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Youth Activity Boxes Indiana Operation: Military Kids.

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1 Youth Activity Boxes Indiana Operation: Military Kids

2 Camps! Yellow Ribbon Events! Family Readiness Groups! Mobile Tech Lab Events! Speak Outs! Hero Packs! Ready, Set, Go Trainings! State Team Meetings! Local Network Meetings! Month of the Military Child! Teen Panels!

3 OMK is EVERYWHERE OMK provides fun, educational activities at many events in Indiana - but we can only be stretched so far! How can we help?

4 Youth Activity Box! We still want to provide activities for the youth so we created Youth Activity Boxes, or YABs. It’s a ready to go container of fun!

5 Who can request a YAB? FRG Leaders State Team members conducting events County 4-H Educators Military Partners

6 How do I get a YAB? For most everything in Indiana we use Qualtrics, an online survey system. -workshop/camp registrations -Hero Pack requests -State Team surveys -Activity requests -YABs

7 How do I get a YAB? When we determine that OMK is unable provide personnel we send this link Example of survey on next slide


9 This information allows us to complete OMK reporting.

10 This information gives us an idea of the current deployments in Indiana and the youth impacted.

11 Process Request received 2 weeks in advance of event Box is packed depending on estimated number of youth. Shipped UPS (about $10 or less depending on size) and arrives generally within 2 days. Or we use Extension Educators, others to get them to the general area of the state.

12 Contents -Packet of activities -most supplies needed to complete the activities This box contains extreme amounts of fun. Please use with caution.

13 Always included: Balloons Computer paper Construction paper Crayons Feathers Masking tape Miscellaneous play items Nametags OMK activity books Paper plates Pencils Playing cards Straws Yarn

14 Event Host supplies: A fun and exciting person Cones/rope/tape Hula hoop Small soft objects to toss/throw Tables and chairs Toilet paper Yard stick/measuring tape


16 Example activities 1.Check in, name tags, free play until all youth arrive. Have games out for youth to play with while others arrive. Ex. Cards, puzzles, board games 2.Group mixer/ice breaker – do 3 or 4 of them 3.Sit down activity – make a card, Your Shield, Your Flag, etc. pick one and hold a fun, meaningful discussion about what they are doing. 4.Bathroom break – snacks are always good too! 5.Get up and move – Try to do at least 2 activities, but more as time allows 6.Sit down activity – 1 activity 7.Closing – choose something to wind down the day. Begin with by debriefing the activities, then read or tell a story to solidify the message. 8.Departure – have youth help you clean up. Throw away trash, put name tags in trash, collect items they made, etc. Wait for parents to come and get them.

17 Example activities Total of 22 different activities that can be conducted Mixers Rock, Paper, Scissors battle Toilet Paper Game Sit Down Activities Your shield Interview Teambuilding Straw Towers

18 Reporting Included in each YAB is a letter and survey in SASE Allows us to collect more accurate attendance Suggestions for YAB improvement General comments/questions about OMK

19 Benefits of YAB Introduces others to fun, educational activities. Engages new partners/supporters Allows OMK to serve more youth. Promotes OMK and partners.

20 Other benefits Indicates opportunities for future events with the unit. Alerts of upcoming deployment/reintegration. Provides an estimate of youth in the unit to track over time.


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