Road Safety Members of the Community Action Team visited our school and spoke to us on ‘Road Safety’. They also played road safety games with us.

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1 Road Safety Members of the Community Action Team visited our school and spoke to us on ‘Road Safety’. They also played road safety games with us.

2 Road Safety Members of the Community Action Team visited our school and spoke to us on ‘Road Safety’. They also played road safety games with us.

3 Food and the Environment

4 The Fair-Trade group run a healthy tuck shop, selling drinks and snacks using only Fair-Trade products to raise awareness of the impact our food choices have on people and places elsewhere. They delivered a Fair-Trade assembly to the school to raise awareness of the impact Fair-Trade has on the farmers growing the food and how it can benefit the local communities in which they live. Provide a healthy tuck for the school. The group attended a Fair-Trade summit at the local University, where we heard from a farmer from Palestine, who explained how he grew his crops and how Fair-Trade has helped him, his family and whole community in which he lives. We visited a local day care centre for the elderly where we gave a presentation on the journey of bananas from plantations to the supermarket shelves. We outlined how much of the cost goes to the land owner, the farmer, the shipping costs, the exporter and finally how much the supermarket gets. This highlighted the importance of responsible buying and that buying Fair-Trade ensures the farmers get a good, fair price.

5 Holy Cross and the Community some of the agencies we worked with… Community Action Team, Water Aid, Police, Fire Services, we display our work in the local library, we participated in ‘Clean your local Area’ projects, Evening Times, Silly Billy Drama Group, recycling initiatives- ‘Rag Bags’, ‘Jewellery Recycling’,updates are on the school website, collect Morrisons Vouchers, Energy Workshops, Road Safety talks, John Harkins – Health Co-ordinator, Cuthbertson St Primary, Great Gardens, Glasgow Science Centre, Park Rangers at our Eco Day of Action- Calderglen Park

6 Eco Drama Feast Day Treat The Silly Billy drama group performed an Eco drama as part of our school ‘Feast Day’ treat. They taught us about recycling and we learned an Eco song!

7 Tidying our local area We had great fun tidying our local area. The Evening Times did a feature on all our good work!

8 Eco Day at Calderglen Park We had great fun on our Eco Day of Action. We took part in environmental walks with the park rangers and looked at plants and shrubs that attract mini beasts.

9 Next Steps 2011/12 Eco displays in every classroom. Put rubbish in the correct bins. Remember when it is your turn to litter pick Promote Tasty Tuesday, Watery Wednesday and Fruity Friday Save energy Save water Look after our school grounds Recycle

10 Eco Song Our school choir have written and performed their own Eco song!

11 Finally! Our goal is to keep our ‘Green Flag’. Thank you for all your hard work.

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