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Published bySherilyn Washington Modified over 9 years ago
About the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness
The CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) is an open platform that unites CSOs from around the world on the issue of development effectiveness. History: The framework for CPDE was developed in Nairobi, Kenya from Dec 8-9, civil society leaders and representatives met to ouline the issues and define a common vision, goals and objectives. Participants represented all regions of the world –Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North Africa and the Middle East and Africa including sub-regions, as well as different sectors of society. The roadmap for CPDE was documented in the Nairobi Declaration. Vision: We envisage a word where respect for human rights, participatory democracy, social and environmental justice and sustainability, gender equality, and decent work and sustainable change are achieved. Mission: To promote development effectiveness in all areas of work, both our own and the work of others, including through active engagement with the GPEDC, we will be guided by a human rights-based approach. Goal: To realize our shared vision, we commit to work together in partnership on a global-scale in relation to development effectiveness and the GPEDC among other advocacy arenas.
Aid Effectiveness and Development Cooperation Timeline
Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Rome Declaration on Harmonization Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness Accra Agenda for Action Mexico HLM Communique 2003 2005 2008 2011 2014 Monterrey The aid effectiveness movement picked up steam in 2002 at the International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico, which established the Monterrey Consensus. There, the international community agreed to increase its funding for development—but acknowledged that more money alone was not enough. Rome In February 2002, senior officials, organizations and government representatives gathered in Rome for the High-Level Forum on Harmonisation. The HLF in Rome was focused on the theme of donor harmonisation. Paris A second HLF was held in Paris in 2005 to take stock of the progress that had taken place since the HLF in Rome and to identify areas in which further work is needed. Accra The Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness took place in Accra, Ghana in The outcome document of HLF 3, AAA, enriched the Paris principles by adding more commitments and broadening country ownership to include civil society and parliamentarians. Busan During the Fourth High Level Forum (HLF4) in Busan, more than 150 countries and 45 international organizations agreed on the need to form an inclusive forum with a greater variety of stakeholders than ever before – in order to ensure that development co-operation has the maximum possible impact on development results: The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation. Mexico Last April, development stakeholders convened in Mexico to take stock on progress since the HLF4 in Busan at the first High-Level Meeting (HLM) of the GPEDC. While CSOs welcomed commitments on inclusive development, untying aid, democratic country ownership, enhanced taxation, gender equality & women’s empowerment and support for CSOs as independent development actors, failure to commit on other issues such as HRBA, enabling environment for CSOs, and policy coherence indicate that there is still much work to be done. And CPDE, recognizant of the growing influence and leverage of civil society in the negotiating table, will continue to advocate for inclusive development among other remaining issues to be included in the post-2015 agenda. ISG G13 BetterAid & Open Forum CPDE
Development Effectiveness
to promote sustainable change that addresses the root causes as well as the symptoms of poverty, inequality and marginalization. places human rights, social justice, gender equality and ecological sustainability at the core of aid relations and the development process Principles: Empowerment, Justice, Sustainability, Equality and Solidarity, Sovereignty, Self Reliance and Autonomy
CSO Key Asks A Fully evaluate and deepen the implementation of Paris and Accra; Strengthen development effectiveness through practices based on human rights instruments & standards; B C Support CSOs as independent development actors in their own right, and commit to an enabling environment for their work in all countries; D Promote the developmental role of the state and ensure private sector effectiveness and sustainability A - End policy conditionality; Fully untie all forms of aid and implement demand-driven technical assistance; Use country systems as the first option; Address the unpredictability of aid flows; Operationalize inclusive gender-sensitive accountability frameworks, including access to justice at country and global levels; Adhere to the highest standards of transparency and accountability, and accelerate efforts to fully implement the common, open standard by 2015; Take concrete steps to improve the quality of aid data published and support specific actions to improve access and use of gender-disaggregated data by all stakeholders at country level. B - Ensure that all development actors – public and private ‑ adhere to principles of development effectiveness and HRBA; Ensure the realization of democratic ownership as the core principle guiding aid and development effectiveness; Practice and promote inclusive multi-stakeholder policy dialogue through country level platforms, including through social dialogue; Promote and implement gender equality and women’s rights commitments; Entrench human rights, decent work, the right to livelihoods and productive resources, environmental justice and sustainability in development policies, programmes and outcomes; Commit to and implement human rights-based approaches to development; Mainstream HRBA at all levels of development policy, encouraging the implementation of independent human rights complaints mechanisms to provide individuals/groups, affected by donor-funded development programs, means of redress. C - Support strengthening the sustainability of a diversity of CSOs as independent development actors, in line with human rights, including through the allocation of resources and technical assistance to improve an enabling environment for their actions; Support efforts to promote greater CSO accountability, as guided by the Istanbul Principles and the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness; Monitor existing commitments to minimum standards for enabling conditions for CSOs; Enhance the protection of CSOs and human rights defenders; Take actions to reverse the current trend of shrinking space for civil society; Develop and implement a framework and guidelines for an enabling environment for CSOs, based on human rights norms and mechanisms. D - Ensure that the private sector contributes positively to sustainable development, that it fully adheres to principles of development effectiveness (especially transparency, accountability, results and inclusive partnerships), and that it respect human rights and labour standards; Prioritize the use of aid to reduce poverty and inequality and contribute to positive development outcomes, and not facilitate the profit-making of big business at the expense of providing essential goods and services. Any investment of aid in the local private sector must demonstrate financial and developmental additionality and contribute to the mobilization of domestic resources by countries; Take steps for private sector support to tackle informality and provide support to the social economy and local SMEs as important sustainable economic and social development sector. E - Fast-track fundamental reforms in the global governance of development cooperation; Agree on a comprehensive vision and policy framework to hold all development actors to account; Ensure the functioning of an equitable and inclusive multilateral forum for policy dialogue and standard setting that takes account of the important role of the UN in these roles. F - An inclusive global partnership based on the principle of international solidarity; Governments to commit to take the necessary steps and measures, based on common but differentiated responsibilities and capacities, to ensure that a post-2015 sustainable development agenda addresses the progressive realization of the right to development of all; Robust accountability mechanisms and binding measures for all stakeholders to demonstrate full commitment to sustainable development. E Promote equitable and just development cooperation architecture F Advance a global partnership for post-2015 based on solidarity for sustainable development
8 Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness (Istanbul Principles)
1. Respect and Promote Human Rights & Social Justice – CSOs are effective development actors when they development and implement strategies, activities and practices that promote individual and collective human rights, including the right to development, with dignity, decent work, social justice and equity for all people. 2. Embody Gender Equality and Equity while Promoting Women’s and Girls’ Rights – CSOs are effective development actors when they promote and practice development cooperation embodying gender equality, reflecting women’s concerns and experiences, while supporting women’s efforts to realize their individual and collective rights, participating as fully empowered actors in the development process. 3. Focus on People’s Empowerment, Democratic Ownership and Participation – CSOs are effective development actors when they support the empowerment and inclusive participation of people to expand their democratic ownership over policies and development initiatives that affect their lives, with an emphasis on the poor and marginalized. 4. Promote Environmental Sustainability – CSOs are effective development actors when they develop and implement priorities and approaches that promote environmental sustainability for present and future generations, including urgent responses to climate crises, with specific attention to the socio-economic, cultural and indigenous conditions for ecological integrity and justice. 5. Practice Transparency and Accountability – CSOs are effective development actors when they demonstrate a sustained organizational commitment to transparency, multiple accountability and integrity in their internal operations. 6. Pursue Equitable Partnerships and Solidarity – CSOs are effective development actors when they commit to transparent relationships with CSOs and other development actors, freely and as equals, based on shared development goals and values, mutual respect, trust, organizational autonomy, long-term accompaniment, solidarity and global citizenship. 7. Create and Share Knowledge and Commit to Mutual Learning – CSOs are effective development actors when they enhance the ways they learn from their experiences, from other CSOs and development actors, integrating evidence from development practice and results, including the knowledge and wisdom of local and indigenous communities, strengthening innovation and their vision for the future they would like to see. 8. Commit to Realizing Positive Sustainable Change – CSOs are effective development actors when they collaborate to realize sustainable outcomes and impacts of their development actions, focusing on results and conditions for lasting change for people, with special emphasis on poor and marginalized populations, ensuring an enduring legacy for present and future generations.
Values and Principles The members of the CSO Partnership adhere to the following values: mutual respect, gender equality, accountability to members and peers and transparency in all decisions and actions. The members of the CSO Partnership also adhere to the Istanbul Principles, the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness and to the values and principles reflected in the CSO Key Asks.
Areas of Work Focus of Work
Continuous monitoring and advocacy on the Global Aid and Development Effectiveness Agenda, ensuring alignment with the Human Rights-Based approach, CSO Key Asks and agreements in Busan; Promoting an Enabling Environment for CSOs; and Building CSO Development and Effectiveness through the implementation of Istanbul Principles and International Framework
Areas of Work Advocacy Arenas
Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) Policy Forum on Development (PFD) UN Development Cooperation Forum (UN DCF) Post-2015 Processes
The platform in performing its work will organize itself in different units at different levels. It will follow the basic structure detailed below. Global Council –The Global Council (GC) is the highest governing body of the CPDE. It will be formed by representatives from the constituencies ensuring balance between sector and major geographic representation. The GC will provide political leadership and financial guidance to the CPDE. Coordination Council – The day to day work of the GC will be conducted by a smaller body, known as the Coordination Council (CC). It will be composed of representatives from each of the regions and sectoral groups and headed by Co-chairs. Global Secretariat – The Global Secretariat (GS) will be responsible for managing the programs of the CPDE and performing all expected administrative functions. It will be in responsible for implementing of planned program cycles, developing fundraising proposals and reports, liaising with donors, preparing reports and ensuring financial management at a high level of stewardship and transparency. Working Groups – Much of the thematic work of the CPDE is undertaken by five (5) Working Groups (WG) namely 1) HRBA 2) CSO DE 3) CSO EE 4) SSC and 5) Post-MDGs. They elaborate on the policy messages, elements of negotiation, information exchange, analysis and strategic responses on all the details with their own thematic area. They work with the support of the GS. The GC may organize working groups at all levels to undertake specific tasks related to current areas of work. Country, Sub-Regional and Regional Coordinating Bodies –The work at the sub-regional and regional levels are facilitated by sub-regional and regional coordinating bodies. They convene existing national platforms, development CSOs and sectoral networks/groups to devise a collective lobbying and advocacy work plan. Advocacy work is conducted in a way that allows full country participation.
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