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Iraj Nemati Discourse analysis:. the study of language be yond The sentence, in text and conversation. When we ask how we make sense of what we read,

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Presentation on theme: "Iraj Nemati Discourse analysis:. the study of language be yond The sentence, in text and conversation. When we ask how we make sense of what we read,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Iraj Nemati Discourse analysis:

2 the study of language be yond The sentence, in text and conversation. When we ask how we make sense of what we read, How we can re cognize well, constructed texts as opposed to those that are jumbled or incoherent, How we understand speakers who communicate more than they say and how we successfully take Part in that complex activity called conversation, We are undertaking what is known as discourse analysis. Discourse analysis:

3 when we try and effort to interpret (or to be interpreted) and how we accomplish it. When we make sense of notices like no shoes, no service on shop windows in summer, understanding that a conditional relation exists between the two parts lif you are wearing no shoes you will receive no service. Interpreting discourse:

4 the ties and connection that exist within texts or the grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the different elements of a text. This may be the relationship between different sentences or between different parts of a sentence. For example: A: Is jenny coming to the party? B:Yes,she is. There is a link between jenny and she and also between is coming and is. Cohesion:

5 Coherence: the connections that create meaningful interpretation of text. These connections may be based or speaker Shred knowledge. For example A:Could you give me a lift home? B: Sorry, I’m visiting my sister. (2) Turn-taking: the way in which each speaker takes a turn in conversation. Coherence:

6 an underlying assumption of conversation that you will make your conversational contribution such as is required. at the stage at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. The co-operative principle: a word phrase used to indicate that you are not really sure that what you are saying in sufficiently correct or complete. Hedge:

7 an additional meaning conveyed by a speaker adhering to the co-operative principle. Background knowledge: information That is not in a text but is used from memory by a reader to understand the text. a conventional knowledge structure in memory for specific things. Such as a supermarket. (food is displayed on shelves, arranged in aisles, etc.) Implicatures: Schema:

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