Making A Difference The Power of Teamwork & Leadership Mid-Year Renewal Cleveland Botanical Garden Presented by Dr. Ronald L. Victor.

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Presentation on theme: "Making A Difference The Power of Teamwork & Leadership Mid-Year Renewal Cleveland Botanical Garden Presented by Dr. Ronald L. Victor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making A Difference The Power of Teamwork & Leadership Mid-Year Renewal Cleveland Botanical Garden Presented by Dr. Ronald L. Victor

2 Your Team

3 Topic and Purpose… Teamwork Attitude AttitudeLeadership Self-Discovery Self-Discovery

4 Teamwork!

5 What is a Team?  A team is a group of people: with complementary skills; who are committed to a common purpose or goal; for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

6 When we function as a team, we  Share a common purpose or goal  Establish mutual trust among members  Do our best work  Meet established expectations and guidelines  Communicate effectively  Appreciate individual differences  Mentor others

7 Tennis Ball Fun!

8 Effective Teambuilding Effective Teambuilding The Rules… 1.Safety first, Safety first, Safety first 2.Two Bounce Rule 3.At least six feet apart from one another The Object of the activity… 1.Most catches count 2.Individual and group scores count 3.Everyone must have two chances to catch the tennis ball

9 Your Attitude “…I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…..we are in charge of our Attitudes.” Charles Swindoll Charles Swindoll

10 How do you develop positive attitudes on the job?  Be Dependable  Show Pride in Your Work  Earn and Give Respect  Be Considerate  Utilize Your Knowledge  Be Enthusiastic

11 Dependability  Be on time  Do your best work on the job

12 Pride in your work  A basic satisfaction that can be yours in any job  All jobs done with pride make a difference  Your contribution is important to business success  Your contribution creates a positive image of you and your company

13 Respect  The rights of others  Give credit to others for what they do  Applaud individuality and the creativensss it brings

14 Consideration for others  To help them do their job  Others may not have full information  They are speaking from their heart  Practice patience  Be alert to the fact that some people just don’t know how to communicate or act more appropriately

15 Knowledge  Knowledge is important…the more the better from people, books and experience  It helps you grow on the job

16 Enthusiasm  Fuels progress  The more the better  Even a smile will help  Focus on the positive

17 The Golden Rules Treat others how you want to be treated… Put yourself in the other person’s place…

18 Success depends on… YourAttitude!

19 Leadership

20 Defining the Heart of Leadership Providing Appropriate Conditions Achieving Successful Outcomes Our Goal is to: Inform Leadership Promote Collaboration Involve the Community Seek Commitment Inspire Change Celebrate Success

21 Defining the Heart of Leadership Your way of being…How you are, What you like, Your conscience How you operate…What floats your boat, inner drive How you act and respond…Your personal self Your sense of family…Family background, How you feel about others, Who you surround yourself by

22 Providing Appropriate Conditions Your environment…Where you are, your comfort area, where you live and work How you see, react and analyze change…How you accept change, how you respond, What makes you work, your experiences How you implement priorities…What is important to you, your organization, your organizational skills, ability Your continuous evaluation…How you analyze yourself, your goal to self- improve, ability to learn from others, experiences needed to organize

23 Successful Outcomes How to achieve and improve…How you reap benefits, your road map to success How to manage continuous change…How you adapt, your survival skills Return on your investment…How you complete your goal, achieve success Your results…Your outcomes, completion of goals, achievements

24 Brainstorming Activity

25 A Three Step Process 1. Establish the objective or the change to be made-Goal 2. Brainstorm-Driving and Restraining Forces 3. Select an improvement strategy based on these forces-Your Action Plan

26 Your Action Plan 1. GOAL (What do you want to do/accomplish?) 2. DRIVING FORCES (Items that are pushing the change or action) 3. RESTRAINING FORCES (Factors that tend to hold back or block the change from taking place) 4. ACTION PLAN (Your plan for achieving your goal)

27 Your Action Plan ACTION PLAN 1. GOAL (What do you want to do/accomplish?): A.______________________________________________________________________________B.______________________________________________________________________________C.______________________________________________________________________________D.______________________________________________________________________________ 2. DRIVING FORCES (Items that are pushing for the change or action): A.______________________________________________________________________________B.______________________________________________________________________________C.______________________________________________________________________________D.______________________________________________________________________________ 3. RESTRAINING FORCES (Factors that tend to hold back or block the change from taking place): A.______________________________________________________________________________B.______________________________________________________________________________C.______________________________________________________________________________D.______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ACTION PLAN (Your plan for achieving your goal): A.______________________________________________________________________________B.______________________________________________________________________________C.______________________________________________________________________________D.______________________________________________________________________________

28 Today’s Bumper Sticker Change the way you see…. Not the way you look….

29 Use The Magnifying Glass!

30 Celebrate Your Success!

31 Self-Discovery … Self-Discovery … See that leaf. It winds its way to wherever the stream is taking it, she observed. Look, I’m not a leaf. He meant to sound forceful. I’m a manger. My job is to control things, not be controlled. She moved closer; looked directly at him. Her eyes felt penetrating. Are you succeeding? Maybe not. Not anymore. Control is an illusion. It’s seductive because it gives a feeling of power. Something to hold on to. So it becomes addictive. It’s hard to give up even when it’s not working. You can’t start a journey until you let go of habits holding you back! Bolman & Deal Leading with Soul

32 Thank you & Good Luck!

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