BY KITTY, JAVARI AND BEN. What is wind power and where does it come from? Wind energy is made out of wind, it is generated directly by the wind It is.

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Presentation on theme: "BY KITTY, JAVARI AND BEN. What is wind power and where does it come from? Wind energy is made out of wind, it is generated directly by the wind It is."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is wind power and where does it come from? Wind energy is made out of wind, it is generated directly by the wind It is made by the motion of the air Wind is made when uneven heating of the earth’s surface gets hot from the sun. It is a renewable source of energy Wind power capture the natural wind in our atmosphere and turns it into electricity. There are some wind farms built in the ocean, they are called offshore wind farms

3 How is it transformed into energy? 1. The wind turns the blades. 2. The blades turn a shaft.

4 How is it transformed into energy? 3.The shaft turns some gears to increase the power. 4.It gets transferred to the generator to fill up the generator which sends electricity out.

5 What are the positive effects of wind power? 1.Wind is the cleanest source of energy today 2.It is the most reliable way to generate electricity 3. It is a renewable source of energy 4. It can be built on already existing farms.

6 What is the negative effect of wind power? It is very noisy. It can threat wildlife animals like bats and birds The wind is unpredictable. There can never be enough wind to power an entire city. If there is no wind there no electricity

7 How much energy does a wind mill produce? 1 turbine powers 475 homes but 1 wind farm can power 1,000,000 homes.

8 Does the size of a wind mill affect how much energy it produces? Bigger is better when it comes to wind mills. The bigger the three blades are the more wind the wind can blow them and the more electricity it produces. Wind mills are usually three meters wide! And 70-80 meters tall! The blade is about 35-45 meters! Without the blades

9 What is the history of wind power? Wind energy has been around since the middle ages. The first windmills was made in Scotland on July 1887 by Prof. James Blyth. Since the early years, the people that lived in ancient Egypt used wind power to propel their boats along the Nile river in 5000 B.C. In 2000 B.C. China started using simple windmills to pump their water. The largest wind turbine in history was used during WWII, a 1.25 megawatt turbine sat on grandpa's knob. In Persia, they used windmills to grind grain.

10 What are the different types of windmills? Vertical axis wind turbine Windmill Savonius wind turbine Darrieus wind turbine horizontal axis wind turbine Downwind turbine

11 Quiz Time

12 What machines changes the wind into electricity? What do you think is the most important machine?

13 answers 1.Rotor – the rotating assembly in a turbine 2.Generator – a dynamo or similar machine for converting mechanical energy into electricity 3. Blades - The flat, wide section of an implement or device such as an oar or a propeller. 4. Controller - A person or thing that directs or regulates something 5. Pitch - The quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it, the degree of highness or lowness of a tone


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