Political Geography Josh E. Breyanna C. Sapria G. Floyd J.

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1 Political Geography Josh E. Breyanna C. Sapria G. Floyd J.

2 Colonies and the Concept of Colonization ColonyColonization A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state. Sovereign state runs military and foreign ties Also controls internal affairs Used by a majority of European states to control much of the world Promote Christianity Extract resources Establish relative power due to the number of colonies

3 Remaining Colonies Mainly located in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea Most populous is Puerto Rico ◦Citizens of U.S. ◦Do not participate in elections ◦Does not have a voting member of Congress Pitcairn is the least populated

4 Common State Shapes Elongated State: Has a long and narrow shape Potential Isolation Compact State: Ideally shaped like a circle Most efficient Prorupt State: Otherwise compact, with a large projecting extension Helps with access or disruption Fragmented State: Includes several discontinuous pieces of territory Hinders communication Perforated State: A state that completely surrounds another Must depend on surrounding state for imports and exports

5 Types of Boundaries Physical boundaries ◦Coincide with significant features of the natural landscape ◦Mountains, Deserts, Water Cultural boundaries ◦Follow the distribution of cultural characteristics ◦Geometric, Ethnic


7 Frontiers Refers to a zone where no state exercises complete political control. -Arabian Peninsula -Australian Outback

8 Differences between Unitary and Federal Governments Unitary Government: ◦Places most power in the hands of central government ◦France, England, Indonesia Federal Government: ◦Places power into local government within the country ◦Poland, U.S., Germany


10 Gerrymandering The process of redrawing electoral districts to give a particular party an advantage Named after Elbridge Gerry in 1812

11 Gerrymandering in Chicago

12 Supranational Organizations A world or regional organization that is not tied to one particular country Often has a direct role in regulation ◦European Union ◦United Nations ◦International Monetary Fund

13 Political and Military Cooperation: In What Ways Do States Cooperate With Each Other? Forming global organizations (such as the UN) to meet and vote on issues without resorting to war Economic Cooperation ◦European Union is a prime example

14 Terrorism Systematic use of violence by a group in order to intimidate a population Also used to force a government into granting its demands ◦French Revolution (1793-1794) ◦September 11 th attacks

15 State Support For Terrorism Some states in Southwest Asia (Middle East) have provided support for terrorism, at one (or more) of three levels: ◦Providing sanctuary for terrorists ◦Supplying money, weapons, and intelligence ◦Planning attacks

16 Examples of States that Support Terrorism

17 Stateless Nations A group of people, usually a minority ethnic group, that is considered as a nation, entitled to a state. ◦Kurds ◦Basques ◦Catalans

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