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Presentation on theme: "  The part of the body that supplies blood to oxygen in order to deliver it to the cells.  Respiration (Merriam-Webster) › “physical."— Presentation transcript:


2  The part of the body that supplies blood to oxygen in order to deliver it to the cells.  Respiration (Merriam-Webster) › “physical and chemical processes by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for metabolism and relieves them of the carbon dioxide formed in energy – producing reactions” › Intake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide

3  Lungs › The lungs allow the body to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This is called breathing.  Red blood cells › Responsible for taking the oxygen and distributing it through the rest of the body. Then they pick up carbon dioxide and take it back to the lungs as waste.

4  Pharynx › Also known as the throat › Permits the passage of swallowed solids and conducts air to the trachea  Larynx › Also known as the voice box › Holds the vocal cords for speaking  Trachea › Also known as the windpipe › Filters air and branches into the bronchi Microsoft Clip Art

5  Bronchi › Two air tubes that carry air to lungs › Divide into smaller bronchi called bronchioles  Bronchioles › Lead to the alveoli  Alveoli › Tiny sacs in the lungs › Where the oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide exits Microsoft Clip Art

6  Lungs › Help oxygen to enter red blood cells Microsoft Clip Art

7  Diaphragm › Dome – shaped muscle at the bottom of the lungs › Enlarges the space for the lungs to expand during breathing Microsoft Clip Art


9  When we become drowsy we tend to not to take in enough air.  The brain sends a signal to the lungs to take a long deep breath also known as a yawn. Microsoft Clip Art

10  Sneezing is like an upper breathing cough.  When we cough, we force particles out from the throat up.  When sneezing, we force particles up from the nose. Microsoft Clip Art

11  Hiccups are sudden involuntary movement of the diaphragm.  When eating too fast, the diaphragm may react in a jumping way causing hiccups. Microsoft Clip Art

12  Respiratory disease that cause the bronchial tubes to swell.  One that has it may experience: › Coughing of discolored thick mucus › Difficulty breathing  Mainly cause by: › Smoking › Continuous breath in unclear air  Many may use: › Inhaled bronchodilator › Cough syrup Microsoft Clip Art

13  An infection that occurs in the lungs.  One that has it may experience: › Coughing › Fevering › Difficulty breathing  Mainly caused by: › Contagious infected people › Improper care during the flu or a cold  Many may use: › Cold and flu medicine › Doctor prescribed medicine Microsoft Clip Art

14  Lung disease that narrows airways  One that has it may experience: › Shortness of breath › Chest tightness  Mainly caused by: › Increased activity › Smoke  Many may use: › An inhaler › A breathing machine Microsoft Clip Art

15 By completing this project, I was able to fully understand what goes on in the respiratory system. I didn’t really learn much as I had already begin to learn about it in Health class last year. I think this information become beneficial when I begin to study medicine and anatomy. I’m sure I will to know things like what I found through my research. Microsoft Clip Art

16      system/45316/Pharynx system/45316/Pharynx  

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