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Background History You need your writer’s notebook to take notes.

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1 Background History You need your writer’s notebook to take notes.

2  Last Emperor of Russia–  Russia led to economic and political collapse under his rule –the proletariat suffered (working class)  Royal Family : Bourgeoisie (rich)  Ousted from power in 1917-his entire family including 5 children and his wife were assassinated  Lenin took over aided by Trotsky and Stalin

3  German Philosopher :“Marxism” - a government based on what is best for the majority of people not just the rich and upper class  Beliefs:  Religion: It was the “opiate for the masses”  Dulls the pain caused by oppression  Helps people at the bottom accept their situation  Revolutions against corrupt governing  Pure communism

4  Basic plan for communism  the proletariat would become unhappy and overthrow the bourgeoisie  there would be a Revolutionary Dictatorship of the proletariat  withering away of the state  all ultimately leading to a classless society

5  Russian Marxist Revolutionary  Creator of Soviet Communist Party  Founder of the USSR  Head of Bolsheviks  Presided over Russia during the transformation from country ruled by Czars to communist country  Formation of the Red Army  Terror campaign that executed anti-communists  Caused a civil war within Russia Lenin dies 1924. Before he dies recommends the dismissal of Stalin.

6  Revolutionary leader that led to ousting of Czar Nicholas II  Brilliant speaker/writer  passionate about Marxist communism, wanted to make Russia better for all  Lead the Red Army and aided Lenin  Exiled and assassinated in Mexico – icepick in the neck 1940

7  Rose to power after Lenin’s death  Did not follow Marxism, Russian Socialism: system of that advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.  Tried to industrialize the country and compete with other nations  Made a pact with Hitler which Hitler did not honor

8  Would not tolerate competing ideas and essentially became a tyrant  Maintained power through social and political terror  KGB (secret police)- increased size, used to spy on enemies  Silenced opposition with incarceration or worse  Gulags- used inmates as cheap labor  designed to instill fear in prisoners and critics of regime  Purged own government  made random arrests for crimes they didn’t commit  Mock trails and forced confessions  Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933- was on purpose  gov’t decision to starve the people

9  Born in British colonized India 1903  Became a famous journalist  Critical of Stalin  Published Animal Farm in 1945—an allegory of the corruption of Socialism/Communism  Other famous novel: 1984 – prophetic vision of the results of totalitarianism (absolute control by the state )

10 *Capitalism : an economic system in which private citizens own land, property, and business; characterized by a free competitive market motivated by profit *Communism : a type of government in which a single party holds power and the government controls the economy; classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled by the “whole” Czarist government (also Tsarism): a system of government in which a Czar has absolute power and authority, including over religious issues Democracy : a type of government ruled by the people by means of elected officials *Socialism : an economic system against private party ownership, in which production and distribution are controlled by a majority and citizens are paid by the work done rather than by need

11 *Totalitarianism : a government system in which a single party rules without opposition over political, economic, social, and cultural life; this type of government sees no limit to its rule, and strives to control all aspects of its citizens, including personal and private means through *Proletariat- the class of workers, especially industrial wage earners, who do not possess capital or property and must sell their labor to survive. *Bourgeoisie – the class that, in contrast to the proletariat or wage-earning class, is primarily concerned with property values. Bolsheviks - a. a member of the more radical majority of the Social Democratic party, 1903–17, advocating immediate and forceful seizure of power by the proletariat.the  b. (after 1918) a member of the Russian Communist party.

12  Terms to Know: Try to complete the definitions as you watch this again.  Communism  Capitalism  Karl Marx  Proletariat  Bourgeoisie  Totalitarian  Socialism

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