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2009. 1. Name 2. Fact 3. Emotion 4. Delusion 5. Sensation 6. Energy/source 7. Seven.

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3 1. Name 2. Fact 3. Emotion 4. Delusion 5. Sensation 6. Energy/source 7. Seven

4  Until Hahnemanns’ days people believed disease was caused by cold, draft, humidity, spoiled air, bad evaporations…  Hahnemann however concluded chronic diseases were caused by inherited or acquired, constitutional weaknesses and tendencies  Therefor one should not only take the actual symptoms into account but the totality of all the above mentioned

5  The vitality  The nature, quantity and distribution of energy  Also needs ‘food’: ‘energy’ from nutrition, clean air and water, exercise, sound breathing, bathing, massages, body postures, manipulations, odors, sunlight, colors, etc

6  The dimension between 1st and 3rd  The world of elements, raw materials, radioactive elements, minerals, crystals, primitive beings like virusses en bacteria  From which all creatures are evolved: plants and animals of the 3 de dimension

7  The 2nd dimension beings can be considered as the ancestors of man  Metals, minerals, crystals, chemicals elements: building blocks in our physical body are from the same nature (= similar)  They resonate in our energetic body and our health depends on that harmony

8  Alchemy tries to understand and use telluric forces  Geomantics is the art which people could use to harmonize with the frequencies of the earth  Hahnemann was well acquanted with alchemy

9  What we would now call constitution: the genetic make up of our physical body (DNA from mother and father)  And the susceptibiity for certain disorders, in other words = to resonate harmonious or out of tune with certain elements, virusses or bacteria

10  In our energy household only a few disturbances are possible:  The quantity (psora)  The distribution (sycose)  The nature (syfilis)

11  Sankaran defined disease as delusion  If miasms are classificiations of diseases, they are also classifications of delusions  Delusions belong to the psyche, hence level 4

12  Miasms according to Hahnemann represent the characteristics of the body (level 1 and 2)  Miasms according to Sankaran represent characteristics of the mind (niveau 3 and 4)  They exist simultanuously and complement each other

13  Remedies made of bacteria and virusses, diseased tissue, excretions or mixtures of these  Some have a proving, others don’t  They are supposed to contain the signature of the disease

14  As a starter or to finish a constitutional treatment  To clarify a unclear remedy picture  As a ‘common’ homeopathic remedy on the basis of its indications  To remove the blockade  ‘Never well since’  As profylactic (F.i. in an epidemy))

15  If the vital sensation is the ‘what, the the miasm is the ‘how’  F. i. the specific sensation of being fragile (Conifer)  When we understood the miasm-information and not the sensation, then the nosode given will diminish the miasmatic aspect and clarify the sensation

16  Only miasm information  No reference to any kingdom  Cases seem superficial, down to earth, ‘fact level’  Whatever topic discussed, it’s a dead end  The patient seems unwilling or incapable of getting ‘in touch with his emotions’  It all comes down to one thing (for instance: I need to control, I try this and try that and finally resign, as long as it changes, it’s OK)

17  The vital sensation of the patient is this one, persistent, repetitive and deepest feeling or ‘condition to be OK’  It’s there in all circumstances, occcasions, levels, periods and domains of ones life  Which is the definition of the ‘vital sensation’

18  Is prescribed on level 5 and expressed on level 4  Has nothing to do with the physical characteristics  A Carcinosinum on level 5 can be a sycotic in his physical make up  The sensation represents in these cases not a substance but an idea or a survival mechanism of the psyche

19 Besides the three main kingdoms (animal, plant and mineral) :  Monera  Fungi (cfr Frans Vermeulen)  Imponderables  More classifications are possible (sea or watercreatures, desert remedies, carbons, parasites,… )

20  Invasiveness  Toxigenicity  Fast reproduction  Contagion  Communication  Colonization  Strategy

21  Evolutionary  Symbiotic  Co-operative  Genetically flexible  Socialised  Democratic  Victims/aggressors

22 subjectiveobjective individual Iit Individual collective weits collective subjectiveobjective

23  Polarity: disease and health  Vital sensation: I’m not normal (because I’m ill) and all the others are normal  The focus is on being weak or strong and all one can and must do for that  Particular interest in eating=  The right diet, eating enough, eat oneself strong, overeat the disease, errors in diet make one ill, need for supplements, special nutrients, ‘power’ food

24  They want to know everything, be familiar with, want to come everywhere, discuss with people, have many interests, are very inquisitive and studious  The main reason is: being able to adapt  A virus needs an organism to live and procreate, the patient wants to know everything about the other on order to be able to empathize, ‘enter into’ the other

25  They talk in length about influences, the arrival, intrusion, the conduct, behaviour, ideas of others, any kind of influence from outside  The sensation is: after that you are not the same anymore  In can be expressed as a fascination (active reaction) or a fear (passive reaction)

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