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Embracing Green Business in the Kenyan public service Jacqueline N. Wanjang’i.

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1 Embracing Green Business in the Kenyan public service Jacqueline N. Wanjang’i

2 Introduction The public service has an enormous task of balancing the economy, society and without compromising the environment while creating public confidence in creating an economic –environmental relationship. Public service has adopted green initiatives by going paperless however there is need to upscale green business through formulation an implementing of policies, creation of awareness and innovations to ensure public participation for a sustainable economy.

3 Introduction The public service being the service point between the government and its people, it has over the last fifty years undergone tremendous reforms to improve the delivery of services to its citizenry. The growing population and the diverse needs of the people have created a resource constrained country where the natural resources are outstripped by the demand of the same.

4 Objectives of the study To identify the existing practices within public service that promotes green business. To investigate the effect of existing policies towards green business. To provide guidelines on how public service can implement green business in their business processes.

5 Research Methodology This research is quantitative in nature and includes designs, techniques and measures that produce discrete numerical or quantifiable data.

6 Sampling and Target population The response rate was 64.2% where the target included senior managers, middle level managers and lower cadre managers.

7 Conceptual framework Leadership Innovation Policy Green Business

8 Knowledge of Green Business

9 Educational level Organizations with employees with high education and skills level are able to innovate faster.

10 Green Initiatives Paperless organization Automation of business processes Water Harvesting Recycling of paper and water Refurbishment of furniture Upgrading of Computers Use of renewable energy

11 Green Initiatives Green Business InitiativesMean /5 Employee’s prefer organizations that protect the environment and promote social well being 3.5 An Organizational culture encourages conservation of the environment` 2.84 An Institutional policy on sustainable management2.87 The sharing of information on the importance of recycling waste and energy conservation 2.54 The furniture is recycled and Refurbished for sustainable work spaces 1.78 Recycling water1.74 Promotion on the use of solar and wind energy1.97 Water Harvesting is one of the practice adapted1.92 Recycling paper in our organization1.89

12 Findings Results from the study indicated that 51% of the respondents were knowledgeable in Green business. 60.4% were aware of the National Environmental Policy. Employees appreciate organizations that are involved in Corporate social responsibility. The paper established that there was a gap between knowledge and practice.

13 Recommendations Leaders in public service should significantly increase the belief of people in their ability to make a difference through learning new skills, developing existing talents and providing institutional support for ongoing growth and change. Public service should initiate integration for employees to have high quality relationships that leads to learning. Leaders must create a climate of inquiry, openness, patience and encouragement for learning and growth mindset.

14 Recommendations The is need for leaders to involve technocrats for policy direction for a sustainable economy to thrive. William Dunn (2008). Organizations that have employees with high quality relationships they engage in behavior that leads to learning.(Westen 2008). Organizations that are heavily invested in sustainability have highly return on Assets than those that moderately invest.

15 Recommendations Organizations with a strong corporate culture based on foundation of shared values outperform those without. (Rhoads 2011). Public service should invest in sustainability for high return on Assets to create a sustainable economy by use of renewable energy and ultimately prudent resource utilization.

16 In Conclusion The public service is an open system that interacts with its environment. It is therefore a social organization and must be adaptive in nature and an integral part of the environment.

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