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Section 2-3 Connecting Motion with Forces

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2-3 Connecting Motion with Forces"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2-3 Connecting Motion with Forces

2 What is a force? Force- a push or pull one body exerts on another

3 Force changes the motion or shape of an object

4 Unbalanced force – when the forces on an object are unequal
Ex. Man pushing car Result = motion

5 Balanced Force – forces on an object that are equal in size and opposite in direction

6 Balanced forces Example: sitting down
Chair pushing up Gravity pulling down Result – forces are equal, no motion



9 Friction – the force between two surfaces that are touching each other.

10 Sliding Friction Caused by two surfaces sliding past each other

11 Rolling Friction Friction between a rolling object and the surface it rolls on.

12 Static Friction Friction between two surfaces that are not moving past each other.

13 Life without Friction

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