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Summary : First Grade Standards : Objectives Pre-Requisite Knowledge Printed Materials Other Supplies Math: The students will use fact families to improve.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary : First Grade Standards : Objectives Pre-Requisite Knowledge Printed Materials Other Supplies Math: The students will use fact families to improve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary : First Grade Standards : Objectives Pre-Requisite Knowledge Printed Materials Other Supplies Math: The students will use fact families to improve computational fluency by recognizing that the three numbers that make up a fact family provide the sum or difference in four number sentences. Students must have basic understanding of the concept of addition and subtraction, be able to use manipulatives to demonstrate addition and subtraction, and understand what a number sentence is. Worksheet and pencils for each student Manipulatives that can be used for adding and subtracting Blank index cards Markers PowerPoint of fact families Several pre-made fact family triangles Students will improve computational fluency by using fact families.

2 Direct Instruction (10-15 minutes) Independent Practice (15-20 minutes) Guided Practice (10 -15) minutes Getting Started (3-5 minutes) Teacher will ask a student to demonstrate 2+3=5 with manipulatives for the class. A second student will use manipulatives to demonstrate 3+2=5. A third student will demonstrate 5-3=2, and a fourth will demonstrate 5-2=3. The teacher will lead students in a discussion on how addition is related to subtraction, and how the three numbers in the triangle make up a fact family. Teacher will draw a large triangle on the chalkboard and ask a (pre- selected) student to name his two siblings, writing each name in a corner of the triangle, with the oldest sibling at the top. Discussion will follow that details how the names in the triangle are part of a family. The teacher will draw a second triangle, writing the numbers 3, 2, 5 in a the corners of the triangle with 5 at the top, followed by discussion on how the three numbers are also part of a family. In small groups of 4 or 5, the students will be given a fact family triangle and 20 blank index cards and a marker. Each group will attempt to write the four number sentences that relate to the numbers in their triangle. They will use a card for numbers and plus, minus, and equal signs. The teacher will support each group as needed to come up with the four number sentences, using manipulatives if needed. The students (with worksheet and pencil) will view the first slide of the Power Point and copy the numbers onto the triangle on their worksheet. They will then try to determine what number is missing and write it in the top spot of the triangle. The second slide will be shown so students can check their work and make any needed corrections. Then students will be given 3 to 5 minutes to write the four related fact families on their paper. The third slide will then be shown for students to check their work and make any needed corrections. Repeat for the next 3 triangles.

3 Closure (10-15 minutes) In small groups at separate tables, the students will make a fact family triangle and use index cards to show the related number sentences in the fact family for the teacher to check. The cards are then mixed up and placed in a zip lock bag. The groups will then move from table to table and try to sort the cards to make the fact family for the corresponding triangle. The teacher will support as needed. Students with limited English language proficiency will follow through the lesson using manipulatives to enhance understanding and be allowed to write numbers and symbols in place of answering orally. Students who have not met the pre-requisites for this lesson will be closely monitored by the teacher and supported as needed. They will also be able to use manipulatives during the independent practice phase of the lesson. Informal assessment of student understanding will be made through teacher observation during the independent practice phase of the lesson and conversation with students during small group work.

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