A Generic And Extensible Framework For Model Driven Reverse Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "A Generic And Extensible Framework For Model Driven Reverse Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Generic And Extensible Framework For Model Driven Reverse Engineering

2 Manage Maintain Replace data architecture functionalities Up-to- date 2

3  1. Out-of-date systems are still running:  Complexity and heterogeneous  Size  Migration cost  2. Quickly reengineering existing system. discover understandmanipulate re- implement 3

4  A tradition of using UML *.java Structure diagrams Behavior diagrams ? 4

5  Some UML reverse engineering tools Fujaba Topcased *.java *.class 5

6  MoDisco: Models is the first class entities of all processes => reverse engineering S M M’ M’’ Model discovery Model understanding heterogeneous homogeneous Model Driven Reverse Engineering (MDRE) 6

7 struts Hibernate Spring database java xml jsp Model Discovery Metamodel 1.Natural -> Type of system 2.Several models necessary 7

8 transforms… 1.Many models transformation -> be used 2.Several intermediate representation -> necessary Source code document Structured data 8

9  Discovery, query and manipulation 9

10 10

11  MoDisco User-Cases 11

12  MoDisco Technologies 12

13 13

14 public List getDailyReport() throws ServiceException { try { dbDAO.startTransaction(); List orders = getTodaysOrders(); // materialize details during tx for (PizzaOrder o: orders) { o.getPizzaSize().getSizeName(); for (Topping t: o.getToppings()) t.getToppingName(); } dbDAO.commitTransaction(); return orders; } catch (Exception e) { dbDAO.rollbackAfterException(); throw new ServiceException("Error while getting daily report ", e); } 14

15  MoDisco: a generic and extensible framework for model driven reverse engineering  http://jordicabot.com/papers/ASETools10.pdf  MoDisco on Eclipse  http://www.eclipse.org/MoDisco/  MoDisco technology  http://wiki.eclipse.org/MoDisco/Architecture  Control Dependence Graph  http://www.grammatech.com/research/papers/staticA nalysis/imgSlides/sld021.html 15

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