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Smart Phones, Social Media, & Your Kids Image Courtesy of: November 5 2014 Steve.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Phones, Social Media, & Your Kids Image Courtesy of: November 5 2014 Steve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Phones, Social Media, & Your Kids Image Courtesy of: November 5 2014 Steve Morrill

2 Purpose of Today Raise awareness but not paranoia What is Social Media? How your kids and you can be socially engineered? How can you protect yourself and your kids? How can you make good decisions?

3 1998 GoogleGoogle files for incorporation in California September 4, 1998. Hearings open between Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Justice as to whether Microsoft has a monopoly on the software market. Microsoft

4 Today’s Web Reality “Who needs the NSA when we have Social Media?” Bloomberg Businessweek April 8, 2011 Reputation Social Media is everywhere! You are the content! Searching the web for private information 1.25 billion 14 Internet Research –Google –Bing

5 So how does all this work? Why are Smart Phones GPS enabled? What do you use the internet for? Privacy / control What do you share online?

6 Installing Apps

7 Terms and Conditions Taken from TOS C. You will not create an account if you are under 13 years of age. D. You will not use Wattpad if you are a convicted sex offender. You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to User Submissions that are inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against

8 Youtube & Home Internet Safe Search Content filtering on tablets/iPads Top rated home internet filters – Filtering is pretty easily defeated

9 Game Services Minecraft STEAM Playstation Network XBOX Live

10 Facebook Stats 1.3 billion monthly active users in the 2nd qtr of 2014 300 million photos uploaded per day 83 million fake profiles


12 Kik Messenger

13 Instagram Owned by Facebook – purchased for $1billion All photos are public and searchable Photos are also GPS tagged by default You can turn that feature off – Instagram now also asks you Anonymous accounts – Cyber bullying

14 Instagram


16 SnapChat

17 it appears possible that "teenagers are more likely using the app to safely explore the sort of silly, unguarded, and sometimes unwise ideas that have always occupied the teenage brain... in a manner that won't haunt them forever. In other words, they're chatting with Snapchat precisely because it's not like chatting with Facebook."

18 Twitter What happens to a tweet? –Every public tweet, ever, since Twitter’s inception in March 2006, will be archived digitally at the Library of Congress. –As of Jan 7 2013 LOC has 170 billion tweets now available for research purposes. –LOC Press Release 4-15-10 REPUTATION


20 Reality Check Passwords College Recruitment Scholarships Damage to your reputation

21 Reality Check

22 Just for Fun

23 Reality Check

24 What can You do? Be aware of what you are sharing Know your applications Know your devices Have a “healthy skepticism” Educate Make good decisions about the information that you share If something isn’t right talk to an adult you trust

25 What can You do? Common Sense Media Resources K-5 Family Media Agreement 6-8 Family Media Agreement

26 Questions?

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