Planning Iteration Demo Suunto Training Program Planner.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Iteration Demo Suunto Training Program Planner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Iteration Demo Suunto Training Program Planner

2 imara AGENDA Introduction Project status Demo Work results

3 imara Project context Business context Development context Adding value to new sports portal Important feature Third party development

4 imara PROJECT STATUS Goals and deliverables Resource usage Quality Assurance

5 imara Comprehesive unit test written Otherwise focus has been on functionality QA will be the focus of iteration 2 Comprehesive unit test written Otherwise focus has been on functionality QA will be the focus of iteration 2 Project well on track Implement functionality to create and edit training programs Concentrate on getting basic functionality working vertically through the program layers User interface design should be close to final Implement Quality Assurance practices Test toolsReview processesQuality metrics Implement project management practices Time tracking practices Project follow-up methods Communications routine

6 imara All deliverables done Deployment of prototype to deployment servers Quality Assurance plan Quality Assurance report Progress reports Updates to project plan Updates to requirements document No deployment after sprint 1.1 Deployment server access only recently secured No deployment after sprint 1.1 Deployment server access only recently secured Weelky status updates written All project documentation in wiki

7 imara Realization of the tasks KeySummaryStatusPriority STPP-82 Design Training Program Layout (Photoshop)ResolvedBlocker STPP-79 Initial architecture, planning and creating skeletonResolvedMajor STPP-73 Iteration planningResolvedMajor STPP-72 Create unit test frameworkResolvedMinor STPP-64 Learn ASP.NET AJAX technologiesResolvedBlocker STPP-43 List training programs - BackendResolvedMajor STPP-40 View training program - BackendResolvedMajor STPP-39 Edit training program - BackendResolvedMajor STPP-37 Training program planner - Frontend (HTML/CSS)ResolvedMajor STPP-36 Create training program - BackendResolvedMajor STPP-100 Manage planned movesIn ProgressMinor STPP-92 Integrate AJAX technologies to the UI frameworkResolvedBlocker STPP-46 Activate training program - FrontendResolvedMinor STPP-45 Activate training program - BackendResolvedMinor

8 imara Resource usage Extra hours planned in the project plan (vs. iteration plan) were not realized Christmas sprint will be used We still have working hours left

9 imara Defects and Other Quality Metrics Currently 30 unit tests written and all passing! More metrics available after Iteration 2. Currently no blockers or critical bugs:

10 imara Quality Dashboard 1/2 Part of systemQuality status Comments on statusConfidenc e Comment on confidence Database Design MediumCertain data structures needed for the final product are still missing. GoodAccording to the RE documentation, certain data structures are still missing. DALGood Extensive unit testing has been performed on the DAL and currently all available tests pass. Medium The unit tests have not been formally audited, and thus the confidence in the quality status is on a medium level. BLLGood Extensive unit testing has been performed on the BLL and currently all available tests pass. Medium The unit tests have not been formally audited, and thus the confidence in the quality status is on a medium level. SALGood Extensive unit testing has been performed on the SAL and currently all available tests pass. Medium The unit tests have not been formally audited, and thus the confidence in the quality status is on a medium level. HTML / CSS Bad The user interface works like it should only in Firefox and no system testing has been yet performed. Good This has been affirmed by opening the page in IE. C# / AJAX Bad The user interface works like it should only in Firefox and no system testing has been yet performed. Good This has been affirmed by opening the page in IE. User Interface Design Medium The design has been shown and approved by Suunto. Changes are, however, probable to occur. Good Changes have occured uptil now. Back- end Front- end

11 imara Quality Dashboard 2/2 FunctionalityQuality status Comments on statusConfidenceComment on confidence Create Training Program Medium All unit tests pass, but some confirmed bugs related to this are identified Good Test coverage is quite good Edit Training Program Medium All unit tests pass, but some confirmed bugs related to this are identified Good Test coverage is quite good List Training Programs Medium All tests pass, no confirmed bugs. Not all functionality yet implemented. Bad Not thoroughly tested. Manage Library of Planned Moves Bad Not all functionalities yet implemented Good Activate Training Program Medium All tests pass, no confirmed bugs. Not all functionality yet implemented. Medium Not thoroughly tested

12 imara 12 Quality Goals Requirements elicitated and documented Change management works well Unit test coverage good Functionality UI still under progress Testing has not started on large scale The customer has been actively involved and demos have been shown Usability Unit tests are written Coding conventions are followed Problem and bug fixing works smoothly Code quality Layout has been approved User has provided graphical elements Layout Not yet implemented Localization Risks are actively followed Some risks have realized Change management has worked well Risk management

13 imara 13 Some Risks Have Materialized R4 - Sudden case of sickness or other unplanned events prevent team members from fulfilling their tasks - Assign clear tasks - Follow work progress intensively (reporting and meetings) - Swineflu has taken down one after another - Hardware and software failures waste time R9 - The team members cannot adopt to the used development tools on time - Provide learning tasks and tutorial - Peer programming - The skill levels of developers vary - Due to the nature of the software, it is hard to allocate even amount of work Risk Planned mitigating actions Current situation

14 imara 14 Changes to the project Continuous Integration will be implemented in next sprint No major changes

15 imara WORK RESULTS Results of the iteration Demo

16 imara Architecture Overview

17 imara Demo


19 imara Work practices have worked well We are satisfied with Weekly meetings have worked well and attendance has been high Group spirit is high We are focusing on All team members should be equally involved in the process The product is in shape, but the course requirements should be taken more into the account Work distribution should be improved

20 imara Continuing the good work!


22 imara Iterative development plan Iteration (> 5 weeks) Sprint (< 5 weeks) Heartbeat (1 week) Week404244464850522468 Iteration 1 Iteration 2Planning Sprint 1.1Sprint 1.2Sprint 2.1Sprint 2.2 Meetings with Suunto

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