DIS-Norge “Genealogy Society of Norway-DIS” The Norwegian association for ICT within genealogy.

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Presentation on theme: "DIS-Norge “Genealogy Society of Norway-DIS” The Norwegian association for ICT within genealogy."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIS-Norge “Genealogy Society of Norway-DIS” The Norwegian association for ICT within genealogy

2 DIS-Norge “Databehandling I Slektsforskning”  Established in 1990  More than 7.000 members, the largest membership association of genealogists in Norway today  Purpose: “to build and support a nation-wide meeting place for computing- and Internet-assisted genealogy, spreading knowledge of this issue, and stimulating genealogy in Norway in general"  Main priority is genealogy beginners’ aid, using new technology, supporting communication and interaction, methods and sources. Lower priority to traditional publishing of results.  19 local separate branches, covering all of Norway

3 DIS-Norge The ”working force” of DIS- Norge, gathered at Hurdal in 2003

4 Action committees 1Administration and economy 2Local branches 3Genealogical guidance 4Computing programs for genealogists 5Multimedia 6Digitalization of genealogical sources 7“DISmatch” (DIStreff) 8Slekt og Data (magazine) 9Internet

5 Action committee: Administration and economy  General office in Oslo Maintenance of membership index Maintenance of administrative web site Contact with members and local branches  Genealogical partnership work (Norwegian NSF, nordic NORDGEN)  Marketing  Membership offers: Discounts on books, internet-supplies, publishing, software

6  Maintaining relations between local branches, and between local branches and DIS-Norge  Local branches are responsible for most of the activities: Membership meetings Activity groups Web pages Courses Magazines Action committee: Local branches

7  “Genealogy school" in Slekt og Data  “First aid for genealogists", dispatched to all new members  FAQs: Slekt og Data (magazine), web site, DISforum (BBS)  Running courses. Associated member of Folkekulturforbundet: union of adult education organizations Action committee: Genealogical guidance

8  Evaluate genealogy programs  Publish results on DIS-Norges website and in Slekt og Data  Guidance in use of genealogy programs Action committee: Computing programs for genealogists

9  Established 2002  Guidance in how to use different facilities in genealogical work  Images (photo, scanning), video, audio, mapping (maps, GPS), digital storage, archiving and presentation Action committee: Multimedia

10  Written agreement between the National Archivist and DIS-Norge 3. January 2001 The National Archives supply copies of demographical sources DIS-Norges members digitize the material according to common standards, including proof-reading the result  First results of the project published on the Digital Archive 26. October 2001 Action committee: Digitalization of genealogical sources

11  First results of the project published on the Digital Archive 26. October 2001 Action committee: Digitalization of genealogical sources

12  This is a service providing members the possibility of getting in contact with other members working with the same families as themselves.  By supplying the DIStreff-database with a GEDCOM-extract from your personal database, you will receive a list of potential contacts, along with alerts on possible mistakes etc  All GEDCOM-extracts supplied are making the basis of the DIStreff-database, which is searchable online for alle members. Others are allowed a limited search. Action committee: “DISmatch” (DIStreff)

13  DIS-Norges magazine for members  Published 4 times a year Membership information Announcing arrangements Local history Presentation of interesting sources Computing and genealogy Inquiries Action committee: Slekt og Data

14 Slekt og Data Popular magazine among the members

15  E-mail lists: DISforum, DIScafe etc  New server investment 2001, running Linux with Apache, MySQL and PHP. “LinDIS” – URL: www.disnorge.no with several subdomains – E-mail server (e.g.: epost@mr.disnorge.no) – Virus- and spamcontrol – IRC "chat" (DISchat) – Mailman email-lists – SSH Action committee: Internet 1

16  Database services: DIStreff (“who is searching on whom") DISadmin (membership administration) Genealogical Resources (portal) Genealogists index (“who is searching where") Program testing Cemetary records Source databases Geographical portal Action committee: Internet 2

17 News and actualities  New genealogical centre in Oslo

18 News and actualities  New genealogical centre in Oslo  Fundings for scanning church records ?  Cooperation with Statens kartverk (National authority on maps and cartography)

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