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Leeds 13 th November York 14 th November Implementing the SEND Reforms Yorkshire and Humber Region.

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Presentation on theme: "Leeds 13 th November York 14 th November Implementing the SEND Reforms Yorkshire and Humber Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leeds 13 th November York 14 th November Implementing the SEND Reforms Yorkshire and Humber Region

2 Whizz Kids

3 To support choice and control and different outcomes as young people move into adult life: Why change?

4 The Local Offer What is normally available to support young people into adulthood? Careers advice Work experience Part time paid employment Expectations – higher education, careers, skills Sex and relationships education and citizenship Targeted support? Specialist support?

5 Education, Health and Care Plans Identify aspirations (person-centred conversations) Write outcomes – medium term Steps Objectives and actions Support Resources

6 Young people’s voice and involving families Person-centred practice Finding out what is important to the young person as well as what is important for them Solution focused Involving family and community in achieving outcomes Using the Local Offer

7 Aspiration I want to be friends with more people and in the future I would like a special friend or partner Outcome I will have a circle of friends and I will be going out with a friend once a week Steps1. Develop a communication passport so that everyone knows how I communicate and how to communicate with me 2. Recruit or identify a person to support a circle of friends What school or college will do Contribute to the communication passport

8 AspirationI want to work in an office OutcomeI will have had work experience in some offices Steps1. Employ a job coach 2. Job Coach to assist doing a vocational profile with input from college, family and support workers 3. Plan work experiences Educational targetsI will work with my tutor and job coach for one hour a week to talk about the things I enjoy and what’s not going so well at the moment

9 AspirationI want to live in a house with my friends after I leave college OutcomeI will Steps1. 2. 3. Educational targetsI will

10 Transfer to EHC plans - Must Do’s This Year All young people with statements leaving school in 2015 Young people who request an EHC assessment Young people who have a non-statutory plan Young people new to the system

11 In education law... what is a child? A child until you reach statutory school leaving age... what is a young person? A young person until you are 25 11

12 Basic Compliance with the Mental Capacity Act ‐ Assessments Any assessment about a person 16 years and over must refer to and follow the Mental Capacity Act (2005)

13 Finding out if someone has mental capacity – 4 things to check Are they able to: 1. Understand 2. Retain 3. Weigh up 4. Communicate the decision If any one of these 4 elements fail then the person is deemed to ‘lack capacity’ Unwise decisions do not always mean a lack of capacity!

14 Basic Compliance with the Mental Capacity Act ‐ Assessments All assessments must state if this person can make this particular decision or they lack the capacity to do so

15 Default position is that anyone over 18 can make their own decisions Use your professional judgement about whether the young person can make an informed decision Accept that young people can make some decisions but not all or always Always listen to what the young person says or wants even if others have to make the decision on their behalf Use different means to ensure they understand – signs, symbols, easy read text etc.

16 Activity: prompt questions 1.Why do parents choose ISPs for their young people? 2.How do you know that this is also the young person’s choice? 3.How would you make a best interests decision? 4.What might be the implications of not doing so?

17 more questions... 1.If local FE colleges can only make up to 3 days worth of provision, should you try to extend this to a five day package? 2.How are your special schools managing this within the same funding regime? 3.What are the main topic areas that you should consider in such programmes?

18 yet more questions... 1.What else would you add that is relevant to preparing for adulthood? 2.How do you know what is relevant for each young person? 3.What is different about assessing young people from what you might do with children?

19 Will these questions never end... 1.Are there any off-the-shelf packages available? 2.If not who should you involve in designing programmes? 3.What sort of partners do you need and where can you find them?

20 What else do you want to know? Is there anything else you want to consider?

21 Preparing for Adulthood – Contact Us Email: Web: FB: Twitter: @PfA_tweets@PfA_tweets Linda Jordan 07903205526

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