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So that you may believe… that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

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Presentation on theme: "So that you may believe… that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Adrian Todd -
So that you may believe… that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31 How has John gone about telling us this? Why does he leave it to the end to tell us? What someone does, tells us about them. Dr. Adrian Todd -

2 Dr. Adrian Todd -

3 Dr. Adrian Todd -
The structure of John’s Gospel Chapter 1: we will come to that in a minute Chapters 2-11 Jesus’ Ministry 7 signs 7+ “I AM” statements Chapters Holy Week, which really reveals who Jesus is Chapters The Resurrection John 20:30-31, just in case we have not understood it for ourselves Dr. Adrian Todd -

4 Dr. Adrian Todd -
The seven sign(post)s in John Changing water into wine John 2:1-11 Healing the Royal Official’s son in Capernaum John 4:46-54 Healing the paralytic in Bethsaida John 5:1-18 Feeding the 5000 John 6:5-14 Jesus' walks on water John 6:16-24 Healing the man born blind John 9:1-7 Raising of Lazarus John 11:1-45 Dr. Adrian Todd -

5 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Seven "I AM" Statements of Jesus I AM the bread of life John 6:35, 48 I AM the light of the world John 8:12 & 9:5 I AM the door John 10:7 I AM the good shepherd John 10:11-14 I AM the resurrection and the life John 11:25 I AM the way, the truth and the life John 14:6 I AM the true vine John 15:1, 5 Dr. Adrian Todd -

6 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Matching them up I AM the bread of life Feeding the 5000 I AM the light of the world Healing the man born blind I AM the door I AM the good shepherd I AM the resurrection and the life Raising of Lazarus I AM the way, the truth and the life Jesus' walks on water I AM the true vine Changing water into wine I cannot match up the two healings Dr. Adrian Todd -

7 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Chapter 1 This is the introduction to the whole Gospel The Gospel is about who Jesus is 1:1-5, a New Creation Story Jesus is the Word, the message about God (Heb 1) He is the agent of creation (Gen 1) He is Life (11:25, 14:6) and Light (8:12 & 9:5) Dr. Adrian Todd -

8 Dr. Adrian Todd -
More of Chapter 1 1:6-13, John the Baptist (not John the author) he came as a witness to who Jesus is Jesus is the one who adds to God’s people Jesus brings to birth (John 3) 1:14-18, More about the Word the only begotten (Son of God), ‘My Father’ 25 times in John He is the Eternal One (8:58) He explains/reveals the Father to us (14:7, 9) Dr. Adrian Todd -

9 Dr. Adrian Todd -
1:19-34 John the Baptists Ministry Four Quotes from John the Baptist “Make straight the way of the Lord” (14:6) “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World” (3:16, & the death & resurrection) “the One who baptises in the Holy Spirit” (14:16, Comforter, Helper, Paraclete) “The Son of God” (Messianic title) Dr. Adrian Todd -

10 Dr. Adrian Todd -
What a wonderful Saviour! Jesus character and role has an amazing breadth and depth. Chapter 1 draws us in to want to know more about Him. He invites us 1:39, “Come and you will see.” More next time in “Meet the Disciples” Dr. Adrian Todd -

11 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Meet the Disciples Come and see… Last time was the introduction John’s Gospel is all about who Jesus is (20:30) Chapter 1 introduces Jesus to us in many ways Word, Creator, Light, Life, Only Begotten, Son of God, Eternal One, Revealer, Explainer, the Way, the Lamb of God, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit… John then goes on to expound these descriptions using 7 signs and 7 “I AM”s Dr. Adrian Todd -

12 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Meeting the two disciples of John Andrew and Philip(?) They seek Jesus They come to Jesus They see (perceive) Jesus They stay (abide) with Jesus They follow Jesus They lead people to Jesus (bear witness) Are we? (Am I?) Dr. Adrian Todd -

13 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Calling Peter Andrew goes to find Simon You shall be called it is a calling rather than a naming he was not much of a rock, yet Jesus gives Peter a glimpse of a bigger vision What has Jesus called you (me) to become? Are we there yet? Dr. Adrian Todd -

14 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Nathanael and Philip Nathanael: gift of God is identified with Bartholomew son of the furrows (a ploughman/farmer?) Tradition has it that he and Jude went to Armenia We learn later (21:2) that Nathanael is from Cana. Cana is just up the road from Nazareth. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Dr. Adrian Todd -

15 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Jesus and Nathanael An Israelite in whom there is no deceit Israel (Prevails with God) was Jacob (the deceiver) What was Nathanael doing there? What was Nathanael doing under a fig tree? Fig tree as a symbol of the political life of Israel Fig tree as something to hide behind Nathanael’s vision is limited “King of Israel” John 3:16 God loved the whole world Dr. Adrian Todd -

16 Dr. Adrian Todd -
Angels ascending and descending Another allusion to Jacob (Bethel - Gen 28) The place where heaven and earth are connected Jesus is the One who connects heaven and earth hints; the shepherds, Gethsemane, empty tomb Chapter 2: the wedding at Cana the first sign of God connecting with the earth as we stay close to Jesus we are where heaven and earth connect perhaps even that we “prevail with God” Dr. Adrian Todd -

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