 Attendance  Watch short video on TMS ◦ TMS.html TMS.html.

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Presentation on theme: " Attendance  Watch short video on TMS ◦ TMS.html TMS.html."— Presentation transcript:

1  Attendance  Watch short video on TMS ◦ http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/mind-control- TMS.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/mind-control- TMS.html  Brain movie and worksheet ◦ Go over worksheet questions from part 1  We’ll go over exam 2 tomorrow. They will be on Konnect by the end of the day  Homework: No homework tonight.

2  Attendance  Notes on Neurons  Start on your brain diagrams  Homework: Complete #’s 10 and 11 in your review packets (Brain diagram and lobes of the brain)

3  Central Nervous System ◦ Consists of the Spinal Cord and Brain – The major pathway and hub of nerves and information ◦ If sensory info doesn’t make it to the CNS than we cannot interpret the sense…blind spot example  Peripheral Nervous System ◦ The smaller branches of nerves that reach out to other parts of the body

4  Dendrite – Fibers that stick out from the cell body and receive messages from other neurons.  Cell Body and Nucleus – Controls the firing of the neuron  Axon – Long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body & nucleus  Myelin Sheath – fatty layer that insulates the axon and speeds the neuron message

5  Axon Terminals – Branches at the end of axons that send impulses to other neurons  Synapse – The gap between axon terminals and dendrites of different neurons.  Neurotransmitters – Chemicals released by neurons that send messages to other neurons ◦ Epinephrine – increases heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and metabolism ◦ Serotonin - involved in sleep, depression, memory and other processes

6  Somatic – Parts of the nervous system that control voluntary activities like muscle movement or speaking  Autonomic – Parts of the nervous system that control involuntary activities like your heartbeat, breathing and digestion.

7  Sympathetic – Prepares the body for dealing with emergencies or strenuous/stressful situations.  Parasympathetic – Works to conserve energy and recover from strenuous situations

8  Right Brain/ Left Brain and discussion  Complete #’s 10-14 in your notes including the brain diagram (use pages 160-163)  Go over the dream journal assignment  Homework: Start your dream journals and complete #s 10-14 in your notes.


10  Attendance  Finish our presentations: if there are any left  Brief Notes  Nature vs. Nurture short video clip ◦ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gwnzW4jOMI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gwnzW4jOMI  Nature vs. Nurture reading and worksheet  Homework: Dream Journals are due on Thursday!

11  Attendance  Right or Left Brained?  Homework: No homework tonight

12  1. Explain the meaning of “Nature vs. Nurture” and provide several examples to support each side of the debate.  2. Compare and contrast several aspects of the nervous system and the endocrine system

13 15. The Endocrine System – The only other communication, besides the nervous system, for sending information to and from the brain. It is a system of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. 16. Pituitary Gland – Known as the “master gland,” it communicates closely with the hypothalamus and secretes hormones that control the output of hormones by other glands.

14  Hormones – Chemical messages secreted into the bloodstream by endocrine glands.  Nature vs. Nurture – The argument between whether our personality and behavior is more attributed to our genetics or environmental factors. ◦ Nature = Genetics and Nurture = Environment

15  Attendance  Hand in dream journals: anyone want to share?  Notes on Sensation and Perception concepts ◦ Visual illusions movie clip ◦ Awareness test movie  Homework: Read the article titled “The secrets of sleep.” Answer the questions that go along with the article. These will be due tomorrow

16  Essay question…difference between sensation and perception and give an example.  Sensation – Detecting a stimulus through receptors. Stimulation is automatic.  Perception – The organization of sensation into meaningful experience. ◦ Our interpretation of sensations ◦ Reflects learning, experience, & attitudes 

17  Absolute threshold ◦ Weakest amount of stimulus that can be sensed.  Music example  Difference threshold ◦ Min. amount of difference between two stimuli.  Music Example  Weber’s Law ◦ The larger or stronger a stimulus, the larger the change required for a person to notice a change in that stimulus.

18  Carrying weights ◦ Who wants to be the guinea pig?

19  Sensory adaptation ◦ A change over time in one’s responsiveness to a constant stimulus. ◦ Examples??? ◦ Background noise and a cold pool ◦ Why is sensory adaptation important? ◦ Autism and difficulties

20  Sensation – Detecting a stimulus through receptors ◦ Stimulation is automatic  Perception – The organization of sensation into meaningful experience. ◦ Our interpretation of sensations ◦ Reflects learning, experience, & attitudes

21  Closure – Our ability to perceive a complete pattern or shape by filling in missing parts or gaps.

22  Figure-Ground perception ◦ Discriminating between a figure and its background. What we perceive as the background influences our perception.



25  Attendance  Finish perception notes  Notes on Consciousness and Sleep  Homework: No homework

26  Proximity ◦ Tendency to perceive things near to one another as a group

27  Similarity – Grouping similar-looking objects together even when they are mingled with dissimilar objects.  We do this with people too!

28  Constancy ◦ The perception that something is unchanged even when its appearance has changed Color Constancy Shape Constancy Size Constancy

29  Subliminal Perception ◦ Brief auditory or visual messages presented just below the absolute threshold ◦ Stimuli only affects the unconscious mind ◦ Hasn’t been proven with any degree of reliability, but it has remained a part of our common language

30  Visual Illusions – Occur when sensory and perceptual signals are distorted, and our brains cannot correctly interpret space, size, and depth.

31  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/23 /10-optical-illusions-that-will-blow-your- mind_n_3307500.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/23 /10-optical-illusions-that-will-blow-your- mind_n_3307500.html



34  Attendance and Happy Friday!  Short visual illusions clip  Notes on consciousness, sleep, and dreams  Homework: Sleep article (period 7)

35  Short visual illusions clip  Awareness challenge ◦ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyWBVFLGuhQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyWBVFLGuhQ

36  Conscious – A state of awareness including feelings, sensations, ideas, and perceptions  Preconscious – Memories, thoughts and stored knowledge that we aren’t currently utilizing  Unconscious – Altered state of consciousness that includes selfish needs, immoral urges, fears, violent motives, shameful experiences, etc..

37  Brain recovery from exhaustion & stress (recharge the batteries)  Clear our minds of useless information  Allow for the release of our unconscious mind

38  Circadian rhythms – sleep wake cycle  Stages of sleep – defined by brain wave ◦ Stage 1 – lightest sleep – 30 – 40 minutes ◦ Stage 2, 3, 4 – 90 minutes with increasingly erratic brain waves ◦ Stage 5 – REM sleep  Irregular breathing, high blood pressure, heart beats faster, brain waves similar to awake  Average about 5 cycles in 8 hours of sleep

39  Unimportant & random firings of neurons?  Way of releasing unneeded/unwanted memories?  Release of the unconscious mind? ◦ A way to solve problems we encounter?

40  Attendance  Hand in your Sleep pamphlets  Finish the movie (period 1)  Go over the worksheet  Have we completed our notes???  Homework: Study hard for your exam. We will review tomorrow and take the exam on Thursday.

41  Brain recovery from exhaustion & stress (recharge the batteries)  Clear our minds of useless information  Allow for the release of our unconscious mind

42  Circadian rhythms – sleep wake cycle  Stages of sleep – defined by brain wave ◦ Stage 1 – lightest sleep – 30 – 40 minutes ◦ Stage 2, 3, 4 – 90 minutes with increasingly erratic brain waves ◦ Stage 5 – REM sleep  Irregular breathing, high blood pressure, heart beats faster, brain waves similar to awake  Average about 5 cycles in 8 hours of sleep

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