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Design of a cyber security awareness campaign for Internet Cafés users in rural areas WA Labuschagne, MM Eloff, N Veerasamy, L Leenen, M Mujinga CSIR /

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Presentation on theme: "Design of a cyber security awareness campaign for Internet Cafés users in rural areas WA Labuschagne, MM Eloff, N Veerasamy, L Leenen, M Mujinga CSIR /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of a cyber security awareness campaign for Internet Cafés users in rural areas WA Labuschagne, MM Eloff, N Veerasamy, L Leenen, M Mujinga CSIR / UNISA IST Africa 12 May 2011

2 Internet Usage in Africa Africa has the lowest number of Internet users 5.6% of total world users 2000% growth in last decade Possible causes: Lack of infrastructure –High cost –Low bandwidth Lack of equipment © CSIR 2011

3 Lack of Infrastructure Development of infrastructure with deployment of: Seacom (2009) EASSY (2010) TEAMS (2009) Improvement in bandwidth and lower costs to access Internet © CSIR 2011

4 Lack of Equipment Not have computer to access Internet due to cost Internet Café provides equipment to access the Internet © CSIR 2011

5 Background More Internet Cafés in less affluent areas Repeat users High demand for training Use for business activities, search for employment, communication and establish business contacts Access resources, if employed, not allowed to access at work © CSIR 2011

6 Problem Security measures implemented by the establishment (No control) Knowledge & Skill set of the Internet users (Address with Security Awareness) © CSIR 2011

7 Corporate Environment vs Other Users Companies protected by expensive complex security system (IDS, Firewalls, Anti-Virus, etc.) Security is delegated to specialized teams Users are only provided access to enough functionality to perform responsibilities Security awareness programs are usually part of training provided within companies Security is automatically applied by systems at no cost to the user Case Study of Internet Cafés to determine security weaknesses © CSIR 2011

8 Feedback on Observation Use of outdated Web browsers Use outdated 3 rd party applications for example Acrobat Reader, Flash Player Most Not using latest Service Packs (Most using SP2) Allow user to install application (Administrative privileges) Can access and edit the registry No security awareness Using Microsoft Windows XP Autorun is enabled No Anti-malware installed © CSIR 2011

9 Need Identified © CSIR 2011

10 What is Security Awareness? Awareness - Focus attention on a set of security issues Training – Teach skills to allow person to perform a specific function Education – Aims to produce IT security specialists capable of proactive responses © CSIR 2011

11 NIST Special Publication (800-50) National Institute of Standards and Technology 800 Series reports on the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL): Research Guidance Outreach efforts in computer security Collaborative activities with industry, government, and academic organizations Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program © CSIR 2011

12 Steps in NIST (800-50) Life Cycle © CSIR 2011


14 Design Step Needs assessment Identify most threats at Internet Café Identify critical topics that form part of security awareness program addressing threats at Internet Cafés © CSIR 2011

15 Internet Use Classification © CSIR 2011 Type of UseClassification Seeking informationInformation EmailCommunications ChattingEntertainment Reading online newsInformation ResearchInformation Computer gamesEntertainment Downloading software for professional useBusiness Downloading software for amusementEntertainment Downloading musicEntertainment Visiting pornographic sitesEntertainment Doing businessBusiness e-shoppingFinancial GamblingFinancial Social networksCommunications

16 Internet Uses to Threats (1) © CSIR 2011 Use Threat Info Entertain- ment FinancialBusinessComms Spam  DOS  PhishingPP  Malware Virus  Spyware  Password/Info stealer  Backdoor  Downloader  Dropper  Rootkit 

17 Internet Uses to Threats (2) © CSIR 2011 Use Threat Info Entertain- ment FinancialBusinessComms Browser Based Firefox  IE  PDF  Hacking(Exploit) Social engineeringX  Inherent software vulnerabilities  Patch management  Online scams  P  Physical harmX  XX  Cyber bullyingX  XX  Identity TheftXP  P 

18 Selection Process © CSIR 2011

19 Development Step Critical Topics for Internet Café Social Engineering Scams Cyber Bullying Physical Harm Identity Theft Social Networking Email Phishing © CSIR 2011

20 Implementation Step Material can be delivered: Interactive video training - Applicable Web-based training (Passive) - Applicable Instructor-led training Placement of awareness messages (posters, screen savers, email) - Applicable Discussion Groups © CSIR 2011

21 Post Implementation Interviews Questionnaires Analysis of Internet usage © CSIR 2011

22 What about.. Mobile phone adoption vs Internet Café Decline in Internet Café Lessons learned could be used with personal computer at home Other frameworks Other tools to deliver content e-Awareness Model © CSIR 2011

23 Conclusions The NIST (800-50) Framework is feasible solution to design a cyber security awareness program. A need has been identified to address threats at Internet Cafés in rural areas. Email, social engineering, phishing, social networking, scams, cyber bullying and identity theft are prominent threats at Internet Cafés. © CSIR 2011

24 Q&A © CSIR 2011

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