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CS0004: Introduction to Programming Variables – Numbers.

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1 CS0004: Introduction to Programming Variables – Numbers

2 Review  The basic form of setting a property of a control: = setting txtBox.ForeColor = Color.Red Private Sub btnButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnButton.Click ‘Code goes here End Sub  There’s only two parts you need to worry about: 1. btnButton_Click is the name of the event procedure 2. btnButton.Click tells the procedure to listen for the click event on the button btnButton.  To make an event procedure you can: 1. Double click on the control (creates the default event procedure for the control) 2. Click on the control then click the “Events” button at the top of the Properties Window

3 Numeric Literals and Arithmetic Operations  Data appearing as numbers are called numeric literals. 33 44  9.9  With these we can perform various arithmetic operations with arithmetic operators:  Addition +  Subtraction -  Multiplication *  Division /  Exponentiation ^  Grouping Symbols ()  The arithmetic operators follow normal order of operations

4 Arithmetic Operations Example  See Example on Course Webpage  New Things:  Numeric Literals  Arithmetic Operations  List Box  lstExample.Items  Accesses the list boxes items  lstExample.Items.Clear()  Removes all items from the list box  lstExample.Items.Add(parameter)  Adds the supplied parameter to the list as a list item  Add and Clear are known as methods  A method is a process that performs a task for a particular object.  What is in the “ () ” in the Add method is called a parameter.  A parameter is information passed to the method to be processed  Not all methods require parameters ( Clear, for example, doesn’t)

5 Variables  In math problems quantities are referred to by name.  For example, if we wanted to see how far a car traveled if the car was going 50 miles per hour for 14 hours?  How would we solve this?  Take the speed (50 miles per hour)  Multiply it by the time elapsed (14 hours)  To get the distance traveled distance = speed x time elapsed  This can be solved by a computer program.

6 Variables Example  See Example on Course Webpage  New Things:  Variables – speed, timeElapsed, and distance are variables  Variables can be thought of boxes where we store values.  You access variables by using their names.  Camel Casing  When you want something to be named a series of words DO NOT put spaced between the words, use camel casing instead.  Camel casing is capitalizing the next work instead of using a space.  timeElapsed  Assignment Statement  An assignment statement puts a value into a variable. Uses the assignment operator ( = )’  speed = 50  D eclaration Statement  It is good practice to declare a variable before using it.  This allows the program to free up space for the variable in memory.  Dim speed As Double

7 Declaration Statement  The form of a declaration statement in VB is: Dim variableName As type  variableName is whatever you decide to name the variable  Naming rules: 1. Variable names must start with an alphabetic character or an underscore (_) 2. After the first character they can have any alphabetic, numeric, or underscore character 3. Keywords cannot be used as variable names  type is what type of information the variable can hold.  Two numeric types:  Double – can hold positive or negative floating-point (decimal) values  Example: 3.4, 90.222, 4.97635  Integer – can hold positive or negative whole numbers  Examples: 1, 3, 573

8 Initialization  If a variable is assigned a value right after it is declared, you can combine the two into one statement: Dim speed As Double speed = 50 Becomes… Dim speed As Double = 50  This is called an initialization statement.  Again, this makes the variable speed have to value of 50

9 Some Built-In Functions  You can do some more complex math operations such as square root and round.  To do this, we use some of VBs built-in functions.  Functions are methods that return a value.  Returning a value means doing some computation and supplying some value where the function is used (or called).  Square Root and Round are functions of the Math object. So, to access them, you must do:  Math.Sqrt(parameter)  Math.Sqrt(9) is 2  Math.Round(paramer)  Math.Round(3.6) is 4  Sometimes you want to convert a double into an integer by cutting off the decimal portion  Int(parameter)  Int(3.6) is 3

10 Notes  You can declare multiple variables in one line. Dim a As Double Dim b As Double Becomes… Dim a, b As Double Or Dim a As Double = 2 Dim b As Double = 5 Becomes… Dim a As Double = 2, Dim b As Double = 5  In addition to the mathematical operators mentioned before, there are two specific for integers:  Integer Division ( \ )  14 \ 3 is 4  Modulus – ( Mod )  14 Mod 3 is 2

11 Notes  You can mix numeric literals, variables, and arithmetic operators can be mixed  answer = x + (4 - y) * 6  Often times you want to perform an operation to a variable then store it back into the original variable  Example: x = x + 1  You can simplify this by using the += operator  Example: x += 1  There are two special numeric values in VB  NaN – Not a Number  Example: Math.Sqrt(-1)  Infinity  Example: 1/0

12 Numbers Notes Example  See Example on Course Webpage  New Things:  Initialization  Multiple declarations in one line  Integers  -= operator  Square Root  Round  Int  Integer Division  Modulus

13 Errors  Two Types Introduced Before:  Syntax Error – Gramatical Errors to the VB language  Misspellings, omissions, incorrect punctuations, etc.  Logical Error – When the program does not perform the way it is intended  Typing a = b + c when you mean a = b – c, for example  Another Type:  Runtime Error – Some error the compiler could not check before making the executable.  Often due to influence outside of the program  Error List Window

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