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Congratulations You’ve been invited to pursue membership in NHS -- Now What?

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations You’ve been invited to pursue membership in NHS -- Now What?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations You’ve been invited to pursue membership in NHS -- Now What?

2 First Please make sure you receive a packet entitled, “Requirements for Consideration for Membership Into the Reservoir High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.”

3 Second Make sure you have a “Student Activity Information Form.” This is a four-page document. Make sure you have a “Community Service Evaluation Form.” Make sure you have a “School Service Evaluation Form.”

4 Lastly Make sure you have a character/leadership rating form These are samples. All forms will be available on the RHS website. You can print them out here in the Media Center.

5 Ok -- What Now? Remember, the National Honor Society starts with scholarship, but it means so much more. That is why you need more than a good GPA to get inducted.

6 What More? Look at the Student Activity Form. This is pretty detailed. Let’s review. Leadership -- list here any leadership positions you’ve held either in school or out of school. Start with your freshman year to now. Remember to include the adult name and phone/signature for verification purposes.

7 Now think about leadership Write a paragraph about leadership and attach it to the form.

8 School Service Service is something done for or on behalf of others (not including family members) for which no compensation has been given. The first section applies to School Service. Include everything you’ve done for the school – don’t be shy. Please remember to have a “School Service Evaluation Form” completed for every activity listed. Check off the box indicated on the Student Activity Form. Ask the sponsor to return the form directly to me by the date indicated.

9 Community Service Here you list any activities in the community in which you have participated. Again – don’t be shy, tell us everything you’ve done. Please remember to have a “Community Service Evaluation Form” completed for every activity listed. Check off the box indicated on the Student Activity Form. Again, ask the sponsors to return these forms directly to me by the date indicated.

10 Think about service Write a paragraph describing a situation in which you feel you served others. Attach it to the form.

11 What else? Maybe you have participated in some activities that do not quite fit into school or community service. List them here. For example: Under Community Service you may put a Scout Project you did for underprivileged youth. In this section you would like the years you participated in Scouts.

12 We’re not perfect No one is perfect. If you have received any disciplinary referrals in high school, write a paragraph explaining the situation(s) and explaining why you feel the situation(s) should not affect your selection for membership in the National Honor Society. Attach it to the form.

13 Some people work These experiences may be paid or volunteer. This is not a specific criterion for membership, but it gives interesting background for the Faculty Council.

14 Read the fine print Read over the responsibilities and decide if this is for you. Sign, and have your parents or guardians sign.

15 To Recap Complete the Student Activity Information Form. Obtain a School Service Evaluation Form from the sponsor of each activity in which you were a participant. Obtain a Community Service Evaluation Form from the sponsor of each community activity in which you were a participant.

16 Almost done Obtain a character/leadership rating from six classroom teachers. Write a three paragraph essay in which the following are explained: Why you wish to be a member of NHS What you feel your role as a member would be How you plan to fulfill these obligations

17 Once this is complete Please turn in this packet to the box in the font office or to Mrs. Tolson directly. Please include a list of teachers from whom you requested a character/leadership rating. That way we can follow up if it is missing. All forms are due by November 18.

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