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Today, we will create supporting and concluding paragraphs.

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1 Today, we will create supporting and concluding paragraphs.
Learning Objective Name __________________________ Today, we will create supporting and concluding paragraphs. CFU What are we going to do today? What are we going to create? Today, we are going to create supporting and concluding paragraphs. We are going to create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge Underline the main idea and double underline the supporting details. A. First Day of School 1. The first day of school is always so exciting! 2. Everyone gets to see their friends again. 3. They also get to see what the new styles of clothes are for the new year. 4. They also meet the new teacher and any new students that might be in their class. 5. Most kids really like the first day of school. 57 words B. Summer Vacation 1. Everyone loves summer vacation. 2. They get a break from school and get to sleep in every morning. 3. Most kids love it because there is no homework for the whole summer. 4. Also, families go away on vacation to different places for a week or two, or sometimes they just stay home and go to places that are nearby. 5. Summer is the best time of the year. 65 words CFU Teacher completes A. Students complete B. Students, you already know how to find the main idea and supporting details in a paragraph. These paragraphs can be the first paragraph in a multiple paragraph essay. Today, we will use these paragraphs to write a complete essay. Today, we will create supporting and concluding paragraphs. 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

2 Example: Introductory Paragraph Spring
Concept Development Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory1 paragraph. After the main idea is stated in the introductory paragraph, there are sentences that support the main idea. We use those supporting sentences to write supporting paragraphs by giving more detail about the supporting sentences. 1 written at the beginning Example: Introductory Paragraph Spring 1. Of the four seasons in a year, many people like spring the best. 2. The weather starts to change and there are many more activities to do outside. 3. Also, lots of plants and animals wake up from their winter slumber2. 4. Spring is such a wonderful season. 2 sleep 45 words Supporting paragraphs: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The weather in springtime is so much nicer than any other time of the year. It rains more, but the sun is out a lot and it is warmer. People start coming outside to enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather. It is the best time of the year to take walks and play outside games like baseball, soccer, and football. Spring is such a beautiful time of the year with new plants and everything in bloom. In springtime, the flowers are blooming and so are the trees. The trees also begin to get new leaves, and for some, fruit. There are baby birds being hatched and baby animals being born. Spring is the time for everything new to begin. Springtime is considered to be the best season by most people. The first paragraph gives more detail about the weather in spring and the second paragraph gives more detail about the plants and animals. CFU In your own words, what are supporting paragraphs? Supporting paragraphs are ________________. What do we use to write supporting paragraphs? Which sentence could be an additional detail in the second paragraph? How do you know? 1. Colorful flowers can be seen around town. 2. Easter break is in spring. 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

3 A conclusion paragraph wraps up, or finishes, your essay.
Concept Development A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. A conclusion paragraph wraps up, or finishes, your essay. The summary statement is one or two sentences which restate3 the main idea in a new way. The clincher, or final thought, should create a lasting impression4 on the reader. The conclusion will be similar, or almost the same, as the introductory paragraph, just worded differently. 3 say again 4 strong effect Example: Introductory Paragraph Spring 1. Of the four seasons in a year, many people like spring the best. 2. The weather starts to change and there are many more activities to do outside. 3. Also, lots of plants and animals wake up from their winter slumber. 4. Spring is such a wonderful season. 45 words Concluding paragraph: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Springtime brings new life and new beginnings. The weather is warm and the sun is bright. Everything is in bloom and there are so many baby animals and birds. It’s a great time to get outdoors and play games or just take a walk. A lot of people really enjoy springtime the best. CFU In your own words, what is a concluding paragraph? A concluding paragraph is _________________. In your own words, what is a summary statement? A summary statement is ___________________________________. In your own words, what is a clincher? A clincher is _______________________________________________________. How is the conclusion similar to the introductory paragraph? How do you know? The conclusion is similar to the introductory paragraph because it is written the same, just worded differently. 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

4 2. include more details to your writing.
Importance Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. It is important to create supporting and concluding paragraphs because it helps you to: 1. write complete essays. 2. include more details to your writing. My sister and I went to the park. First, we played games and had lunch. Then, we took a nap. Last, we went home. More supporting detail and a conclusion: 3. do well on the CST. Yesterday, my sister Mary and I went to the park. First, we played tag. Then we played hide-and-seek. Suddenly, we were very hungry and realized it was time for lunch. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, carrots, and cookies to eat, and juice to drink. After we ate we were very tired, so we took a nap. When we woke up it was time to go home. CFU Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to create supporting and concluding paragraphs? (pair-share) Why is it important to create supporting and concluding paragraphs? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is the most important to you? Why? 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

5 Supporting paragraphs:
Skill Development/Guided Practice Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Underline the main idea of the paragraph. Step #3: Double underline the supporting sentences. Step #4: Write one supporting paragraph for each supporting sentence. Note: Teacher models, identifying a supporting sentence and writing one supporting paragraph for Skill Development. Students identify one supporting sentence and write one supporting paragraph for Guided Practice. Books 1. If you look around the classroom, you can see students reading different kinds of books. 2. Some students like action books, some like mysteries5, and others like history books. 3. Everyone has a favorite kind of book that they like to read. 4. Some people even like to write their own books! 5 stories with something unexplained 49 words Supporting paragraphs: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Action books are popular because they grab the reader’s attention. There is always something exciting going on. Mysteries are very interesting because there is something unexplained in the story. Often, the reader has to wait until the very end for the mystery to be solved. And sometimes, the mystery is never solved. History books are great because you can learn about events that happened in another time and place. You can also understand more about your world by reading about what happened in the past. People have different books they like to read, and there are many different books to choose from. What is also interesting is that not everyone likes the same books. A book that you really enjoyed might not be that great for someone else. What’s important is to read the books that you like. CFU How did I know what to underline? How did I know what to double underline? What helped me write my supporting paragraphs? How did you know what to double underline? What helped you write your supporting paragraph? 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

6 Concluding paragraph:
Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Read your supporting paragraphs. Step #3: Write a concluding paragraph. Note: Teacher models, writing a concluding paragraph for Skill Development. Students use the same paragraph to write their own concluding paragraph for Guided Practice. Books 1. If you look around the classroom, you can see students reading different kinds of books. 2. Some students like action books, some like mysteries, and others like history books. 3. Everyone has a favorite kind of book that they like to read. 4. Some people even like to write their own books! 49 words Concluding paragraph: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are so many different kinds of books that people like to read. Action, mystery, and history books are just a few of the many kinds of books in the world. Everyone has a favorite book that they have read. Your favorite book may not be someone else’s favorite book because not everyone likes the same kinds of stories. CFU What helped me write the concluding paragraph? What helped you write the concluding paragraph? 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

7 Supporting paragraph:
Closure 1. In your own words, what are supporting paragraphs? 2. In your own words, what is a concluding paragraph? 3. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs below. 4. What did you learn today about creating supporting and concluding paragraphs? Why is that important to you? (pair-share) Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Underline the main idea of the paragraph. Step #3: Double underline the supporting sentences. Step #4: Write a supporting paragraph. Step #4: Write a concluding paragraph. The Weekend 1. Some people can’t wait for the weekend to come! 2. There are lots of different things to do during the weekend. 3. For example, you can go outside and play games. 4. For many people, the weekend just doesn’t last long enough! 39 words Supporting paragraph: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Concluding paragraph: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

8 Supporting paragraphs:
Independent Practice Name __________________________ Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Underline the main idea of the paragraph. Step #3: Double underline the supporting sentences. Step #4: Write one supporting paragraph for each supporting sentence. Languages 1. There are lots of languages that are spoken in the United States. 2. In fact, many people speak more than one! 3. There are different ways that you can learn a language. 4. For example, you can learn a language from your family or from a class in school. 5. Using language is one of the ways humans can communicate1. 1share information 56 words Supporting paragraphs: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

9 Concluding paragraph:
Independent Practice (continued) Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Read your supporting paragraphs. Step #3: Write a concluding paragraph. Languages 1. There are lots of languages that are spoken in the United States. 2. In fact, many people speak more than one! 3. There are different ways that you can learn a language. 4. For example, you can learn a language from your family or from a class in school. 5. Using language is one of the ways humans can communicate. 56 words Concluding paragraph: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

10 Supporting paragraphs:
Periodic Review Name __________________________ Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Underline the main idea of the paragraph. Step #3: Double underline the supporting sentences. Step #4: Write one supporting paragraph for each supporting sentence. Breakfast 1. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal1 of the day. 2. There are many things that people like to eat for breakfast. 3. Also, people eat breakfast at different times. 4. If you have to go to school, you might eat breakfast very early. 5. Breakfast gives your brain food, so you can think when you’re at school! 1 time when you eat food 57 words Supporting paragraphs: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

11 Concluding paragraph:
Periodic Review 1 (continued) Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Read your supporting paragraphs. Step #3: Write a concluding paragraph. Breakfast 1. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 2. There are many things that people like to eat for breakfast. 3. Also, people eat breakfast at different times. 4. If you have to go to school, you might eat breakfast very early. 5. Breakfast gives your brain food so you can think when you’re at school! 57 words Concluding paragraph: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

12 Supporting paragraphs:
Periodic Review Name __________________________ Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Underline the main idea of the paragraph. Step #3: Double underline the supporting sentences. Step #4: Write one supporting paragraph for each supporting sentence. Musical Instruments 1. If you want to learn to play an instrument, there are hundreds of them to choose from. 2. Different cultures1 have different musical instruments that they play. 3. For example, the erhu is a type of violin that is from China. 4. Unlike most violins, the erhu has only two strings. 5. The Maracas, which look and sound like a rattle, originally came from Puerto Rico. 6. Its amazing2 when you think about all of the musical instruments there are in the world! 1 groups of people with something in common 2 surprising 78 words Supporting paragraphs: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

13 Concluding paragraph:
Periodic Review 2 (continued) Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Read your supporting paragraphs. Step #3: Write a concluding paragraph. Musical Instruments 1. If you want to learn to play an instrument, there are hundreds of them to choose from. 2. Different cultures have different musical instruments that they play. 3. For example, the erhu is a type of violin that is from China. 4. Unlike most violins, the erhu has only two strings. 5. The Maracas, which look and sound like a rattle, originally came from Puerto Rico. 6. Its amazing when you think about all of the musical instruments there are in the world! 77 words Concluding paragraph: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

14 Supporting paragraphs:
Periodic Review Name __________________________ Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Underline the main idea of the paragraph. Step #3: Double underline the supporting sentences. Step #4: Write one supporting paragraph for each supporting sentence. Weather 1. Even though this might seem strange1, different people like different kinds of weather. 2. Some people like when it snows, others like it when hail2 falls from the sky. 3. There are different activities you can do in each kind of weather, too. 4. For example, if it snows you can build a snowman. 5. You can have fun in almost any kind of weather. 1weird 2 pieces of ice 61 words Supporting paragraphs: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

15 Concluding paragraph:
Periodic Review 3 (continued) Supporting paragraphs are paragraphs that have details and facts that support the main idea in the introductory paragraph. A concluding paragraph is a paragraph that summarizes what was written about the main idea. Create supporting and concluding paragraphs. Step #1: Read the paragraph carefully. Step #2: Read your supporting paragraphs. Step #3: Write a concluding paragraph. Weather 1. Even though this might seem strange, different people like different kinds of weather. 2. Some people like when it snows, others like it when hail falls from the sky. 3. There are different activities you can do in each kind of weather, too. 4. For example, if it snows you can build a snowman. 5. You can have fun in almost any kind of weather. 61 words Concluding paragraph: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

16 Blank Page DataWORKS Educational Research
4th Grade Writing Strategies 1.2 (2Q) Create multiple paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments?

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