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Presentation on theme: "SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET MEREDITH DILLE ED 608-01 DR. HELMS 10-8-01."— Presentation transcript:


2 The following is a list of items I am requesting for purchase. These items will help me as I teach Middle School Students. VIDEO TAPES A SLAVE’S STORY 79.95 This true story about a young black couple making their way to freedom will give students a real life look at what slavery was really like.

3 CIVIL WAR: PROMISE OF RECONSTRUCTION 79.95 This 27 minute video will allow students to see first hand the difficulties slaves encountered after they were freed. EXPANSIONISM 39.95 This video is jammed packed with information about the expansion of the United States.

4 LEADERS OF AMERICA 35.95 The roles of great American leaders are explored through re-enactments, art, and interviews with historians. This video gives students an insight to what our early leaders did. THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND THE NEW DEAL 39.95 Student will see the causes of depression, New Deals, the Dust Bowl and the crash of the stock market through an engaging video.

5 ENRICHMENT BOOKS GREAT WONDERS OF THE WORLD 59.95 This book contains short segments of what some of the world’s most awesome places have meant in human history. Students can see first hand the wonders through this exciting book. SURVIVING HOMEWORK 8.95 Student can learn how to study more effectively through this colorful and funny book.

6 MILLENNIUM CHILDREN’S HISTORY OF THE 20 th CENTURY 29.95 A year-by-year review presents students with world happenings as newspaper articles written in the present tense. These are headlines ripped hot off the press. THE VISUAL DICTIONARY OF THE CIVIL WAR 18.95 Images with explanatory text helps students envision the Civil War. Students who know the word but can’t picture what it refers to can start with the index and then turn to a photograph.

7 COMPUTER PROGRAMS TEACHING STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES $29.00 This CD-ROM is a collection of more than 140 different strategies to help students achieve better grades. TIMELINER $499.95 This practical and easy-to-use program allows students to create, illustrate, and print their own timelines.

8 MAPMAKER’S TOOLKIT $199.95 Students can customize, print, or export a wide variety of maps, including current maps of continents and countries. LIFE IN COLONIAL AMERICA $95.00 Students can study four colonial settlements through the use of slides to emphasize everyday life.

9 TEACHING AND LEARNING SUPPLEMENTAL BOOKS STUDENT GENERATED VIDEO PROJECTS $11.95 This packet includes reproducible handouts on basic concepts and vocabulary. It also teaches students how to create their own video project.

10 AMERICAN HISTORY MYSTERIES $12.95 Students can use clues to solve seven interactive mysteries about key people and events in American history. This packet includes many reproducible mystery stories. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS $11.95 Students can learn to become active and informed voter through this reproducible activity and creative activity book.

11 LEARNING ACTIVITIES WRITING DOWN THE DAYS $14.95 This is an exciting book that offers a whole year of assignments related to the calendar. Each entry begins with a fact about that day, it is an exciting way to encourage student to write.

12 A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD $14.95 This thematic unit takes students on a tour of 6 continents and 15 countries. These activities touch all the different learning styles allowing all students to benefit. GEOGRAPHY BRAIN TEASERS $9.95 Students can build map reading and research skills as they solve challenging analogies, and engage in many more exciting activities.

13 GAMES AND SIMULATIONS AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAP GAME $37.95 An exciting and fun game of Revolutionary strategies. This game contains game board, cards and maps.

14 REVOLUTIONARY WAR BINGO GAME $10.95 This history-based game tests students’ knowledge of people, events, and terms from the Revolutionary War. ESCAPE $48.00 This simulation of the Underground Railroad allows students to experience the journey from slavery to freedom by acting out travel along various routes.

15 TOTAL BUDGET $1391.05


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