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CIRCULATION. PROCESS OF CIRCULATION Pickup and delivery Circulation in animals.

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2 PROCESS OF CIRCULATION Pickup and delivery Circulation in animals

3 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Blood– delivers oxygen, water, food to cells, picks up waste products like carbon dioxide Blood vessels– where blood travels Heart– a pump to circulate the blood

4 TYPES OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS Closed –Humans, earthworms contain blood that travels in vessels Open Insects Have no blood vessels

5 THE HUMAN HEART The heart is a MUSCLE that pumps blood through the body Has two sides, left and right NOTE: THE HEART IS LABELED AS IF THE HEART WERE INSIDE SOMEONE FACING YOU

6 Each side has a small chamber on the top and a large chamber on the bottom The small to chambers are the ATRIA Divided into the right atrium and the left atrium

7 The large bottom chambers are called the VENTRICLES Also divided into the right and left sections

8 Right atriumleft atrium Right ventricleleft ventricle Notice how they are turned around

9 THE PUMPING TO THE HEART Blood is pumped out, when the VENTRICLES squeeze Resting heart rate about 60-80 bpm After running 150 bpm

10 BLOOD MOVEMENT Structure of the heart allows blood to move through the circulatory system in only ONE direction Blood vessels in the body are called ARTERIES and VEINS ARTERIES carry blood AWAY from the heart VEINS carry blood BACK to the heart

11 FIGURE 11-4 1. Blood moves from veins and enters the heart’s right and left atriums (neither chamber is pumping) 2. Blood flows from the atriums into the ventricles (ventricles are relaxed) 3. The right and left ventricles squeeze or contract and push the blood into two large ARTERIES leading to the body and the lungs WHEN THE VENTRICLES ARE PUMPING, THE ATRIUMS ARE RELAXED

12 HEART VALVES Heart valves are flaps in the heart that keep blood flowing in one direction. The are two sets of valves They are called the TRICUSPID VALVE and the BICUSPID VALVE These two valves open down toward and into the ventricles, to keep blood flowing one way

13 TRICUSPID VALVE The Valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is called the TRICUSPID VALVE

14 SEMILUNAR VALVES These valves are located between the ventricles and their arteries The valves open in an upward direction—away from the heart The sound you hear (the beats) are caused by the flaps or valves closing Your heart makes two sounds when it beats Lup- first sound bicuspid and tricuspid valves closing Dup-second sound semilunar valves closing

15 BICUSPID VALVE The valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle is call the BISCUSPID VALVE

16 HEART MURMUR Happens when the bicuspid and tricuspid valves are not closing tightly. Blood is moving in the opposite direction This can also occur with the semilunar valves not closing tightly This is not a good situation

17 JOBS OF THE HEART Right side Pumps blood only to your LUNGS Blood enters heart through RIGHT ATRIUM from a large vein called the VENA CAVA VENA CAVA is the largest VEIN in the body Blood contains no oxygen a lot of carbon dioxide Blood is pumped to the right ventricle

18 Blood is pumped into a large artery called the PULMONARY ARTERY This artery carries blood away from the heart to the lungs The pulmonary artery divides in two, because we have 2 lungs

19 Blood enters both lungs and picks up oxygen, loses carbon dioxide (color of blood will be bright red) Blood returns to heart through PULMONARY VEINS PULMONARY VEINS carry blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart Total travel time 10 seconds

20 LEFT SIDE OF HEART Left side of the heart pumps blood to all parts of the body. Blood, rich in oxygen arrives at the left atrium Blood is pumped into the left ventricle Blood is then pumped into the bodies largest artery THE AORTA

21 THE AORTA The AORTA carries blood away from the left side of the heart It branches off and goes to the head and the rest of the body Finally, blood returns to the right side and the process begins again

22 JOBS OF THE BLOOD Carry two gasses, oxygen and carbon dioxide Blood passes through lungs, picks up oxygen delivered to all body cells Carbon dioxide is produces as a waste product of body cells Blood picks up carbon dioxide and drops it off at the lungs

23 Blood in the right side of the heart high in carbon dioxide Blood in left side of heart high in oxygen

24 BLOOD VESSELS Tube-like structures through which blood moves 96,000 km of blood vessels in your body, enough to circle the globe 2.5 times if they were placed end to end

25 ARTERIES Carry blood AWAY from the heart AORTA PULMONARY ARTERY Round and have thick walls made of muscle cells. The aorta can be as large as a garden hose Carry blood under high pressure When you feel your pulse, you are feeling the blood moving through your arteries

26 VEINS Carry blood back to the heart VENA CAVA PULMONARY VEIN Less muscular rather flat in shape Veins in arms and legs, have on way valves in them Carry blood under low pressure

27 CAPILLARIES Narrow vessels Smallest blood vessel Walls are one cell thick More of this type in your body than any other All pickup and delivery happens here

28 PROBLEMS WITH CIRCULATORY SYSTEM High blood pressure Hypertension Heart attack Stroke Arteriosclerosis Choose one and present a short presentation of appropriate information

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