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1914 – Present 20 th century and Beyond AP World History Dr. Johnston and B. Shee (notes) Periodization: Why 1914?

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Presentation on theme: "1914 – Present 20 th century and Beyond AP World History Dr. Johnston and B. Shee (notes) Periodization: Why 1914?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1914 – Present 20 th century and Beyond AP World History Dr. Johnston and B. Shee (notes) Periodization: Why 1914?

2 20 th Century Ideologies  Economic ( communism/capitalism) vs Political (totalitarianism/democracy)  Socialism vs. Marxism vs. Communism  Fascism- Totalitarianism  Representative democracy

3 World War I- The Great War Global War: “war to end all wars”: millions dead, trenches, flu, sparked more nationalism

4 BETWEEN THE WARS Depression, Appeasement, Communism, Facism Versailles Treaty: Germany unhappy – later appeasement Depression: hits Germany hard; 1920’s “swinging” in US -Cycle of depression hits and stock crash Oct. 29, 1929 -Russian Revolution -Chinese Civil War and then Japan invasion -Excess lands after WWI – China, Mandate System: Class A Mandates in Middle East (Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq) -New Science and technology -Rise of Facism and Nazism

5 World War II – The Western Front Battle of Britain – B. left to battle Germany alone – France fell and rescue at Dunkirk - Germany blitzkrieg -Churchill “we shall never surrender” -June-Sept. 1940 – Did not defeat B. -US joins ALLIES D-Day: June 6, 1944 -B. US & Canadian troops to France (Normandy) -Take back France, but G. held back for a year -Hitler commits suicide and war ends in Europe Allies (B., F.) vs. Axis (Germ., Italy, Japan) Later: Allies: B., F., US, USSR vs. Axis (G., I., Japan)

6 World War II – The Eastern Front 1941 – Hitler takes USSR (breaks treaty) -Largest attack in history (Operation Barbossa) -Leningrad cut off – starving, but no surrender (1 million dead) -Germany goes after Stalingrad (near Moscow) and winter does them in -Battle of the Bulge: G. retreat US gets involved after Neutrality Acts (sell supplies to both sides) – Pearl Harbor in Dec. 1941 -Africa: Italians took over Egypt, but not effective…Germans helped in Al Alamein, but B. held them back -Eisenhower led Americans into Morocco and Algeria – won the area -Invaded Italy – Mussolini killed

7 Revolutions  New ideas about class, property, land reform  How did this differ from 18 th & 19 th century?

8 LATIN AMERICA 1914-Present  Politically: independent in 1800’s – BUT unstable governments: revolution, socialist attempts, dictatorships and military dictatorships ag. Socialism, 1990’s – democracy  Economically: Still under Western influence – trying hard to strike out on their own: hard  NAFTA attempt  Socially: issues between white and natives; very multi-national

9 Mexican Revolution (1911-1920) Geographically: lots of invasions and bribed & used force General Diaz (34 yrs) – Mexico declined 1% owned 85% of land (hacienda’s) – other end were Indians and mestizos - Mexican Revolution haphazard… Zapata led revolt ag. Hacienda’s in South; “Pancho” Villa & army of 3,000 seized hacienda’s in N. – create family ranches

10 RUSSIA  Politically: Changes in politics – autocratic Tsar – communism – communist dictatorship end of communism…but mostly communist  Socially and Economically: not even, superpower but not everyone feels human rights or economic well-being

11 Russian Revolution “Peace, Bread, and Land” Lenin – leader of Bolshevik Rev. -Czar and WWI too much for Russia -Bolshevik Revolution (Communists) wins Civil War under Trotsky: 1917 -Country almost destroyed; Lenin introduces his NEP which allowed peasants to sell surplus instead of turning it over to government…but Lenin still wanted to turn USSR into industrial country…peasants pay for it! -Stalin in 1926 – has Trotsky expelled and begins hard-line communist dictatorship -Great Purge

12 ASIA  SOUTH ASIA: Under British, gains independence – economically strong, but not still poverty; loses Pakistan; Muslim vs. Hindus – Sikh issues with Indira Gandhi  CHINA: Western control, fights with Japan, becomes communist – (Mao), Deng allows some economic capitalism, still human rights issues  JAPAN: Imperialistic, WWII loses and focuses on economy (no more emperor power)

13 Chinese Revolutions Nationalists come to power, replace Qing… -Communists & Nationalists work together (ag. Japanese) and vie for power (i.e. Long March) - Communists win in 1949 with MAO

14 Cuban Revolution In 1950’s, Batista unpopular dictator (US support) -Fidel Casto leads a totalitarian revolution – suspends elections, jails opponents, controls press, nationalized economy and took away US sugar mills/refineries -US intervene – Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis (nuclear war threat!!!) - Cuba dependent on Soviets – but Soviets crash in the 90’s: Cuba reforms

15 MIDDLE EAST  1914 Ottoman; Balfour Declaration 1918 “mandates”–under W. influence  WWII end: Israel begins; wars w. Egypt/etc.  Attempts at peace  Terrorism ag. Israel and US/Western problems  Economically: Oil and OPEC – Iraq and Kuwait – Persian Gulf Wars

16 Iranian Revolution Clash between Islamic values and Western materialism (oil) – IRAN is best example of this Shah westernized Iran (with US help/support) – but millions lived in poverty -Shah tried to weaken the Muslim leaders called Ayatollahs, but Ayatollah Khomeini incited riots in 1978 – Shah fled and Khomeini took over -Militant Islamic, anti-US, 1979 took US Embassy in Tehran

17 A New Age of Conflict  Role of technology– how does war change  Continued Impact of Disease (AIDS, SARS)  Connection of Nationalism to conflict (Middle East, genocide in Africa)  Balance: power politics vs ethnic nationalism

18 The Cold War

19 Cold War Ideas -East & West Germany and Berlin “Iron Curtain Falls” -Policy of Containment (block Soviet influence/expansion) -Truman Doctrine – support countries that reject Comm and Marshall Plan (rebuilding project and aid for above) -Threat of Nuclear War “brinkmanship” -Korea (38 th parallel – N comes into S…UN intervenes… -Vietnam: US afraid of Domino Theory – nervous about communist guerrillas in the South (17 th parallel) – go in! -Détente with Nixon and SALT agreements -Reagan ratches it up again and then communism falls

20 International Organizations UN created to protect members against Aggression -General Assembly and 11-member Security Council to settle disputes – 5 permanent members who have veto (B., China, F., US and USSR) -USSR boycotting UN when UN decided to go into Korea -NATO: defensive military alliance (west) vs. WARSAW PACT (East)

21 Wars of Independence

22 AFRICA  1914: Politically “Scramble for Africa” – still colonial powers  WWII – Africa more involved in WWII: sees nationalism and ideas of WWII – inspires independence – decolonizes  Ghana, Kenya, Algeria  South Africa  Economically still a problem

23 Independence

24 Decolonization  A long and painful process–  Colonial legacies brought about anti-colonial nationalism and used lessons of war  THREE patterns: - negotiated independence (India) - Civil War (China) - Incomplete decolonization (Palestine, S. Africa and Vietnam)

25 Colonial Legacy

26 Global Economics  Global Depression  North and South  Interdependence  Emergence of Pacific Rim  Globalization– pros and cons? NAFTA and W.T.O. Consumerism Religious response to Globalization

27 International Terrorism

28 Human Rights  Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948  Genocide Convention, 1948 Armenian 1918 Jewish Holocaust 1930’s- 1940’s Cambodia- Pol Pot 1975- 1979 Rwanda, 1994  Child Labor, Soldiers, Slavery

29 Genocide

30 Social Reforms  Rise of Feminism (suffrage for women)  Civil rights movements globally  Anti-apartheid movement in South Africa  Class, religious, racial, gender, and sexual orientation, reforms worldwide

31 Human Environmental and Demographics Interaction  Continued Urbanization  Green Revolution  Deforestation  Ozone depletion  Global environmental efforts  World Population 7 billion – global impact?

32 World Population

33 Conclusions  Impact of technology?  Role of International Organizations?  Challenges?  Universal truths?

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