Scalars and Vectors. Scalar A SCALAR is ANY quantity in physics that has MAGNITUDE, but NOT a direction associated with it. Magnitude – A numerical value.

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Presentation on theme: "Scalars and Vectors. Scalar A SCALAR is ANY quantity in physics that has MAGNITUDE, but NOT a direction associated with it. Magnitude – A numerical value."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scalars and Vectors

2 Scalar A SCALAR is ANY quantity in physics that has MAGNITUDE, but NOT a direction associated with it. Magnitude – A numerical value with units. Scalar Example Magnitude Speed20 m/s Distance10 m Age15 years Heat1000 calories

3 Vector A VECTOR is ANY quantity in physics that has BOTH MAGNITUDE and DIRECTION. v, x, a, F Vectors are typically illustrated by drawing an ARROW above the symbol. The arrow is used to convey direction and magnitude. VectorMagnitude and Direction Velocity20 m/s, N Acceleration10 m/s 2, E Force5 N, W Q: How would you describe the birds movement? 1 meter 45◦ A The arrow is the representation of the displacement of bird It is a vector, denoted by the arrow over the symbol The symbols |A| and A represent the magnitude of the vector A A: It went 1 meter in a straight path at an angle of 45°

4 Vector Notation An effective and popular system used in physics is called unit vector notation. It is used to denote vectors with an x-y Cartesian coordinate system.


6 Vector Addition (Collinear)

7 Vector Subtraction

8 Non-Collinear Vectors

9 Determining θ

10 Determining a missing component

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