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? INTERNET WHAT, WHY, HOW. DEFINITION The Internet is a massive public spiderweb of computer connections. It connects personal computers, laptops, tablets,

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Presentation on theme: "? INTERNET WHAT, WHY, HOW. DEFINITION The Internet is a massive public spiderweb of computer connections. It connects personal computers, laptops, tablets,"— Presentation transcript:


2 DEFINITION The Internet is a massive public spiderweb of computer connections. It connects personal computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones, GPS units, etc

3 The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers.


5 WHAT INTERNET CAN DO FOR US Electronic Mail (E-mail): E-mail is an electronic message sent from one computer to another. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the internet. Telnet: Telnet allows internet users to access another computer linked to the internet. Internet Relay Chat (IRC): Internet Relay Chat is a real time internet based chat service, in which one can find ‘live’ participants from the world over. It is a multi user chat system that allows many people to communicate simultaneously across the Internet. World Wide Web (WWW): Information can be accessed on the internet through the World Wide Web. Web is a system of organizing, linking and providing access to related internet files, resources and services.

6 INTERNET (+) & (-) Inveractive discussion Create discussion groups, discuss with the group about the benefits and disadvantages of the internet. Then presented in class

7 INTERNET TERMS IP ADDRESS is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocolfor communication. ISP (internet Service Provider) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the internet. CLIENT FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the internet. SERVER Telnet allows internet users to access another computer linked to the internet. HTTP Internet Relay Chat is a real time internet based chat service, in which one can find ‘live’ participants from the world over. It is a multi user chat system that allows many people to communicate simultaneously across the Internet. World Wide Web (WWW): Information can be accessed on the internet through the World Wide Web. Web is a system of organizing, linking and providing access to related internet files, resources and services.

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