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Kick-off meeting EL2421, Automatic Control, Project Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-off meeting EL2421, Automatic Control, Project Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-off meeting EL2421, Automatic Control, Project Course

2 Course information Course period: Mon 3 Nov - Mon 19 Jan w1-w7project work w8-w9holidays/own work w10re-exams/own work w11final presentation and report 15 credits = full time work, 40 h/week

3 Learning outcomes After the course the student should be able to: Plan and execute a complex project in a group Design and implement a control system that meets given specifications Communicate the results in written reports and oral presentations

4 Main task Develop an advanced control system for a laboratory process Project planning and management Requirement specification Modeling and system identification Control design and analysis Verification in simulation Implementation in real-time systems Validation and testing Documentation and reporting

5 Course structure Independent project work is tha main activity A few mandatory workshops/tutorials Weekly status meetings

6 Weekly meetings At least one teacher representative present You lead the meetings, all students must lead at least one meeting Agenda (structure) and minutes (documentation) updated project plan status updates plan for coming week deviations/problems

7 Reports Requirement specification, based on project description and your own brainstorming, to be agreed upon between project group and ”client”, first draft 10 Nov. Project plan, (5-10 pages): brief overview of the project, organization of work, definition of milestones and deliverables, time plan, risk analysis. First draft 10 Nov, updated plan every week. Project report, max 12 pages double column. Layout 18 Dec, first submission 12 Jan, final submission 16 Jan. Feedback will be given the following work day. Self-evaluation, 1 page, 19 Jan.

8 Presentations Each project member must take active part in at least one of the following presentations: Half-time review, 1 Dec: project description and preliminary results. Final presentation and demonstration, 16 Jan: project description and final results

9 Documentation Well-organized and well-documented source code Someone outside the project should be able to re-create your solution from the documentation Material for project description on Short texts Pictures and images Movie (for example from final presentation and demo) Deadline 17 Jan, 12:00

10 Lectures and tutorials (mandatory) 3 nov, 10-12: Project management/SCRUM, Joakim Lilliesköld 5 nov, 8.30-12.30: LabView introduction, Payman Tehrani, (Kista) 10 nov (prel):Systems engineering, John Baras 13 nov, 14-16: Real time testing with xPC target, Simon Eriksson, (Kista) 18 nov (prel):Systems engineering, John Baras 25 nov, 10-12:Follow up on SCRUM, Joakim Lilliesköld

11 Examination Individual grade: pass/fail Continuous examination (Meetings, reports, presentations) Self-evaluation – 1 page Reflect on your own work in relation to the course goals Describe your contribution to the project Give feedback on two students’ self-evaluations examination in progress

12 Examination To pass the course the student must have: Attended the tutorials Participated actively in the weekly meetings Shown ability and willingness to work in a group Shown ability to analyze, structure and solve (sub-) problems within the project Contributed significantly to the reports and documentation Contributed to that the final design should fulfill the requirements Participated in an oral presentation or the demonstration Been approved on the written homework excersice Written a self-evaluation with respect to the learning outcome

13 Team building You will collaborate with vehicle dynamics project group. You must schedule meetings with them. You must assign individual roles and responsibilities. In particular you should have a project leader. Deadline 5 Nov.

14 Team building activity Good initial conditions for project work Off campus, preferably during first week Activity for everyone (good idea to invite VehDyn group) Documentation – picture/image/recording/painting/…

15 The project

16 Last year’s project forskningsomraden/intelligenta-transportsystem/smart- mobility-lab/projects/ac-project-course

17 This year’s project forskningsomraden/intelligenta-transportsystem/smart- mobility-lab/projects/summer-projects/research-concept- vehicle-automatic-parking-1.509652

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