C ORPORATIONS. W HAT A RE W E W ILLING TO D O … P ETROLEUM C OMPANIES BP/A MOCO AND E XXON M OBILE  Start changing core business model to operate under.

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Presentation on theme: "C ORPORATIONS. W HAT A RE W E W ILLING TO D O … P ETROLEUM C OMPANIES BP/A MOCO AND E XXON M OBILE  Start changing core business model to operate under."— Presentation transcript:



3 P ETROLEUM C OMPANIES BP/A MOCO AND E XXON M OBILE  Start changing core business model to operate under strong carbon emission standards  Focus on alternative renewable energy production and renewable fuels  Investments in ethanol, wind, solar, hydroelectricity, and other, newer, forms of renewable energy  Start by investing $10 billion of profits each year, then slowly increase this investment to at least $30 billion a year within 20 years

4 C HOCOLATE C OMPANIES C ADBURY -S CHWEPPES & N ESTLÉ  50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020  Alternative sources of energy at plants  Solar panels  Natural gas boilers instead of coal-fired  Sugar cane as a fuel to provide steam  Reduction in packaging materials used  Sustainable Design in factories – all factories up to environmental standards by the end of 2010  Waste water recovery for reuse in cooling towers  New recyclable package  Low emission natural gas boilers  Co-generation plants  Increasing efficiency  New refrigerants to cool products  Monitor root water level in agriculture  Plastics derived from naturally occurring materials  Recycled cardboard

5 B EVERAGE P RODUCTS C OCA -C OLA  Recycled Materials, reduce packaging, increase energy efficiency  Alternative energies  Solar panels  Wind energy  Geothermal  Partnership with WWF  Protecting polar bears

6 S CIENCE AND T ECHNOLOGY D U P ONT &P ROCTOR AND G AMBLE  Keep emissions steady at 1990 rates  The company’s science technologies will provide solutions for renewable energy sources  Work with other companies to make them and their products environmentally sound; will not support companies that are not environmentally sustainable  Change product packaging, decrease transportation needs  Energy efficiency throughout facilities  Cleaner alternative fuel sources  Less greenhouse gas emissions


8 G OVERNMENT S UBSIDIES  Only willing to give up 5% of profits – need to be subsidized for 95% of estimated losses  Governments cannot make laws that will result in the company’s products becoming useless  Legally binding between all countries  One contract from the company to every country

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