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8.02 Aseptic Techniques Implement aseptic technique to maintain equipment Images courtesy of google images.

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1 8.02 Aseptic Techniques Implement aseptic technique to maintain equipment Images courtesy of google images

2 Aseptic Techniques Practice keeping a sterile environment and keeping the environment disease and contaminate free Sterile techniques: Washing hands frequently Wearing gloves when handling animals Cleaning all surfaces with disinfectants

3 Aseptic Techniques Nosocomial infection – when a human causes the spread of disease and the contamination of an animal Unsterile surgical practices Contamination of a healthy animal due to unsafe sterile practices Allowing contagious animals to be in contact with healthy animals

4 Housekeeping and General Cleaning
Practice good hygiene and odor control It is important that the veterinary assistant be familiar with the facilities cleaning and disinfecting methods and with chemicals available “clean as you go” attitude Cleaning must be done properly

5 Hand Hygiene Most common method of spreading disease is through direct hand contact Antibacterial soap and use hand sanitizer Signs throughout the facility to remind all staff members to wash their hands

6 Exam Room Sanitation Safety and disease control
Cleaned after every patient that is seen in the room and at the end of the day Begin cleaning at a starting point Work clockwise Always clean, using an up and down motion or side to side Trash should always be cleaned up on a regular basis Cold tray chemicals should be changed on a regular basis Floor should be swept and cleared

7 Veterinary Sanitation Chemicals and Cleaners
Antiseptics – solutions that destroy microorganisms or inhibit their growth on living tissues and are effective disinfecting agents Spectrum of activity – refers to what the agent will kill such as viruses, bacteria, or fungus Appropriate surface uses – refers to the types the agents may use to clean Contact time of the solution – refers to how long the disinfectant should sit before being cleaned from the surface Inhibiting factors – refers to uses that should be avoided when using the disinfectant Toxic effects – refers to the hazardous effects that use of the agent may have to humans or animals

8 Laundering Materials Important part of sanitation and disease control plan Sort by: Surgical materials Regular hospital materials Contagious items Most items may require pretreating High temperatures should be used

9 Surgical Asepsis Prevention of any organisms from entering the patient via surgical incision, inhalation, or IV anesthesia All items in use must be sterile Ventilation of surgical suite must be separate from normal hospital ventilation Only surgical procedures should be performed

10 Surgical Suite Maintenance
Ceiling sanitation: Spot clean daily Mopped once per week Change ventilation filters weekly Wall sanitation: Spot cleaned after each procedure Mopped daily

11 Surgical Suite Maintenance
Counter and shelf sanitation: Disinfected daily Spot clean between each surgery Used items in medical waste container should be disposed of each day Floor sanitation: Mopped daily and between surgeries as needed Dual mop method

12 Surgical Suite Maintenance
Equipment: Cleaned and disinfected, following manufacturer’s recommendation Permanent fixtures cleaned daily Clean table after each use Surgical ties washed weekly unless soiled

13 Surgical Preparation Make patient urinate Clip surgical area
Prep skin with surgical scrub Place patient on table Apply monitors

14 Surgical Pack Preparation
Non-sterile items Hair cover or cap Surgical mask Booties or shoe covers Sterile items Scrub pack containing bristle brush Sterile linen hand towel Surgical scrub Surgery glove pack with correct-sized gloves Sterile gown pack

15 Surgery Pack Sterilized separately Instrument packs ½ surgical drape
Towel packs Individual instrument envelopes Bowel packs

16 Surgery Pack Pack supplies include: Scrub pack Gauze sponges
Laparotomy towel Suture material Surgical blade Scrub pack Hard bristle brush Sterile hand towel Surgical scrub Surgery gloves

17 Sterilization Techniques
Autoclave Distilled water heated to high temperature and pressure to sterilize items Distilled water must be used Don’t pack materials too tightly in autoclave Must run the entire cycle Allow to cool before removing content

18 Sterilization Techniques
Surgical instruments Cleaned after each use Soak in disinfectant Mechanical cleaning by ultrasonic cleaner can be done Rinse instruments and thoroughly dry Dip in instrument milk Drain and air dry

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