Apache JMeter By Mohamed Talaat 2009-03-31.

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1 Apache JMeter By Mohamed Talaat mtalaat@arxict.com 2009-03-31

2 Agenda Performance/Load testing What is JMeter? What is a JMeter Test Plan ? Test Plan Elements Demo.

3 Testing – Performance/Load Performance testing – How fast an application under a particular workload – Demonstrates that the system meets the performance criteria – Validate and verify the quality attributes. Load testing – Modeling the expected usage by simulating the multiple users accessing the web services concurrently. – Test when does the web application blow up?

4 JMeter Apache JMeter : - 100% pure Java desktop open source application - Full Swing and lightweight component - Designed for functional/performance/load testing - Simulate heavy load (application/ server/network) - Full multithreading framework - Different protocol types (HTTP/FTP/JDBC/SOAP/JMS,..)

5 JMeter - Test plan A test plan describes a series of steps JMeter will execute when run. Test plans consist of: – Thread groups – Samplers – Logical controllers – Listeners – Timers – Assertions – Configuration elements

6 Thread Groups Thread group element is the beginning point of any test plan (All controllers and samplers must be under a thread group) Each thread represents a user (e.g. setting the thread group to 1000 simulates 1000 users)

7 Samplers Samplers tell JMeter to send requests to a server and wait for a response. Do the actual work in JMeter and interact with the server you are loading. Examples for Samplers: FTP Request - HTTP Request - JDBC Request - WebService (SOAP) Request,…

8 Listeners The information produced by samplers are consumed by listeners Listener shows details of sampler requests and responses, and can display basic HTML and XML representations of the response. Popular listeners: – Graph Results (plots the response times on a graph) – View Results Tree Note : all Listeners save the same data; the only difference is in the way the data is presented on the screen.

9 Logic controllers Control the flow of the test plan. Customize the logic that JMeter uses to decide when to send requests. Logic controllers: – Loops – Conditionals – Ordering – Only once controllers – Interleave controllers

10 Assertions Allow you to assert facts about responses received from the server being tested for functional testing. You can add an assertion to any Sampler Example assertions for HTTP Request Sampler: – Response code – Response text – HTML assertion

11 Configuration Elements Set default values for other parts of the test plan as well as configure variables. A configuration element works closely with a Sampler. Examples: - HTTP Request Defaults: Save the time when doing lots of HTTP Samplers - HTTP Cookie Manager: used with HTTP Request samplers to automatically send cookies with the request

12 Timers By default, a JMeter thread sends requests without pausing between each request. The timer will cause JMeter to delay a certain amount of time before each request that a thread makes.

13 Summary- Testing process Plan Test Create Thread Group Create Test Scripts Run Test Plan Analyze Results Test plan Thread Group Listeners Samplers and Timers

14 Demo _________________________

15 References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_performance_testing http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/test_plan.html http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/get- started.html http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/get- started.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JMeter

16 Thank you!!

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