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Public Procurement Authority Electronic Public Procurement Platform (EPPP) 25.05.2012, Tiran H.Onur CEBECİ Project Director Overview of EPPP and Related.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Procurement Authority Electronic Public Procurement Platform (EPPP) 25.05.2012, Tiran H.Onur CEBECİ Project Director Overview of EPPP and Related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Procurement Authority Electronic Public Procurement Platform (EPPP) 25.05.2012, Tiran H.Onur CEBECİ Project Director Overview of EPPP and Related Applications

2 Agenda Vision EPPP with Numbers No of Downloads with e-Signature Savings Through EPPP Business Intelligence Online Collection and e-Invoicing Integrated Appeal, Review and Board Project

3 Vision To conduct all public procurements and PPA’s processes electronically untill the 100th anniversary of the Republic, the year 2023.

4 EPPP Login Page

5 EPPP with Numbers 01 September 2010 – 31 March 2012EKAP Registered Economic Operators (EO) 28.119 Registered Contracting Entities (CE) 25.725 Registered Users 336.947 No of CEs, who made tender 17.162 No of CEs, who made direct purchases 11.629 No of Direct Purchases 455.324 No of Procurement Registrations 340.584 No of Procurement Notices Published 164.410 No of Addendum 25.100 No of Procurement Confirmations 835.612 No of Contracts 289.420 No of Visitors 25.624.452 No of Downloads with e-Signature 317.453

6 No of Downloads with e-Signature

7 Savings Through EPPP Economic Operators (EOs) already saved in 2011 over 11.56 million € by downloading the tender documents by their e- signatures. In the first 3 months of 2012 they saved 5.79 million € It is calculated that by means of EPPP Contracting Entities (CAs) saved in 2011 around 540 million €

8 History 8 February 2010: The new infrastructure (servers, network etc.) for EPPP has been installed and taken into operation. 23 February 2010: Registration of contracting authorities and economic operators and EPPP Call Center started to operate. 1 September 2010: EPPP V1.0: EPPP LIVE! All Contracting Authorities (CAs) use EPPP for procurement. 1 December 2010: EPPP V1.1: Economic operators can download the tender documents with their e-signatures and so that they gain the status of «could-be- tenderer» according to the law. 1 March 2011: EPPP V1.2: The first e-tendering and e-tender evaluation of bids realized in a pilot sector (medical devices). –Bid Bonds and Bank Reference Letters are automatically taken from the banks over web services. First time in Turkey, the web services are signed with e- signatures. March 2011 – March 2012: EKAP S1.2.x: 10 new releases (changes: new features, improvements, corrections, legislation changes), 457 changes in total.

9 Strategy

10 Business Intelligence - Objectives To gather statistical data about public procurements for the analysis of business processes, To standardize analysis of public procurement data and development of public procurement reports, To retrieve statistical data faster, instantly and up-to-date, To provide procurement data to the other units of PPA in a more efficient way, To provide statistical information within the scope of «The Right to Information Law No. 4982» to the applicants, To provide information about procurements to contracting entities, economic operators and public in a visually rich and dynamic way, To improve public procurement processes by employing data mining,

11 Business Intelligence


13 Online Collection and e-Invoicing PPA has an agreement with 3 state banks for payments of notices, appeals and five of the per ten thousand of the conract price. Transfering payment information from banks to PPA takes a day, which prolongs the notice confirmation process (by law max. 2 or 3 days) by 1 day. When Online Collection is active, payment information will be automatically transferred from banks to the PPA. Finally, invoices for these operations will automatically be prepared and electronically sent to the related parties.

14 Integrated Appeal, Review and Board Project Appeals will be done over EPPP with the e-signatures of the related party. All necessary information related with a complaint will be retrieved electronically where possible, other documents will be scanned. The result of review by public procurement experts will be digitally signed by e-signatures and presented to the Board. Board Agenda will be prepared electronically. Board Members will be able to access to the documents electronically. Board Members will sign the decisions by their e- signatures. The notification of the decision of the Board will be sent automatically and electronically.

15 Integrated Appeal, Review and Board Project e-Signature / Encryption Phase I

16 Processes and Standards Information Technologies Service Management – ISO 20000 – ITIL – IT Infrastructure Library Capability Maturity Model Integration – CMMI – ISO 15504 Information Security Management System – ISO 27001 Business Continuity Management System – BS 25999

17 Final Words PPA Interaction Center / Call Center Training, FAQ, Helping Videos etc. Electronic Surveys Mobile Signature Mobile Applications Short Messaging Service

18 T H A N K S

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