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Slide 1 How to make use of the WAgriCo project? - Prospects of implementation Lothar Nolte

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 How to make use of the WAgriCo project? - Prospects of implementation Lothar Nolte"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 How to make use of the WAgriCo project? - Prospects of implementation Lothar Nolte E-mail:

2 Slide 2 Key Messages of WAgriCo Define target areas for areas Define environmental objectives as emission reduction requirements.emission reduction requirements Evaluate applicable measures with regard to cost-efficiencycost-efficiency Offer simple, flexible and voluntary measures and integrate the measures in assistance programmes.assistance programmes Use synergies in programme planning (multilateral approach).synergies Conduct a systematic impact monitoring. Use competent advisory services (broker, mediator).advisory services Involve the farming community in POM-development.Involve the farming community

3 Slide 3 Why to implement supplementary measures? Diffuse N-emissions major problem Nitrates Directive 50 mg/l compulsory  state-wide action programme WFD + time target  good chemical status (GCS) Supplementary measures (tailored to local conditions) accelerate GCS-achievement!

4 Slide 4 Thank you very much for your attention!

5 Slide 5 Target areas Spatial units (compartements of groundwater bodies) with significant nitrate inputs (exceeding 50 mg/l) and agricultural emissions and limited denitrification capacity of the soil.

6 Slide 6 Target areas for supplementary measures and required reduction of N-emissions Annual N-reduction requirement (kg N / ha)

7 Slide 7 Determination of required N-load reduction (emissions) 1.Delineation of off-target groundwater bodies (input-based) 2.Calculation of actual N-emission 3.Calculation of tolerable N-emission 4.Actual – tolerable N-emissions = N-reduction requirement

8 Slide 8 Cost-efficiency assessment Step 1: Assessment of effectiveness Literature research - published literature,1980-2000, German - “grey literature” (interrogation) - evaluation results (RDP) Interviews (researchers, authorities, consultants) Step 2: Cost assessment- definition of measuresCost assessment (based on step 1)- compensation payments and effects - combination of measures Step 3: Statistical analyses- 8.400 soil samples (N min autumn) - book-keeping recordsbook-keeping records

9 Slide 9 Cost-effectiveness in €/kg reduced N-emission M1 – M5: Greening   M34 – M38: Manure Management Organic Farming Advisory LU Alteration Measures € / kg

10 Slide 10 N-fertiliser use analysis - 29.560 book-keeping records Cash Crop Lifestock (Pigs, Paultry) Forage Manure (FYM, slurry)-N kg/ha Commercial N applied kg/ha Osterburg et. al 2007

11 Slide 11 Art. 21 EAFRD farm management systems (CC-advisory), vocational training Axis 1 Art. 57 EAFRD natural heritage conservation (catchment advisory, pilots, land purchaise) Axis 3 Art. 39 EAFRD agri-environmental measures Axis 2 Axis 4 Leader Provisions of the Council Directive 1698/2005

12 Slide 12 Conversion of Arable Land to Grasland Grassland Extensification (side-specífic) Target-Oriented Grassland Extensification Organic Farming Organic Farming++ Mulching, Low Tillage Environment-Friendly Slurry Application Set-Aside Land Greening Flower Plant Strips Catch Crops or Undersown Crops Title Appliance restricted to priority areas Animal Husbandry Grasland Arable Land Organic Farming Coop.Program Nature Conservation (various measures) WFD Agro-Environmental measures programmed in PROFIL

13 Slide 13 The rural development programme PROFIL Budget (NI+HB) incl. national and private financing total 2.373 Mio. EUR synergy potential - catchment advisory, land purchaise, pilots +++ - agri-environmental measures +++ - farm management systems + - vocational training ++ - afforestation+ - farm modernisation+ - local development strategies + Leader total +

14 Slide 14 specific agri-environmental measures for nature conservation specific agri-environmental measures for groundwater protection non-specific agri-environmental measures, non-productive investments (land purchase, afforestation public relations Utilisation of synergies by active management vocational training management systems

15 Slide 15 Stakeholder Participation Discussion in three pilot areas within the WAgriCo-project using experiences from drinking water cooperations. Environmental Targets (required N-load reduction) Appropriate measures –Acceptance –Cost-Effectiveness –Potential area for implementation For further information about WAgriCo (LIFE-Projekt):

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