Adult Social Care data collections: March 2013 letter.

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1 Adult Social Care data collections: March 2013 letter

2 March 2013 letter to councils Update on the collections being developed for 2014/15 Further information on the new Safeguarding Adults Return and revised DoLS return for 2013/14 Update on the collections and publications Requests for volunteers

3 How the letter was developed T hrough regular discussions with the ZBR communications group, which includes a number of council representatives Through feedback from queries received and discussions with groups such as ADASS S&P Through endorsement by the DH/ADASS Outcomes and Information Development Board

4 Update on the collections being developed for 2014/15 Plans to replace RAP, ASC-CAR and PSSEX1 with collections on short/long term support and finance, underpinned by the equalities and classifications framework Thank you to the 47 councils who took part in the impact assessment, and all those in testing / development groups Intention to make an announcement on final plans by end of May 2013 Latest draft ZBR materials are on the HSCIC website and will continue to be updated

5 Further information on the new Safeguarding Adults Return (SAR) and revised DoLS return for 2013/14 The changes were announced in September 2012. Thank you to colleagues who advised on the development of materials The SAR replaces the AVA collection for 2013/14 onwards Record level recording for the revised DoLS collection will start in April, reported to the HSCIC annually Guardianship remains the same

6 Update on the collections and publications The HSCIC has published a number of final 2011/12 reports in early 2013, with most of this data also being on NASCIS It is likely that data will be in the public domain earlier this year than last Thank you for submitting carers survey data And thank you for feedback on the collections systems. We have made some changes to Omnibus collections.

7 Requests for volunteers Thank you to everyone who has been involved in our stakeholder groups, or by providing feedback recently Most volunteers are currently from NW, SE and London, so volunteers from other regions are sought We may be able to offer further secondment opportunities DH would like more volunteers for the ASCOF reference group

8 Further information Please look at the March 2013 letter to councils for web links and e-mail addresses


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