrative. TIP: avoid the verbs go, put, get, sit and watch. TELL: When school was over Joey went home. He walked into the house, put down his backpack and got a snack from the kitchen. Then he sat on the couch and watch his favorite show. Rewrite the Joey’s story and SHOW the reader how Joey’s story looked, smelled, tasted, felt and sounded

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