Booster Clubs PTA Class of 2009 You are an officer – NOW WHAT ??

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Presentation on theme: "Booster Clubs PTA Class of 2009 You are an officer – NOW WHAT ??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Booster Clubs PTA Class of 2009 You are an officer – NOW WHAT ??

2 Three Primary Responsibilities 1. Pay close attention to what’s going on and make decisions based on good information.

3 Three Primary Responsibilities 2. Put the welfare of the organization above other interests when making decisions.

4 Three Primary Responsibilities 3. Act in accordance with the mission and goals of the nonprofit organization.

5 Steps to secure nonprofit status  A purpose  A name  Officers  Form of organization  Governing documents

6 Form of organization  Nonprofit association  Nonprofit corporation Seek competent legal advice to make this decision.

7 Governing Documents  Nonprofit association  Nonprofit corporation  Articles of incorporation  Bylaws Seek competent legal advice.

8 Steps to secure nonprofit status  Federal Tax Identification Number  IRS Application for exemption  State Application for exemption  Sales tax permit

9 Federal Tax Id Number  Form SS – 4   Can be filed  Online  Telephone  Fax  Mail

10 IRS Application for exemption  Form 1023  within 27 months  Filing fee  $300 if <$10,000  $750 if >$10,000  Publication 557  Seek competent tax advice

11 IRS Application for exemption  Public disclosure requirements  Form 1023, and  All supporting documents  Any letter or document issued by the IRS with regard to the application

12 IRS Application for exemption  Already exempt and need a verification letter?  (877) 829-5500 or write to Internal Revenue Service EO Customer Account Services P.O. Box 2508 Cincinnati, OH 45201

13 Texas Application for exemption  PTA  No application form

14 Texas Application for exemption  PTA  Affiliated with state association?  Yes – Send  Letter from state association acknowledging affiliation  Cover letter requesting exemption

15 Texas Application for exemption  PTA  Affiliated with state association?  NO – Send  Cover letter requesting exemption  Statement of operation as NPO  Schedule of activities

16 Texas Application for exemption  Other PTOs  No application form  Send  Cover letter requesting exemption  Statement of operation as NPO  Schedule of activities

17 Texas Application for exemption  Booster Clubs  First - MUST have federal tax exemption  Then - submit AP-204 with copy of federal determination letter  Additional documentation listed on AP-204

18 Sales Tax Rules  Texas Administrative Code  Title 34: PUBLIC FINANCE  Part 1: COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS  Chapter 3: TAX ADMINISTRATION  Subchapter O: STATE SALES AND USE TAX

19 Sales Tax Rules  Rule § 3.322  Exempt from sales and use tax on purchases for the organization’s own use

20 Sales Tax Rules  Rule § 3.316  NOT exempt from collection and remittance of sales tax on items sold

21 Exceptions: Rule §3.316  Meals and food products  Annual banquets or suppers NOT professionally catered  Amusement services  Membership dues  Publications

22 Exceptions: Rule §3.316  Auctions, Rummage Sales and Other Fund Raisers:  Exempts occasional sales by persons not in the business of selling, leasing or renting

23 Exceptions: Rule §3.316  Auctions, Rummage Sales and Other Fund Raisers:  Allows for two (2) ONE DAY sales during any 12 month period  One day sale is literally 24 hours.  A two day sale uses both of the allowed annual one day sales.

24 Exceptions: Rule §3.316  Fund raiser in which items are sold over a period of several days or weeks  Exempt if there is ONE collection date for turning money in.  Qualifies as one of the two allowed annual one day sales.

25 Exceptions: Rule §3.316  VERY IMPORTANT that there only be one collection date for turning the money in or the entire fund raiser becomes subject to sales tax!

26 Sales Tax Rules  Already exempt and need a verification letter?  Exempt Organization Search: mpt/xmptsearch.html  Request for Verification online: Request for Verification /exempt/xmpt_ltr_req.html

27 Sales Tax Rules  Application for Resale Certificate  AP-201  xforms/ap-201.pdf

28 Annual Federal Reporting  Form 990 -EZ or Form 990  Not required if annual GROSS RECIEPTS < $25,000  If filed, must be available for public inspection

29 Form 990 -EZ  Annual Gross receipts <$100,000 AND  Total assets <$250,000  Seek competent tax advice

30 Form 990  Annual Gross receipts >$100,000 OR  Total assets >$250,000  Seek competent tax advice

31 Form 990 -T  Annual Gross income from unrelated trade or business >$1,000  Seek competent tax advice

32 Loss of Exemption  Public disclosure requirements  Form 1023  Form 990 -EZ, 990, 990 -T  Can charge for copies  $1 for 1 st page .15 for each additional page

33 Loss of Exemption  Political activity  Excess benefit  Private inurement  Intermediate sanctions

34 Loss of Exemption  Prevention:  Adequate books and records  Policies and procedures  Continuing accountant or lawyer

35 Accounting  Adequate books and records  Board meeting minutes  Check register  Reconciled bank statements  Income records

36 Chart of Accounts 1 Assets – what you own 2 Liabilities – what you owe 3 Fund Balance – what’s left 4 Income 5 Expenses

37 Policies and Procedures  Internal controls  Board meetings & minutes  Reporting requirements  Separation of duties  Training of new officers  Continuing accountant or lawyer

38 Software  When do I need it?  Reporting  990  Recommendations  QuickBooks

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