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CHETANA VIKAAS Project Review, August, 2012. About Chetana-Vikaas Founded by Ms. Suman Bang, Mr. Ashok Bang and Late Dr.(Ms.) Padmaja Rani Based in Wardha.

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Presentation on theme: "CHETANA VIKAAS Project Review, August, 2012. About Chetana-Vikaas Founded by Ms. Suman Bang, Mr. Ashok Bang and Late Dr.(Ms.) Padmaja Rani Based in Wardha."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHETANA VIKAAS Project Review, August, 2012

2 About Chetana-Vikaas Founded by Ms. Suman Bang, Mr. Ashok Bang and Late Dr.(Ms.) Padmaja Rani Based in Wardha district, Maharashtra A non-political team committed scientists social activists dedicated to a cause Works with Farmers, villagers, self help groups Acts as Resource Center

3 Broad areas of work Agricultural Development Productivity, Profitability, Sustainability, Quality of Life for Farmers Natural Resource Management Women’s Empowerment Economic, Political, Socio-Cultural, Family Counseling

4 Agricultural Development Soil and Water conservation Appropriate seeds (Beej Swaraj) Farming for Self Reliance Alternative Marketing for Organic Produce Macro Level Work

5 Soil and water conservation CV mostly works with dryland farmers Low cost earthen structures In 2011, 59 farmers in 7 villages worked on soil and water conservation 121 acres covered Work done by “Village Engineers” are men and women trained by CV

6 Village Engineers Survey

7 Low cost light signal to scare away wild pigs

8 Beej Swaraj Seeds by CV are field tests at Alternative Agriculture Resource Center (AARC) for 2-3 years Criteria for seed selection Yield, pest & disease resistance, hardiness and taste Farmers select and preserve seeds themselves Special training on method of appropriate seed selection, storage and avoiding mixing.

9 Self-Reliance Step 1: Study visits AARC, Farmers Field Workshop Learn about cropping patterns, new varities, soil fertility etc Step 2: Preparatory meeting Technical understanding, crop planning, seed requirements Maximize food crops among the 30-35 crops Diversification helps in many ways Step 3: Training on alternative technologies Hands on training

10 Alternative Marketing Connecting with organic markets Cotton sold to local cloth maker Negotiated a deal with local hospital to use cloth from organic cotton and at 20% more than prevailing market price.

11 Marco Level Work AARC is the center for Visits by activists, volunteers, NGOs, policy makers, scientists, Govt. officers, farmers In 2010, 771 person days Dr. O.M. Rupela, Former Senior Scientist, (ICRISAT). Visitors from AID: Mr. Ajit & Ms. Aditi Kulkarni, Nishikant Deshmukh University students and Fellows from all over Maharashtra Very active in speaking engagements, advocacy, member of OFAI, exhibitions etc.

12 Past Target Demographics 0 to 5 acre land holding-34% 5 to 20 acre land holding-63% Above 20 acre land holding-03% Schedule Caste (SC)-06% Schedule Tribes (ST)-22% Other backward castes (OBC)-69% Others-03%

13 Target vs Actual vs Prorated Work ItemTargetActualPro-rated to our funding % (35) # of villages1073.5 # of villagers trained1007535 # of villagers who started self-reliance farming 1005935 # of acres of coverage20012170 Acres to cover for water conservation 609821 # of Water conservation structures 762.45 Farmers to cover for field workshops 2507587.5

14 Budget Breakdown Total budget Rs 28,88,000 (~53,500) Increase over 2011 Rs 4,60,000 (19%) Funded so far Rs 12,00,000 Other chapters Approved - BayArea, JHU Reviewing – MD, Berkeley

15 Targets for 2012 (same as 2011) 10 villages 100 farmer families 200 acres 5-7 water harvesting structures Train 10-15 Village Engineers 250 person-days for field workshops

16 Big Picture CategoryAmount (Rs) %Inc over 2011 LEISA Practices7,00,00016.6 Conservation Techniques1,53,0000 Seeds & Planting Material2,00,0000 Alternative Marketing System 6,00,00020 Plant & Crop Protection2,00,0000 Workshops1,50,00050 Honorariums & Staff6,00,00020 Macro Level Activity30,0000 Other1,55,00015%

17 LEISA (7,00,000) Involes Canopy coverage for harvesting the sun Enriching nutrient recycling and bio-manure. Soil fertility, symbiotic processes. "Weed as Wealth", biomass generation and management. Soil moisture and water management. Wind-breaks, shelterbelts, green cover. Propagation techniques and improvements in existing fruit trees. Expenses Expenses cover labour, implements, wages, biomass, manures, rents, hire charges, tubers, saplings, polybags, other materials, tools, bud sticks etc.

18 Conservation of Soil & Water (1,53,000) Involves Creating Village Engineers Water harvesting structures, Inside the field conservation activities Expenses cover Training and remuneration village engineers Surveying, designing, labour, supervision, material, equipments, trainings etc.

19 Seeds & Planting Materials (2,00,000) Involves Identification, collection, trials, multiplication, storage and field demonstrations of appropriate varieties. 50 varieties of 35 different crops of various categories like cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, condiments & spices, fibres, cash crops, fodders etc. Expenses cover parent seeds, travels & transport, labour, materials, equipments, small containers, storage & rent, remuneration to village persons for purity & quality control etc.

20 Alternative Marketing Systems (6,00,000) Involves Farmer Certification Gradation Procurement Storage Selling Expenses cover Group formation, Farmer Certification, Gradation, Procurement, Storage, Selling, Training, Materials, Travel, Transport etc

21 Crop Protection (2,00,000) Involves Pest and disease management techniques without using agro- chemicals eco-friendly measures Crop protection from wild animals Expenses cover Materials labour, making specimens audio-visual material, special field-workshops focused on this topic fence, honorarium consultancy of resource persons / experts

22 Workshops (1,50,000) Involves 5 events x 50 farmers in 3 seasons Expenses cover travel, lodging-boarding, reimbursement of wages etc, training & learning materials, honorariums to resource persons, audio-visuals, study--visits, demonstrations etc

23 Macro Level (30,000) Outreach Macro linkages Advocacies Liaison,network Surveys, studies, documentation

24 Honorarium (6,00,000)

25 Other (1,55,000) Filed communication & transport Contingencies (about 2%) for Programme activities for overheads Stationary Communications Miscellaneous

26 Proposed Funding Total cost per farmer 28,880 Cost for 8 farmers 2,31,040 ~ $4500

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