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Creating and working within synergistic partnerships Anna Gail L. Caunca Gregory Hamluk.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and working within synergistic partnerships Anna Gail L. Caunca Gregory Hamluk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating and working within synergistic partnerships Anna Gail L. Caunca Gregory Hamluk


3 Objectives Examine some of the soft skills for working in synergistic partnerships with youth volunteers, field unit departments/staff/volunteers, regional groupings, and NHQ/National Youth Council Share best practices of youth volunteer-youth advisor partnerships

4 Objectives Gain skills to better manage your roles and time resources Develop ideas to create a self- development plan

5 Agenda Self-Awareness & Self-Management Youth Volunteer Management Partnership Management Closing

6 What are the skills of a Youth Advisor?

7  What are the top 3 areas where you need to develop your skills?  What resources do you have available to you to help you in these areas? Personal Skill Development

8 Leaning In Activity

9  Is your current relationship with your Youth volunteers 100% / 100%?  As a Youth Advisor, what does it take to really “lean in” to your partners: –Youth volunteers? –Other Field Unit Departments? –Other Chapters, Blood Regions, and Stations? Debrief

10  Level 1 – Self  Level 2 – Other  Level 3 – Global Levels of Attention

11  Partner up with someone in the room who you do not know.  Spread out so that you have a bit of room between you and the next pair.  Decide who will be Person A and who will be Person B Activity

12  What did you notice as you were doing the activity?  How easy was it to stay focused on the “other” across from you and not on Self?  How does this relate to partnering with –Youth Volunteers –Other Departments –Other Chapters, Blood Regions, and Stations Debrief

13 Break

14 Youth Volunteer Management Group Activity – 15 minutes In small groups, identify what your youth volunteer needs are: What do they need to feel ownership of their programs? What needs do they have to feel empowered? Can you identify categories or groups for these needs?

15 Youth Empowerment Model J. Ungerleider, A. DiBenedetto (1997) Emotional Nurturance Intellectual Challenge Shared Power


17 Directing vs. Partnering What’s the difference? How do we work within youth partnerships? How can we foster an environment for shared leadership?

18 Youth Executive Board Pre-term and post-term analysis Self-reflection letters Being a “senior” youth leader

19 Collaborative Strategies Develop meeting agendas, objectives, strategic goals Hold a retreat Hold each other accountable Share information Understand your needs and their needs Learn to let go! Your PDP goals or youth volunteer goals?

20 Break

21 Partnership Management Understanding the goals and needs Organizational level Regional Level Field Unit / Department level

22 Partnership Management Organizational Level -- Gail's Priorities Bring Biomedical Services operations into compliance with the FDA Achieve financial stability Increase donations Revitalize our brand Overhaul IT Improve teamwork

23 Strategies Case Discussions 1. Increase donations 2. Revitalize our brand 3. Improve teamwork

24 Increase donations Strategies in partnering Marketing – Facebook, Twitter – Dance-a-thon, Bowling; using media/technology to stay in touch to promote fundraiser Department-to-Department – working with H&S – revenue generation for the program Garage Sale – Donations and proceeds; Youth collected and staffed; allocated dollars to Youth programs Specific Programs where Youth can fundraise for (e.g., Operation Warm the Homeless, etc.) Incorporate event oriented fundraisers with other forms of fundraising.

25 Revitalize the Brand - Increase visibility Youth volunteers as brand champions:  Using Social Media outlets  Getting the story out of what we are doing and what Youth are doing  Products: –Make them “cool” –Flip-flops, t-shirts, items with “youth appeal”  Youth as internal champions with other audiences (groups they belong to already)

26 Improve Team Work Improving Team Work (Interdepartmental)  Retreat with Youth  Email lists and ways to communicate so that the message gets to youth members  Courses and Teambuilding – opportunities to work together  Open communication, have an identify for the program, role clarification, lines of communications open; knowing what other departments needs are  Working closely with other departments  Youth newsletter (with donation envelope)  Crossmarketing with newsletters and with other departments

27 Improve Team Work Diversifying volunteer pool  Knowledge of local community  Representative of larger community  Leverage their web and pockets of the communities that Youth are connected to

28 Regional / Field Unit Level Understanding the needs of the region / other departments within your field unit Field unit - Organizational plan - Field unit strategic plan Department - Resources (volunteer), infrastructure (policies) Program - Funding, marketing, space/location

29 Closing

30 Questions? Contact Information Anna Gail L. Caunca – Gregory Hamluk –

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