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1 1 Hybrid Cloud Solutions (Private with Public Burst) Accelerate and Orchestrate Enterprise Applications.

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1 1 1 Hybrid Cloud Solutions (Private with Public Burst) Accelerate and Orchestrate Enterprise Applications

2 2 2 1. Company Presentation

3 3 ActiveEon Overview  ActiveEon, a software company born of INRIA, founded in 2007, HQ in the French scientific park Sophia Antipolis  Co developing with INRIA ProActive Parallel Suite®, a Professional Open Source middleware for parallel, distributed, multi-core computing  Core mission: Scale Beyond Limits  Providing a full range of services for ProActive Parallel Suite  Worldwide production customers and users:

4 4 A Wide Range of Services  Training and Certification  Accelerate learning process  Consulting  Optimize your infrastructure and maximize ROI  Technical Support - Subscription  The guarantee of a quick and efficient assistance  Integration-Development  Get ActiveEon’s products fine tuned to your specific needs  Partnerships  With OEMs and ISVs

5 5 Current Domains of Users  Customers, Users, or Partners in all Domains:  IT: Amadeus, Orange  Biotech: EBI-EMBL (UK), INRA  Finance & Insurance: GMO (Boston), Pricing Partners  Engineering: Thales Avionics, SCP, Renault, DCNS  Post-Production and Media: Mikros Image  Collaborations/Partnerships with major players:  Microsoft, HP, DELL,  Small ISVs (Pricing Partners, CIVA)  SSII (ATOS)  Small hardware vendors (Carri)

6 6 6 2. ProActive Parallel Suite

7 7 Private Cloud & Grid Scheduling & Orchestration HPC Workflow & Parallelization

8 8 Technology & Solutions Private Cloud & Grid Physical Machines (Servers, Clusters, Desktops) and Virtual (Hyper-V, VMware, KVM, Xen; OpenStack) Dynamic Policies, Full accounting of resource usage Public Cloud Burst (EC2, Azure, Data Centers) Private Cloud & Grid Physical Machines (Servers, Clusters, Desktops) and Virtual (Hyper-V, VMware, KVM, Xen; OpenStack) Dynamic Policies, Full accounting of resource usage Public Cloud Burst (EC2, Azure, Data Centers) Scheduling & Orchestration Multi-Application & Multi-Tenant Portal with Data Management, Remote Visualization APIs (Java, REST, CLI) Integration in existing Applications and Web Portals Scheduling & Orchestration Multi-Application & Multi-Tenant Portal with Data Management, Remote Visualization APIs (Java, REST, CLI) Integration in existing Applications and Web Portals HPC Workflow & Parallelization Studio for HPC, Workflow Visualization Native Tasks (MPI, OpenMP, Multi-thread, GPU) Java APIs for Parallelization & Distribution Matlab & Scilab Distributed Computing HPC Workflow & Parallelization Studio for HPC, Workflow Visualization Native Tasks (MPI, OpenMP, Multi-thread, GPU) Java APIs for Parallelization & Distribution Matlab & Scilab Distributed Computing

9 9 Workflow Studio

10 10 ProActive Scheduling 10

11 11 Job Workflow Example : Picture Denoising Split Denoise Merge with selection on native executable availability (ImageMagik, GREYstoration) Multi-platform selection and command generation with file transfer in pre/post scripts

12 12 ProActive Scheduling Big Picture RESOURCES  Multi-platform Graphical Client (RCP)  File-based or LDAP authentication  Static Workflow Job Scheduling, Native and Java tasks, Retry on Error, Priority Policy, Configuration Scripts,…  Dynamic and Static node sources, Resource Selection by script, Monitoring and Control GUI,…  ProActive Deployment capabilities: Desktops, Clusters, Clouds,… ProActive Scheduler ProActive Scheduler ProActive Resource Manager ProActive Resource Manager

13 13 ProActive Orchestration Portal

14 14 ProActive Resourcing 14

15 15 ProActive Resourcing  Virtualizes organizations’ existing infrastructure for a heightened computing power  Enables business driven computing resources acquisitions  Elastic computing platform  Reaps the benefits from Clouds, e.g. Amazon EC2, and latest hardware architecture  Aggregates and leverages any type of resources  Manage your virtual machines  VMWare, Xen, KVM, Hyper-V,...  Accounting per resource provider

16 16 Resource Manager GUI

17 17 Topology with the ProActive Resourcing

18 18 ProActive: Security for your Enterprise Cloud platform  User Authentication (LDAP or Files)  Authentication and encryptions of network communications using SSH, SSL and PKI  Secure communication routing through Firewall and NAT configuration of LAN network

19 19 RESOURCING User Interface 19

20 20 Live Demonstration on a Production Platform Live Demonstration on a Production Platform ProActive PACA: 1 368 Cores, 30 TB, 480 Cuda GPUs ProActive PACA: 1 368 Cores, 30 TB, 480 Cuda GPUs

21 21 The ProActive PACA Grid Platform Production Platform operated by: Total:  1 368 Cores  480 CUDA Cores  30TB Storage Publically Available Today

22 22 RESOURCING User Interface 22

23 23

24 24

25 25 ProActive Orchestration Portal

26 26 ProActive Renault Use Case 1000 Cores Production Cloud Portal 1000 Cores Production Cloud Portal

27 27 Remote Visualization Directly from Portal

28 28 Engineering Optimizations: Renault UC 28

29 29 Workflow Studio

30 30 Orchestration Portal with Graphical Workflow Visu

31 31 Otrher Interfaces

32 32 Integration with Scilab and Matlab Dedicated resources LSF Static Policy Amazon EC2 EC2 Dynamic Workload Policy Desktops Timing Policy 12/24

33 33 ProActive MapReduce  Same APIs as Hadoop (Easy switch from Hadoop to ProActive)  Does not requires an HDFS File System  Runs on general purpose, Multi-tenant, Multi-Applications Grids and Clouds  Available as PaaS

34 34 Workflow ProActive MapReduce

35 35 Virtualization

36 36 ProActive Workflow Studio OpenStack Workflow

37 37 Deploying VMs with ProActive Cloud

38 38 Deploying VMs with ProActive Cloud

39 39 Various Configurations

40 40 Most existing OS are Supported  Installation, configuration, déploiement ProActive sur : ◦ Workstation Solaris ◦ Workstation Linux Mandriva2007.1 ◦ Workstation Windows/XP ◦ Workstation AIX ◦ Cluster RHEL 5 / Cent OS …

41 41 Distributed Platform

42 42 Configuration with Routing

43 43 Conclusion

44 44 Technology & Solutions Private Cloud & Grid Physical Machines (Servers, Clusters, Desktops) and Virtual (Hyper-V, VMware, KVM, Xen; OpenStack) Dynamic Policies, Full accounting of resource usage Public Cloud Burst (EC2, Azure, Data Centers) Private Cloud & Grid Physical Machines (Servers, Clusters, Desktops) and Virtual (Hyper-V, VMware, KVM, Xen; OpenStack) Dynamic Policies, Full accounting of resource usage Public Cloud Burst (EC2, Azure, Data Centers) Scheduling & Orchestration Multi-Application & Multi-Tenant Portal with Data Management, Remote Visualization APIs (Java, REST, CLI) Integration in existing Applications and Web Portals Scheduling & Orchestration Multi-Application & Multi-Tenant Portal with Data Management, Remote Visualization APIs (Java, REST, CLI) Integration in existing Applications and Web Portals HPC Workflow & Parallelization Studio for HPC, Workflow Visualization Native Tasks (MPI, OpenMP, Multi-thread, GPU) Java APIs for Parallelization & Distribution Matlab & Scilab Distributed Computing HPC Workflow & Parallelization Studio for HPC, Workflow Visualization Native Tasks (MPI, OpenMP, Multi-thread, GPU) Java APIs for Parallelization & Distribution Matlab & Scilab Distributed Computing

45 45 Private, Public & Hybrid Clouds Dedicated resources LSF Static Policy On Burst Dynamic Workload Policy Desktops Timing Policy 12/24 On premise Enterprise Private Hybrid Cloud Enterprise Private Hybrid Cloud Application and Workflow Acceleration Application and Workflow Acceleration External Data Center, Amazon EC2, Azure

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